They are actually much cheaper then I'd assumed. I thought they'd be $30k plus, but this one is $21k.
jim - 02/26/08 16:08 It's sort of within my budget if I buy it with a 5 year payment plan. I was looking at used Mini Coopers and they are all barely less expensive then new, so it seems like getting a new one would be the way to go.
mrmike - 02/26/08 15:43 They actually BMW's. BMW makes em. I still want one. Too bad my budget set Neon or something bland like that. Minis are awesome and I can actually fit in.
But if you REALLY want a tiny car with good gas milage, find yourself a used Geo metro. I had one, and I loved it.
jim - 02/25/08 21:10 Thanks :) I have to figure out how to drive manual LOL.
jenks - 02/25/08 21:09 p.s. the guys at the local dealer (Towne) are really nice. I always go for test drives. They let you go out ALONE, and they have a little map of a 'fun' route for you to take.
And fwiw- mine (an '03 "S" with ALL the options except their nav system) was about 25K when I bought it new. My brother bought the EXACT same car ('03 S with all the same options) used, in '06, and it was about 23K. Point: they keep their value really well.
The new ones are cool too. Push button start, bluetooth, blah blah. And the mileage is even better.
jim - 02/25/08 20:09 I am liking it more and more as I read about it. The engine automatically turns off when you are stopped, and then turns back on again when you touch the gas. 37 mpg hwy / 28 mpg city. It's mostly highway between my house and my new work. So it's a peppy little car that's not horrendous on fuel efficiency, and costs only a couple thousand more then the Scion I was looking at.
paul - 02/25/08 19:55 Jenks has one and it is so cute.
jim - 02/25/08 19:28 I just want a tiny car with good gas mileage.
02/24/2008 17:13 #43450
Have to Buy a Car Category: transportation
This is the car that I'd like to get. I know, I know, everyone seems to hate Scions but I like them.
Not that I'll get one, I'll probably just buy an old used Jetta or Camry or Civic or whatever... Need to start hauling my ass out to Amherst for work every day.
dcoffee - 02/25/08 21:14 I like them a lot. Roomy, efficient use of space, easy to park.
metalpeter - 02/25/08 17:09 The thing about that car that I think is that they made for the young kids in college and they (form what I have heard maybe just there marketing) and very costumizable and that is the point of them so you can have the features and color or skins they might even call them there is a really cool one that I think I may have posted a picture of that is very boxy but is covered in white lightning and blue sky on Brynt St.
museumchick - 02/25/08 10:35 That is a really nice looking car.
drew - 02/24/08 21:02 I like Scions, because they are made be Toyota, but I am liking them less because they are getting bigger and tend to be all about image.
Have you seen the Toyota Yaris? It's my new favorite.
02/21/2008 15:15 #43418
New Job Category: work
Just got the offer, accepted it. Looks like it's all a go. Thanks for the well-wishes everyone!
Now I'm off to go home and curl up in bed sick. Yuck.
_X_ They Called Me
_X_ They Like Me
_X_ Resume Sent
_X_ Glowing recommendation from Tony
_X_ Iron Shirt
_X_ Pick Out Tie
___ Achieve Sense of Calm and Readiness
_X_ Attend Interview
_X_ Negotiate Salary
_X_ Wait
_X_ Job Offer
_X_ Job Accepted
carolinian - 02/22/08 10:20 Atta Boy! Polish those Rubies.
fellyconnelly - 02/22/08 09:47 a) congratulations!!! like woaaah!
b) i had to read your last comment twice before i realized that was what you actually said.
jim - 02/21/08 22:05 I'm lying on the couch with the Mac roasting my nuts. Yes.
_X_ They Called Me
_X_ They Like Me
_X_ Resume Sent
_X_ Glowing recommendation from Tony
_X_ Iron Shirt
_X_ Pick Out Tie
___ Achieve Sense of Calm and Readiness
___ Attend Interview
___ Negotiate Salary
___ Wait
___ Job Offer
___ Job Accepted
mrdeadlier - 02/19/08 22:50 _X_ Get called a "jack hole"
That's another off my list!
paul - 02/19/08 22:01 Good luck, we will miss you at Roswell.
james - 02/19/08 17:44 Jim, your current boss is a manipulative jack hole. You need to take that stapler of yours he keeps stealing and tell him where to.... OH THAT'S Mr.Deadlier.
mrmike - 02/19/08 15:59 ___Tell current boss where exactly to get off
joshua - 02/19/08 15:52 Look in the mirror and say, "Dude you're SO money!"
Good luck. =D
02/18/2008 15:09 #43381
Best Rant, Ever? Category: video
james - 02/18/08 18:52 I played bass in high school orchestra so I feel your pain (e:lauren).
But I think this guy was a little light on the hate. This song deserves so much more scorn. People should get so angry listening to it that dogs walk upright, the unborn die, milk curdles, and one eyed old women foretell the coming of Satan.
lauren - 02/18/08 15:30 Oh. My. God. And I thought it couldn't get any better than totally gay for america.
This was perfect from the beginning (I played bass clarinet and we NEVER got to play melodies!) all the way till the fabulous ending...usually I get bored and turn things off but I watched this all the way through and was even laughing, out loud!
It's sort of within my budget if I buy it with a 5 year payment plan. I was looking at used Mini Coopers and they are all barely less expensive then new, so it seems like getting a new one would be the way to go.
They actually BMW's. BMW makes em. I still want one. Too bad my budget set Neon or something bland like that. Minis are awesome and I can actually fit in.
I want one.
But if you REALLY want a tiny car with good gas milage, find yourself a used Geo metro. I had one, and I loved it.
Thanks :) I have to figure out how to drive manual LOL.
p.s. the guys at the local dealer (Towne) are really nice. I always go for test drives. They let you go out ALONE, and they have a little map of a 'fun' route for you to take.
do it do it do it!
It's actually more or less a baby BMW.
And fwiw- mine (an '03 "S" with ALL the options except their nav system) was about 25K when I bought it new. My brother bought the EXACT same car ('03 S with all the same options) used, in '06, and it was about 23K. Point: they keep their value really well.
The new ones are cool too. Push button start, bluetooth, blah blah. And the mileage is even better.
I am liking it more and more as I read about it. The engine automatically turns off when you are stopped, and then turns back on again when you touch the gas. 37 mpg hwy / 28 mpg city. It's mostly highway between my house and my new work. So it's a peppy little car that's not horrendous on fuel efficiency, and costs only a couple thousand more then the Scion I was looking at.
Jenks has one and it is so cute.
I just want a tiny car with good gas mileage.