Jim's Journal
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02/15/2008 13:10 #43346
Cutest YouTube Video Ever?Category: video
02/14/2008 11:56 #43324
e:strip Dinner Changes! Saturday 7pmCategory: estrip
Instead of meeting at Casa di Pizza, please meet at 24 Linwood. We'll be ordering pizza and eating it there, I could not find anywhere to get reservations for 16 people on a Saturday.
This Saturday, 7pm, February 16th. 24 Linwood
Sorry for the late notice of the change!

This Saturday, 7pm, February 16th. 24 Linwood
Sorry for the late notice of the change!

zobar - 02/16/08 17:57
+2 on the dinner. Send me a post-it if you need us to pick anything up on our way.
- Z
+2 on the dinner. Send me a post-it if you need us to pick anything up on our way.
- Z
jim - 02/16/08 15:50
Yeah, no need for reservations!
Yeah, no need for reservations!
vincent - 02/16/08 15:49
Do you guys still have room for one more?
Do you guys still have room for one more?
metalpeter - 02/16/08 12:37
I Can't make it. But I hope everyone there has a great time.
I Can't make it. But I hope everyone there has a great time.
fellyconnelly - 02/16/08 07:51
i may be a bit late but we will be there!
i may be a bit late but we will be there!
imk2 - 02/14/08 16:59
oh, well then, if it's at pmt's then i'm coming. i'm bringing faben too. she asked me when can we go to paul's house again.
oh, well then, if it's at pmt's then i'm coming. i'm bringing faben too. she asked me when can we go to paul's house again.
jim - 02/14/08 13:15
mrmike - 02/14/08 12:09
Should we bring some communal beer and whatnot?
Should we bring some communal beer and whatnot?
02/12/2008 18:29 #43304
A Sign From AboveWhat do you have to say about this, Pat Robertson?

fellyconnelly - 02/14/08 09:56
haha drew!
haha drew!
drew - 02/13/08 10:33
It's pretty clear that some liberal photographer cropped out the rainbow-painted plane that was flying overhead that Jesus was smiting.
It's pretty clear that some liberal photographer cropped out the rainbow-painted plane that was flying overhead that Jesus was smiting.
enknot - 02/13/08 06:43
mrdeadlier - 02/12/08 22:37
God pays no mind to man-made monuments... Even graven images. :)
That said, Pat Robertson is a loon.
God pays no mind to man-made monuments... Even graven images. :)
That said, Pat Robertson is a loon.
02/12/2008 13:43 #43299
hmmm...Everyone seems to think that I have the same face all the time.
What do you think?

As bad as this?

Or... this?!

What do you think?

As bad as this?

Or... this?!

megan - 02/12/08 20:03
Eep. When you put it that way, I think it's true. Everyone has their camera face though (unless they're drunk. You never know what comes out then).
Eep. When you put it that way, I think it's true. Everyone has their camera face though (unless they're drunk. You never know what comes out then).
jason - 02/12/08 16:44
Mix in a fuckin smile, man! =)
Mix in a fuckin smile, man! =)
drew - 02/12/08 15:59
mrmike - 02/12/08 14:08
Loved your post jail/Letterman face on the bottom
Loved your post jail/Letterman face on the bottom
james - 02/12/08 13:58
My eyes hurt
My eyes hurt
Totally jealous.
okay you win! definetely the cutesT!
Your're just jealous of their outfit, lol.
Kid has some good taste!
Yes, you are correct. Cutest YouTube Video ever.
yeah, it might be.