Sitting in the 200 level does open you up to many things that the regular folk do not experience. The magic of cable television.

Instead of waiting in traffic we decided to check out what Artvoice has been screaming about at the Buffalo Creek Casino.

It is scary that I could breath better given the smoking situation in the Old Pink than I could in that place. All I can say is that everything that they said about the place is true and I'll leave it at that for now.
Afterwards before I droped him off we stopped by Essex St and I basically ran into a Lewiston reunion. Low and behold I ran into an old friend of mine that is now bar tending there on Saturday nights J*. Running into that guy is like uncovering an old journal that you kept hidden or "friends only" for LJ people. It didn't hurt that 2 other people from L-ton.
Driving home was actually an interesting experience. There is nothing like feeling as if you are traveling through some inter dimensional warp. Not noticing where you are because of the blinding snow and having time vertigo due to not being where you should be given the amount of time you have been traveling in the car. It was just fortunate that the back roads were empty since the name of the game is avoiding the bad winter drivers.
Glad you two had a good time. I have been to the 200 section once for a game and it is amazing. Like you showed that is where they do the intermisson report from. They have that huge place you can eat and watch the game from. If I understand it correctly there is someway you can order food and they will bring it to your seat, but not sure about that. If memory serves correctly those are also the most expsensive (tied maybe) seats in the place The game looked great on TV I just wish Miller could have held the shut out. Sounds like you both had a good time, I will say that it is strange to kinda have a youngstown reuinon at Essex (been there once, long time ago for about a drink maybe).
Your last paragraph reminds me of that classic X-files episode when they loose time in the car and everything goes b&w and blurry for some seconds.
(e:carolinian) and you look like siblings - what with the winter gear and everything!!!
yeah the snow got crazy out the other night. It was veyr like out of nowhere!