My next stop was the Bratford OLG Casino outside of Hamilton. It was the first time ever being there and I must say it was pretty descent. Really it was just nice but not elegant and the staff & other players were a bit laid back as opposed to Niagara Falls Ontario casino's where they are extremely anal with everything they do. I ended up losing some cash waitiing for a seat to open on on Poker and then played a pretty solid game of 2-5 Limit. A game that is pretty much extinct in Niagara Falls as most young bucks want to wear expensive designer sunglasses and warm up suits & play No Limit. I just don't feel like betting 300 a hand, I can last all day and lose it slowly thank you very much.
So I ended stopping back in Hamilton to grab a slice of peppeoni & munch on other stuff inside a Pizza Pizza on Upper James. It was a slice, drink, chips & aero bar combo for $5. Then it dawned on my, Aero bars are not for sale in the USA.

Next I decided to be a bit nostalgic and drive by my late Grandparents house. It's in the neighborhood of the original Tim Hortons. So as a public serivce to all that are addicts of their coffee I bring you thing. The Canadian version of Springfield Illinois, if you are looking at it from an iconic food & beverage standpoint a la McDonald's

forever night! haha. we used to play a drinking game to that show. you know, drink everytime they said 'vampire'.