Those two links should illustrate what Rupert is really after. From what I saw today basically it is totally dummed down news given by "hot chicks." They have taken it to the lowest common denominator. Everything they have done so far is to "talk down" to the viewer. When I was 18 I was challenged to figure out what they were talking about and move my level up to theirs not to hope they lower themselves to mine.
I'm sure if Rupert could have those chicks appear topless like page 3 in those tabloids he'd do it in a heartbeat. So in that sense it's ironic that a conservative media outlet puts first and foremost "hot chicks;" What kind of family values is that trying to portray?
CNBC has the High Net Worth individuals and for the time being I don't see them going astray except for some eye Candy. The problem is what are they going to do when Murdock takes the Wall Street Journal the bible of American business to the Junior College Level from the current MBA level that is written? What will the professors make their students read for class projects at that point? That is what is really going to cause the next business downturn, bad business journalism NOT SubPrime Credit Crunches...
Oh, I should give full disclosure I'd take Alexis over Erin any day!
Fuck, his plan is working already ;-)
I'm with Josh on this one. Fox will be fine. For all the reasons he stated plus perhaps the most important one of all, monetary backing. A new network of any kind has one big need and that be money: startup costs, etc as well the lean times to get you through before advertising dollars truly kick in. Uncle Rupert should be able to keep this from being an issue.
Actually I think FBC will be very successful.
The strategy behind the launch of FBC was to focuse more on a "Main St." approach rather than a "Wall St." approach to things. This to me is a completely ignored marketplace for viewers. People who are interested in economics and investments typically are among the class that can afford to bother. Trying to gain viewers by taking a more common approach is a winning formula in my eyes, but of course all of that remains to be seen.
The hot chick formula for news is old. Like my brother stated, this is a well worn tactic to try to gain viewership for news programming. Gotta give it to PBS though - they've always had thoroughly ugly people do their news for generations!
Of course this journal entry was primarily written to try to rip Fox and Rupert Murdoch, so the discussion of the channel was secondary anyway. I'm amused at the anti-FNC contingent that thinks their news sources are white as snow. I could go on and on about the hypocritical nature of that position, much of which is willingly ignored. I have to say, this is too cliche to bother writing about.
If you turn to CNN, or for that matter most networks and their spinoff channels, you will see plenty of gorgeous women too, the most famous one of all being Robin Meade. The media people I know worship her. She gets fluff pieces in trade mags. Rupert is far from being a pioneer here.
Now, most people aren't going to do what you did, and learn everything they can about the markets. They have their professional handle it, if they have any investments at all. The cynical part of me thinks the programming that exists today is made to reinforce the barrier between the "investment" class and us regular folks.
Happy Birthday!