I was just talking to my friend Bill last night when he told me about an accident in Youngstown. Then he said Oh, it's someone you know that graduated around when we did. He gave me some other info that just left me shaking me head. Then I checked the obituary section this morning to read this
Needless to say I hate living stuff over again every time I hear about something along these lines.
I remember going to parties at my friend Wally's during high school. She lived with her Mom next door in this old mansion that was divided into a duplex. Once in a while Walter would sneak on over there with her boyfriend at the time and would have just insane times.
Once in a while I would see her or some ex-boyfriends around town but nothing of real substance. What really is making me think is what was her state of mind the last couple of years. One can get totally sucked into this alternative dimension that is Lew-Port even if they have other things going on with their life.
I just hope it was a just a bad luck wrong place wrong time accident. Having experience in what goes on behind closed doors and the warped perspective people have that are natives down here my mind is just racing. I can let myself get really sad if I let my imagination run wild.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Doyle family.
I haven't been to the CNE in a long time. Not sure if they still do it but it used to be if you went to that other place that's name I can't remember you got into the other one free,or vice versa. Thanks for posting the pictures.
the ex... i haven't been in eons, it feels like. without those annoying jingles on every radio station and tv station demanding "let's go to the ex" how was i supposed to remember it?!?!
and a dog show?!
I need to go faint now...