After finishing up I ended up going out for a bit with my friend Pat. I've been friends with him for almost 4 years. It was Livejournal that was the mechanism for us getting together. The occasion for going out last night was he's moving to San Fran Monday in search of a better animation job and to escape the coming winter. He's going to do alright out there as he traded for a "Grandpa" van to make the move out there with all of his stuff on Craigslist.
We ended up stopping by the I <3 the 90's dance party at the Icon's last night (although the address was the Icon in a prior incarnation in the 1990's) We ended up meeting this guy from London Ontario who was in town for a speed metal show at Showplace. Supposedly he works for Labatt's and was fascinated with American beer as he was drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon all night. He asked if I could tell him of a bar that served Michelob since he collects bottles and was looking for one. All I could tell him was that most places on the Chip Strip serve Mich Amber, Light or Ultra and not the regular Michelob. Needless to say it was quite interesting and I hope that his new relationship with some chick he met at the show works out. London to Buffalo is a 2 hour drive.
So after heading there we stopped at the Pink for a quick one. This is why I love the pink. I'm in there and I hear this song, I know all of the words. It turns out the DJ is playing Adorable's "Homeboy" from 1992!!! They're probably one of the best "showgaze" bands of all time and I haven't heard them in at least 7 years or so. It was ALMOST better than sex, ha ha!
We then ended up calling it a night early and went to Town for Pat's last restaurant meal in Buffalo. As the pic is taken outside.

That's me on the left and my friend Pat on the right.
I have never hooked up with anyone at the pink, But that being said I have never gone there either.
i have yet to experience the pink. but the stories i hear about it are so grand i wonder why i haven't made it there yet..
haha i love your thoughts on the pink. what a mess it is on saturdays. i have most def never hooked uped with someone i met at the pink
You're not the only person. I too share the dishonor of never having hooked up at the Pink.