This Sabres west coast road trip is making me think of the days when I was a bum. Back then in '98-01 I had NHL Center ice and was up at this hour regularly. Catching the L.A. Kings games was something I got sucked into for some strange reason.
Although looking back I can say it may have been the ease of living off of my parents grief. Although being a semi nihilist that experience didn't bring too much joy in and of its self at the time. The one aspect I loved was the more laid back announcers on Fox Sports West and the different commercials. Just watching a Carl's Jr. ad brought some strange joy to me. Just worrying about what game I was betting on and other weird stuff was all I worried about. The scary part is that back then I totally gave up on women. I had 0, zilch, nada or at least prospects for getting any.
Looking back I would just shake my self if I had a time machine. Especially now that I'm so much older and can actually find someone to at least hang and maybe more with ease. Oh, how things change.
The sad part is now the way scheduling is done Northeastern teams may not get out to the west coast for another 6 years. So unless a game is on Versus, which just isn't the same I will have to wait a while for some mid week late night hockey. That is unless I feel ike throwing away a few hundred bucks for the NHL Center Ice package.
Why watching the Sabres play the Ducks and Kings the last couple days brought all of this back to me? I don't know...
Vincent's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/07/2007 01:26 #42421
late night hockeyCategory: television
12/04/2007 20:43 #42394
Making a StandCategory: legal
Holy F'n S**t!
Is all I can say after getting out of Lewiston Town Court tonight.
Got pulled over by a trooper in December on the way to work. He seemed like a smug new cop but didn't think much of it. Then as I go tonight for "trial" he offers me a "deal" that would only give me 2 points! Yea, well at this point I'm almost about to ask for counsel but I decide to take my chances with the judge. As he was asking me about what I was going to plead to a faliure to use 4 way flashers I played the "not understanding the consequences of the plea deal thing." Then the judge looks up that section and realized that it is now how they do business in the town. Body language tilts back and then he gives a, "let me see if I can do this for you..." thing. I then get offered the usual parking ticket & school deal like everyone else got throught the night. SOLD! or more like "Guilty, Your Honor"
Standing up to a Trooper in court was a Freaking scary experience as I was pretty much shaking though out the whole thing. The guy looked like he wanted to kick my ass for sort of making him look like a overzealous storm trooper. If I was going to pay up the nose for insurance I would have been better off going with a lawyer at that point. But I got the typical Lewiston deal which is all I wanted and for once I actually came though in a "Balls Check."
The funny thing is that there was this older teenager behind me with her Mom. She was just like take it and pay without putting up a stink. Yea, I just love this town where people just build McMansions and pay whatever bill comes in the mail without ever scrutinizing it.
In the end I was just reminded of my true self always being extremely skeptical of authority. Plus I have realized from my new job that just because someone has a position of authority doesn't necessarily guarantee they know what the F they are doing. I guess he learned how things work in regards to traffic violations in the town of Lewiston anyway; Since I guess he was following some crazy State guideline/procedure to raise more $ for them and not for the Town.
Moral of the story: Don't get pulled over by a State Trooper on a State Road. There are some guys that want to throw the book @ you to get all that money you are going to pay directed to Albany instead of your local municipality .
Is all I can say after getting out of Lewiston Town Court tonight.
Got pulled over by a trooper in December on the way to work. He seemed like a smug new cop but didn't think much of it. Then as I go tonight for "trial" he offers me a "deal" that would only give me 2 points! Yea, well at this point I'm almost about to ask for counsel but I decide to take my chances with the judge. As he was asking me about what I was going to plead to a faliure to use 4 way flashers I played the "not understanding the consequences of the plea deal thing." Then the judge looks up that section and realized that it is now how they do business in the town. Body language tilts back and then he gives a, "let me see if I can do this for you..." thing. I then get offered the usual parking ticket & school deal like everyone else got throught the night. SOLD! or more like "Guilty, Your Honor"
Standing up to a Trooper in court was a Freaking scary experience as I was pretty much shaking though out the whole thing. The guy looked like he wanted to kick my ass for sort of making him look like a overzealous storm trooper. If I was going to pay up the nose for insurance I would have been better off going with a lawyer at that point. But I got the typical Lewiston deal which is all I wanted and for once I actually came though in a "Balls Check."
The funny thing is that there was this older teenager behind me with her Mom. She was just like take it and pay without putting up a stink. Yea, I just love this town where people just build McMansions and pay whatever bill comes in the mail without ever scrutinizing it.
In the end I was just reminded of my true self always being extremely skeptical of authority. Plus I have realized from my new job that just because someone has a position of authority doesn't necessarily guarantee they know what the F they are doing. I guess he learned how things work in regards to traffic violations in the town of Lewiston anyway; Since I guess he was following some crazy State guideline/procedure to raise more $ for them and not for the Town.
Moral of the story: Don't get pulled over by a State Trooper on a State Road. There are some guys that want to throw the book @ you to get all that money you are going to pay directed to Albany instead of your local municipality .
12/02/2007 23:15 #42374
Saturday SabresCategory: going out
(e:carolinian) and I went out on Saturday to the Sabres game. Obviously we have to give him credit for showing up @ HSBC in his Red & Black.

Sitting in the 200 level does open you up to many things that the regular folk do not experience. The magic of cable television.

Instead of waiting in traffic we decided to check out what Artvoice has been screaming about at the Buffalo Creek Casino.

It is scary that I could breath better given the smoking situation in the Old Pink than I could in that place. All I can say is that everything that they said about the place is true and I'll leave it at that for now.
Afterwards before I droped him off we stopped by Essex St and I basically ran into a Lewiston reunion. Low and behold I ran into an old friend of mine that is now bar tending there on Saturday nights J*. Running into that guy is like uncovering an old journal that you kept hidden or "friends only" for LJ people. It didn't hurt that 2 other people from L-ton.
Driving home was actually an interesting experience. There is nothing like feeling as if you are traveling through some inter dimensional warp. Not noticing where you are because of the blinding snow and having time vertigo due to not being where you should be given the amount of time you have been traveling in the car. It was just fortunate that the back roads were empty since the name of the game is avoiding the bad winter drivers.

Sitting in the 200 level does open you up to many things that the regular folk do not experience. The magic of cable television.

Instead of waiting in traffic we decided to check out what Artvoice has been screaming about at the Buffalo Creek Casino.

It is scary that I could breath better given the smoking situation in the Old Pink than I could in that place. All I can say is that everything that they said about the place is true and I'll leave it at that for now.
Afterwards before I droped him off we stopped by Essex St and I basically ran into a Lewiston reunion. Low and behold I ran into an old friend of mine that is now bar tending there on Saturday nights J*. Running into that guy is like uncovering an old journal that you kept hidden or "friends only" for LJ people. It didn't hurt that 2 other people from L-ton.
Driving home was actually an interesting experience. There is nothing like feeling as if you are traveling through some inter dimensional warp. Not noticing where you are because of the blinding snow and having time vertigo due to not being where you should be given the amount of time you have been traveling in the car. It was just fortunate that the back roads were empty since the name of the game is avoiding the bad winter drivers.
metalpeter - 12/03/07 17:10
Glad you two had a good time. I have been to the 200 section once for a game and it is amazing. Like you showed that is where they do the intermisson report from. They have that huge place you can eat and watch the game from. If I understand it correctly there is someway you can order food and they will bring it to your seat, but not sure about that. If memory serves correctly those are also the most expsensive (tied maybe) seats in the place The game looked great on TV I just wish Miller could have held the shut out. Sounds like you both had a good time, I will say that it is strange to kinda have a youngstown reuinon at Essex (been there once, long time ago for about a drink maybe).
Glad you two had a good time. I have been to the 200 section once for a game and it is amazing. Like you showed that is where they do the intermisson report from. They have that huge place you can eat and watch the game from. If I understand it correctly there is someway you can order food and they will bring it to your seat, but not sure about that. If memory serves correctly those are also the most expsensive (tied maybe) seats in the place The game looked great on TV I just wish Miller could have held the shut out. Sounds like you both had a good time, I will say that it is strange to kinda have a youngstown reuinon at Essex (been there once, long time ago for about a drink maybe).
tinypliny - 12/03/07 01:52
Your last paragraph reminds me of that classic X-files episode when they loose time in the car and everything goes b&w and blurry for some seconds.
(e:carolinian) and you look like siblings - what with the winter gear and everything!!!
Your last paragraph reminds me of that classic X-files episode when they loose time in the car and everything goes b&w and blurry for some seconds.
(e:carolinian) and you look like siblings - what with the winter gear and everything!!!
mike - 12/03/07 00:44
yeah the snow got crazy out the other night. It was veyr like out of nowhere!
yeah the snow got crazy out the other night. It was veyr like out of nowhere!
11/30/2007 22:00 #42348
a tribute to RadioheadCategory: going out
If anyone is bored I'll be @ Broadway Joe's catching The Karma Police. It's been almost a year since I have caught one of their shows and supposedly they learned some new material off of the "free" album they just released.
11/29/2007 23:09 #42335
Random StuffCategory: potpouri
Narrator: "On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." Yea the 90's are an ancient memory, what's next Jennifer Aniston going Grey like Anderson Cooper? 
I almost want to cry.
This article made me laugh my ass off. :-D
Yes you can get really "Fucked Up" in Niagara Falls Ontario Canada. You need to have some sense of equilibrium. Then I guess these kids that go to UB never had to anything to prepare them from wherever they grew up. Then again we didn't have Eastern Euros selling themselves when I was a teenager. Although I never have participated in such an exchange of commerce, knowing the going market rate they are getting a bargain compared to Las Vegas.

I almost want to cry.
This article made me laugh my ass off. :-D

metalpeter - 11/30/07 17:18
In terms of JLH I still think she is cute. I'm guessing what caused the weight is that she doesn't need to stay in shape since she hasn't been in a movie anyone has heard of in a long time, I allways thought she had great huge lovely breasts and it looks like with the added weight they got even bigger, some one please give her a movie she can still act.
That story about the falls was interesting, and it makes a lot of good points. It also shows how college kids need to learn to control there drinking. I admit it is easy to over do it, it happens to me. I have a drink and I feel fine and then I have one too many and the food comes up with it. If I was at a strip club I don't know as I could get a BJ. Yeah it sounds hot and I'm sure sompared to other places it might be a good price, but with a condom and if you where planning on doing other things if you were not prepaired that could take a big chunk out of the fun you planed on having. But if was planned for it might be a lot of fun. The thing I wonder about that the article doesn't meantion is what was the girl willing to bet on the 3 song thing and what would happen based on who was right.
In terms of JLH I still think she is cute. I'm guessing what caused the weight is that she doesn't need to stay in shape since she hasn't been in a movie anyone has heard of in a long time, I allways thought she had great huge lovely breasts and it looks like with the added weight they got even bigger, some one please give her a movie she can still act.
That story about the falls was interesting, and it makes a lot of good points. It also shows how college kids need to learn to control there drinking. I admit it is easy to over do it, it happens to me. I have a drink and I feel fine and then I have one too many and the food comes up with it. If I was at a strip club I don't know as I could get a BJ. Yeah it sounds hot and I'm sure sompared to other places it might be a good price, but with a condom and if you where planning on doing other things if you were not prepaired that could take a big chunk out of the fun you planed on having. But if was planned for it might be a lot of fun. The thing I wonder about that the article doesn't meantion is what was the girl willing to bet on the 3 song thing and what would happen based on who was right.
fellyconnelly - 11/30/07 09:46
yes but anderson cooper is a sexy silver surfer!
yes but anderson cooper is a sexy silver surfer!
leetee - 11/30/07 00:46
Persomally, i think JLH looks better with a bit of junk in her trunk. She was too bony before. She needs a bit of meat. Besides, that is what real women actually look like... that airbrush shit has got to go.
Persomally, i think JLH looks better with a bit of junk in her trunk. She was too bony before. She needs a bit of meat. Besides, that is what real women actually look like... that airbrush shit has got to go.
I kinda miss having Center Ice, but I can't really justify paying for digital cable in order to be able to get it.
(e:carolinian) that is an example of why so many people from Buffalo and other places couldn't stand when the caines won it all. I'm not picking on you so don't take it that way, I know you really do have a lot of exspenses. But when they where on that championship run there where lots of empty seats during the playoffs. It was like it was the sport people would go to if there was no Basketball or NASCAR to go to and they had nothing else to do. That being said I think some city in one or both Carolinas should get an Indoor Lacrosse team. I never got center ice myself cause it wouldn't be worth it since I can see all the sabres games and I don't even get to see all of them, but if I lived out of town I might get it. Sometimes at the midway point or towards the end of the year they have a special on it for the end of the year or even a playoff special. At that point if the team you like is doing good then that might be a time to think about it.
(e:vincent) at least you have been seeing the games I have not been able to stay awake for any of them. I do kinda get what you mean about the different ads sometimes seeing different ones on a Chanel from Canada can be cool. In terms of looking back at the Kings, there is nothing wrong with that. I don't have a time frame but there was a time when a lot of people liked them but didn't watch them. That would be when they Got "The Great One" and changed the uniforms and took on the Raiders Black and Silver look those where some preaty bad ass uniforms. Berry Melrose was a king and not a guy who when you see him talking hockey you go why isn't he coaching anymore he sounds like he knows a lot more then the other guys on this panal. I did go to a kings game a couple years ago when they came to Buffalo and an oilers game also I think I also saw the rangers that year yes that would be correct I saw 3 of the 4 teams the great one was on maybe it wasn't the rangers maybe it was the blues who I did see this year I can't remember for some reason. I think it is good for the league to have east and west coast teams play each other. It gives people a reason to go to a game. If you live in LA when will you get to see the sabres again, so it gives you a reason to go. Maybe I'll get to see there next game out west but I'm not holding my breath.
I haven't looked into it, but it would rock (at least for me) if there was some sort of pay-per-view option that would let me pay $3-5 to watch a single Hurricanes game every now and then. As I'll be already be squeezed spending tons of $$$ for baby stuff, I can't really justify spending several hundred dollars for a larger cable bill.