It looks like Chris Collins has won the county executive race. I voted for him but don't love him. I guess we'll see how it all turns out. It can't get worse than Giambra right?
Mike's Journal
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11/06/2007 23:03 #42018
The Votes Are In11/05/2007 22:26 #41992
Yup I really didYup ,I realy did fail my organic chem test! like number wise it was a failure and unfortunately the class grades in general don't seem that low. Oh well,,, so much for that.
11/03/2007 12:14 #41956
Not Goin' CryOk i used that title instead of I LOVE MARY J. BLIGE cuz i thought it would make you read it. I just wanted to state how much I love Mary J. I heard her last night and remebered how great she is. I have loved her isnce Not Goin' Cry from waiting to exhale was like mine and my friends theme song for her virtual affair with our teacher in middle school (ok it was purely fictional affair but still). And i have loved everything she has done ever since. Seriously none of her songs ever let me down. She is powerful and amazing and entertaining. And she has been through a lot but now she is in a better place than ever!She was one of the first cd's i ever owned! I HEART HER HARDCORE!

museumchick - 11/05/07 10:07
I love MJB. She's one of my favorite singers!
I love MJB. She's one of my favorite singers!
lilho - 11/03/07 19:57
ok, did you read my mind? her new and song and video freakin rock!
ok, did you read my mind? her new and song and video freakin rock!
flacidness - 11/03/07 16:42
I DIG! I Heart her to Mike so your not alone there babe. Have you heard her new jam???
I DIG! I Heart her to Mike so your not alone there babe. Have you heard her new jam???
11/02/2007 12:02 #41940
One Last Post About SchoolOk it probably won't be my last, but my last today, (probably?). Now that I tihnk I may not want to be a pharmacist it is really hard to care about this test today. Like organic chem will never matter in any other world. But what if tomrorow I decide I want to again and then I failed the test, then I am screwed. I have been studying pretty much all my free time tihs week (by studying i mean reading th ehcapters and doing the probelms that I have avoided doing since the last test) so really i am spedning a lot of time but not really getting a lot out of it. There is a very real reality that I may fail this test today and i kinda don't care right now, excpet i havce already put in so muhc time, ugh i wish i didn't find out i couldn't get in to pharmacy shcool until next week so i could care mor eabou this test
lizabeth - 11/02/07 22:46
You know, that is O-chem for you, though - you'll think you failed the test when you find you got a 45... and then you'll find out the class average is a 40. Seriously.
Anyway, I hope you did well on the test. And I hope we both figure out (soon!) what we want to be when we grow up. :)
You know, that is O-chem for you, though - you'll think you failed the test when you find you got a 45... and then you'll find out the class average is a 40. Seriously.
Anyway, I hope you did well on the test. And I hope we both figure out (soon!) what we want to be when we grow up. :)
museumchick - 11/02/07 12:14
I hope the test goes well, even though it's pretty boring. I'm sorry about the crap UB is giving you- it seems pretty unfair.
I hope the test goes well, even though it's pretty boring. I'm sorry about the crap UB is giving you- it seems pretty unfair.
joshua - 11/02/07 12:12
Yeah, you have to go full bore until you decide for sure. Don't screw yourself.
Yeah, you have to go full bore until you decide for sure. Don't screw yourself.
mk - 11/02/07 12:07
haha I had to read that twice before I truly understood what you meant.
have you ever actually failed a test? i mean i think since like sophomore year of high school you have always had tests or papers that you were sure you were going to fail etc but i don't remember you ever actually failing. my point is is that even if you don't care you will probably do fine because you remember everything. will this one test really decide it all?
haha I had to read that twice before I truly understood what you meant.
have you ever actually failed a test? i mean i think since like sophomore year of high school you have always had tests or papers that you were sure you were going to fail etc but i don't remember you ever actually failing. my point is is that even if you don't care you will probably do fine because you remember everything. will this one test really decide it all?
10/31/2007 23:31 #41914
Maybe I'll TeachSo now if I decide I don't want to be a pharmacist I am thinking maybe I will be a teacher. I always wanted to do that but then got the idea of other things but really that was my first occupation that I loved. I had so many teachers that influenced me that I always wanted to be like. Maybe I will do that. Either social studies or elementary ed. I am gonna look into it now.
libertad - 11/01/07 20:06
I think you would be a great teacher.
I think you would be a great teacher.
mk - 11/01/07 10:31
Do it. You always tell me I have so many days off! I think you would be a good teacher. I wonder how much more school you'd have to go through. Hopefully you took some credits at Canisius that might transfer. Anne is looking into getting her teaching degree too, posslbiy from UB. You're probably looking at at least a year and half, with student teaching and education courses (yawn...).
Do it. You always tell me I have so many days off! I think you would be a good teacher. I wonder how much more school you'd have to go through. Hopefully you took some credits at Canisius that might transfer. Anne is looking into getting her teaching degree too, posslbiy from UB. You're probably looking at at least a year and half, with student teaching and education courses (yawn...).
Ok, your mission involves guy. His nameis James. He works at the pharmacy in the Rite Aid across from Kenmore Mercy Hospital...I think you should dig up as much information on him as humanly possible... which I can't imagine will be too much......aaaaand go.
I'm willing to give him a chance at this point. I liked our talk last night.
I think we need to begin importing politicians from locations that have been successfully turned around. There is something in the local water.
I ONLY voted for the Green candidate. So I voted in like one race. I wish there were more Greens on the ballot.
Disappointing election. Not a Collins or Keane fan, so I voted for the green party candidate, just so they can keep getting on the ballot.
He kind of killed the vote. I just hope he smiles when ever he's on camera.