So not one but TWO radio stations are started playing 24 hour Christmas....i mean holiday music yesterday (though I have yet to hear a kwanzaa or chanukah song on them?) anywho...while I don't love that the stores are all christmas decorated already I do love the radio stations playing christmas music! I SERIOUSLY LOVE IT TO DEATH! I am a freako that loves my christmas music. But actually lots of people must. Last year there was an article about how so many radio stations playing chrismtas (oops holiday) music so early that people must not be listening but in fact all data shows ratings go up for stations that play 24 hour holiday music! I seriously love it! Especially the power ballady christmas songs like Oh Holy Night and what not! That is one of my favoritos. I also love Mamacita, donde esta santa clause? But you guys proly never heard that one because I believe it was an exclusive Eckerd radio selectio ntha tme and some of my coworkers fell in love with last year. !! YEAH!!!!!!!
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/17/2007 11:30 #42171
Most Wonderful Time Of The Year11/15/2007 13:36 #42142
I lost my glassesOMG I lost my freakin glasses. I took them off in lab to put on my goggles and put them on my jacket so I COULD NOT FORGET THEM! AND I FORGOT THEM! WHICH also means I prolly flung them somewhere when I put on my jacket on which they were lying. I went back to the lab but they weren't anywehre and I left my name in case anyone finds them but we seriosuly searched everywhere I doubt they are there! THIS SUCKS MAJOR! they are so frekain expensive and now my ins prollywon't pay for them cuz I just got them in august.
lilho - 11/17/07 12:03
yea, wheres your count! peaches?
yea, wheres your count! peaches?
tinypliny - 11/17/07 11:31
I am so sorry! I hate losing stuff I really like. Sometimes I think we ought to have tracking microchips for our most favourite things so we can track their location via satellite. And for keys, I have misplaced keys more times than I can count. If I had all those minutes I have spent looking for keys, I would have an extra year in my life.
I am so sorry! I hate losing stuff I really like. Sometimes I think we ought to have tracking microchips for our most favourite things so we can track their location via satellite. And for keys, I have misplaced keys more times than I can count. If I had all those minutes I have spent looking for keys, I would have an extra year in my life.
11/13/2007 17:49 #42106
Britney Circa 2004Due to the writer's strike Jay Leno and David Letterman are in repeats. Jay Leno had a show from 2004 on yesterday with Britney Spears. OMG how crazy to look at her then and now. She was young and single and just having fun. The crowd was ecstatic about her, like wouldn't stop cheering for liek 10 minutes. She was a guest and a perfromer and Jay kept talking about this like beautiful talented person she was. What a difference a few short years make. It was crazy they talked about th etabloid and she was like yeah they make up some crazy stuff and it was all jokey and haha but if only she knew where her life was heading. I don't tink tey even made stuff up as crazy as she became. It was kinda sad really....
joshua - 11/13/07 19:12
Ouch - somebody with a sinister ironic streak managed to put that on air. That was no accident!
Ouch - somebody with a sinister ironic streak managed to put that on air. That was no accident!
11/10/2007 15:10 #42071
Oh My, Cleaning My Room, I Have CrazySo last week I cleaned my room. Not just a little cleanup, like a hardcore go through everything (and I am a super pack rat so everything is a lot of crap) and dust and vacuum and just relaly clean and try to get rid of some stuff. I actually did manage to get rid of a few things like a 3 foot tall plastic penguin ( i don't even like pneguins but couldn't bear to part with it after I bougth it for (e:mkl) and then relaized they already had one). I also got rid of some shirts that I should have never bought cuz they don't fit me/are not my style but I am a sucker for a sale. But now the penguin has found a partner in (e:mk)'s room and the shirts are gracing people on whom they fit like (e:flacidness). Anywho I decided to take some pictures of the craziness that is my room and my collection of crap/chotchkeys. Here ya go, with a little story for each, though I am sure noon ewill read them , I think some of the stories are quite entertaiinign, enjoy....these things are who I am

My starting point sorta. I just threw everything on the bed and floor.

This was my grandma's good luck troll. She always went to bingo and I loved going with her. I loved going with her and her friends who all loved me and my crazy big afro hair! They always brougth me candy and fun stuff! I loved bingo! I kinda wanna go again!

Them's there a lot of mardi gras beads in that cup..hmmmm

Oh Trolls! Remember trolls. Like everything I collect I had about 1 million at one point. This is the box of the last surviivng trolls in my life. Mostly they are international ones. I also have the previously shown bingo troll and a buffallo bills troll on permanet display over my bed.

Well there he is, the buffalo bills troll. This is above my bed. It has high school memorobilia like pictures and my diploma and graduation cup and stuff. Oh and A christmas castle of course and some of my favorite books. Oh and one of those dogs that barks and does flips. Remember those? They were so high tech in their day!

This is just part of my like mixing stick collection. I used to love gettin gthem in like shirley temples at restaurants and started to collect them all.

One of as I found whle goin gthrough my whole room, three separate Fay's bags filled with other Fay's bags. I have a slight addiction to Fay's bag collecting. They are freakin awesome , they are so sturdy and you stlil see them everywhere. They give them out at like HObby World or something stlil as their bags. I love them.

My godmother made this for me when I was younger. The eyes blink. It is seriusly one of my favorite possessions.

This is the duck who I bought cuz he was .72. I just thoguht, how could you not? right? I bought it at the main place mall while waiting for (e:mk) for lunch. It seemed like a steal at the time. It has fallen on my head numerous times when I am trying to open a dresser drawer and that duck ain't light. One day it will prolly kill me...

Jill made this cup for me for my birthdya a few years ago! How freakin faboulous is that cup!

Hey, what is Keanu Reeves doing in my bed? Aren't you jealous? We used to bring him everywhere. He was (e:beasts) but like all of her memorobilia I eventurally inherited it. We used to bring him everywhere including over the border to Candada. Those were easier times when you could pretend a cardboard cutout celebrity was a real person at customs. They would prolly just shoot you if you tried that now a days.

My slightly excessive key chain collection.

Remember my Littlest Pet Shop. I love that stuff. This is the last one i have still I think. I sold them all at a garage sale. That is one thing I regret getting rid of (maybe becuase it is the only thing I have ever gotten rid of?) I miss it a lot! But these turltes do crazy things like go in their shell and move their legs. All the littlest pet shops did tricks. The new versions are not so little and not nearly as fun.

This gnome I got and you are supposed to register him online take him for a vacation , post the pictures and then pass him on to a new person going osmewhere. I took him with me to Nashville, but then couldn't part with him, so here is he sitting on my dresser finding no new adventures.

My favorite stuffed animal of all time. Fuzzy Wuzzy. I love this guy!

Just Miscellaneous crapola I cna't part with. When I used to have two rooms befoe my mom turned pauls old room into her sewing room, I had much more display space for all this stuff. Now i just need a mansion for it all.

Some more miscellaneous stuff.

I love micorphones. I got this my senior year of higshcool for my bday. That year I was super insane and for like a month I would only talk when pretending to use a fake microphone, like would hold up my hand like I was using an invisible micropohne. Like in class I would do this...why wasn't I put into special classes?

Remember pillow people?

This pillow was from the senior lounge in highschool. Throughout the year I wrote quotes and songs from SBTB on it , cuz I was a freako (read the above microphone post) Anywho on the last day of highscool while I was sitting in the hall crying, what do I see? (e:jill) and (e:beast) walking down the hall carrying my pillow. I was told I wasn't allowed to tkae it but the nthey stole it and got it for me. It was prolly one of the nicest tihngs anyone has ever done for me.

Me and (e:maureen) stole this from our math teachers room one year beacause we were made at him. Who does that? It involved an intricate plot of distracting a secretary and stealing the extra room keys from the office and then having a lookout and everything while we stole the pencil sharpener. Once again, why was i kept in a regular school? haha

(e:jill) made this for me for my bday one year! I freakin love it. I Had to frame it and when I have a house it will hang in a very prominent place!

Shopper's Choice (only one of the best stores ever that is in Northtwon plaza but used to be in the cetnury mall next to northtown plaza that was really not a mall but a dmv, olan mills and shoppres choice store that i loved) They had like tons of bottles of it like way after the show had been off the air. Of course I bought like 10 , gave them to all my friends and kept a copule for me! How awesome is that!

My cousin started and used to own The Vermont TEddy Bear Company. This is the bear I got from them. Some are quite valuable , not this one though but i still like it.

My first major home and careers project. I remember crazy Mrs. Stocklosa who was an awesome yet terrifying yet awesome yet scary home ec teacher. I brought it up to her to be chekced and she just tore it all up and was like , "oh um that thread was loose you need to redo it" Like I had to do it all again and she acted like it was just a minor error. She was crazy and lovely!

The only stuffed animals left in my room. Excpet fuzzy wuzzy, the elephant and lumiere who are elsehwere in my room. This is a much pared down group of animals. The rest unfortuantely are in the attic due to space issues.

This was my second home and careers project!

This was a piggy bank that my nonno and nonna used to collect their change in and then me and (e:paul) split it up at the end of each year. It always seemed like soooo much money I didn't even know what to do. In reality it was prolly like 10 dollars but I freakin thought it was a pot of gold. On top is a piece of my nonna's cooking apron. It is prolly one of my favorite things I have. Like it reminds me of her so much! I miss her tons all the time still!

And here it is , the complete crazy dresser of knickknakcs. Mind you I have the desk of knicknaks, the above the bed shelf of knicknakcs, the hanging knickkancks and also boxes of knicknacks but this is the piece de resistance. You can see some of my fancy glassware and shot galsses that I colect here. And it is all framed perfectly by a Can't hardly Wait poster. Only the best movie ever!

My starting point sorta. I just threw everything on the bed and floor.

This was my grandma's good luck troll. She always went to bingo and I loved going with her. I loved going with her and her friends who all loved me and my crazy big afro hair! They always brougth me candy and fun stuff! I loved bingo! I kinda wanna go again!

Them's there a lot of mardi gras beads in that cup..hmmmm

Oh Trolls! Remember trolls. Like everything I collect I had about 1 million at one point. This is the box of the last surviivng trolls in my life. Mostly they are international ones. I also have the previously shown bingo troll and a buffallo bills troll on permanet display over my bed.

Well there he is, the buffalo bills troll. This is above my bed. It has high school memorobilia like pictures and my diploma and graduation cup and stuff. Oh and A christmas castle of course and some of my favorite books. Oh and one of those dogs that barks and does flips. Remember those? They were so high tech in their day!

This is just part of my like mixing stick collection. I used to love gettin gthem in like shirley temples at restaurants and started to collect them all.

One of as I found whle goin gthrough my whole room, three separate Fay's bags filled with other Fay's bags. I have a slight addiction to Fay's bag collecting. They are freakin awesome , they are so sturdy and you stlil see them everywhere. They give them out at like HObby World or something stlil as their bags. I love them.

My godmother made this for me when I was younger. The eyes blink. It is seriusly one of my favorite possessions.

This is the duck who I bought cuz he was .72. I just thoguht, how could you not? right? I bought it at the main place mall while waiting for (e:mk) for lunch. It seemed like a steal at the time. It has fallen on my head numerous times when I am trying to open a dresser drawer and that duck ain't light. One day it will prolly kill me...

Jill made this cup for me for my birthdya a few years ago! How freakin faboulous is that cup!

Hey, what is Keanu Reeves doing in my bed? Aren't you jealous? We used to bring him everywhere. He was (e:beasts) but like all of her memorobilia I eventurally inherited it. We used to bring him everywhere including over the border to Candada. Those were easier times when you could pretend a cardboard cutout celebrity was a real person at customs. They would prolly just shoot you if you tried that now a days.

My slightly excessive key chain collection.

Remember my Littlest Pet Shop. I love that stuff. This is the last one i have still I think. I sold them all at a garage sale. That is one thing I regret getting rid of (maybe becuase it is the only thing I have ever gotten rid of?) I miss it a lot! But these turltes do crazy things like go in their shell and move their legs. All the littlest pet shops did tricks. The new versions are not so little and not nearly as fun.

This gnome I got and you are supposed to register him online take him for a vacation , post the pictures and then pass him on to a new person going osmewhere. I took him with me to Nashville, but then couldn't part with him, so here is he sitting on my dresser finding no new adventures.

My favorite stuffed animal of all time. Fuzzy Wuzzy. I love this guy!

Just Miscellaneous crapola I cna't part with. When I used to have two rooms befoe my mom turned pauls old room into her sewing room, I had much more display space for all this stuff. Now i just need a mansion for it all.

Some more miscellaneous stuff.

I love micorphones. I got this my senior year of higshcool for my bday. That year I was super insane and for like a month I would only talk when pretending to use a fake microphone, like would hold up my hand like I was using an invisible micropohne. Like in class I would do this...why wasn't I put into special classes?

Remember pillow people?

This pillow was from the senior lounge in highschool. Throughout the year I wrote quotes and songs from SBTB on it , cuz I was a freako (read the above microphone post) Anywho on the last day of highscool while I was sitting in the hall crying, what do I see? (e:jill) and (e:beast) walking down the hall carrying my pillow. I was told I wasn't allowed to tkae it but the nthey stole it and got it for me. It was prolly one of the nicest tihngs anyone has ever done for me.

Me and (e:maureen) stole this from our math teachers room one year beacause we were made at him. Who does that? It involved an intricate plot of distracting a secretary and stealing the extra room keys from the office and then having a lookout and everything while we stole the pencil sharpener. Once again, why was i kept in a regular school? haha

(e:jill) made this for me for my bday one year! I freakin love it. I Had to frame it and when I have a house it will hang in a very prominent place!

Shopper's Choice (only one of the best stores ever that is in Northtwon plaza but used to be in the cetnury mall next to northtown plaza that was really not a mall but a dmv, olan mills and shoppres choice store that i loved) They had like tons of bottles of it like way after the show had been off the air. Of course I bought like 10 , gave them to all my friends and kept a copule for me! How awesome is that!

My cousin started and used to own The Vermont TEddy Bear Company. This is the bear I got from them. Some are quite valuable , not this one though but i still like it.

My first major home and careers project. I remember crazy Mrs. Stocklosa who was an awesome yet terrifying yet awesome yet scary home ec teacher. I brought it up to her to be chekced and she just tore it all up and was like , "oh um that thread was loose you need to redo it" Like I had to do it all again and she acted like it was just a minor error. She was crazy and lovely!

The only stuffed animals left in my room. Excpet fuzzy wuzzy, the elephant and lumiere who are elsehwere in my room. This is a much pared down group of animals. The rest unfortuantely are in the attic due to space issues.

This was my second home and careers project!

This was a piggy bank that my nonno and nonna used to collect their change in and then me and (e:paul) split it up at the end of each year. It always seemed like soooo much money I didn't even know what to do. In reality it was prolly like 10 dollars but I freakin thought it was a pot of gold. On top is a piece of my nonna's cooking apron. It is prolly one of my favorite things I have. Like it reminds me of her so much! I miss her tons all the time still!

And here it is , the complete crazy dresser of knickknakcs. Mind you I have the desk of knicknaks, the above the bed shelf of knicknakcs, the hanging knickkancks and also boxes of knicknacks but this is the piece de resistance. You can see some of my fancy glassware and shot galsses that I colect here. And it is all framed perfectly by a Can't hardly Wait poster. Only the best movie ever!
tinypliny - 11/17/07 11:34
Apparently the secretaries in my department share your 0.72 cent shopping sales obsessions. They proudly own and display the distant cousin of your concussion-risk duck.
Apparently the secretaries in my department share your 0.72 cent shopping sales obsessions. They proudly own and display the distant cousin of your concussion-risk duck.
paul - 11/14/07 11:08
I am home sick today and finally had a chance to read this.
You should video tape a tour of your room and go though everything. The piggy bank would usually have like $100.
Remember how crazy my room was? I mean I didn't collect very much compared to you because I felt okay with just keeping a piece of something and most of it fit in that treasure box. But remember how I painted to forest and hung up all those elaborate string systems that allowed me to close the door from the bed. I have no pictures of any of it.
I am home sick today and finally had a chance to read this.
You should video tape a tour of your room and go though everything. The piggy bank would usually have like $100.
Remember how crazy my room was? I mean I didn't collect very much compared to you because I felt okay with just keeping a piece of something and most of it fit in that treasure box. But remember how I painted to forest and hung up all those elaborate string systems that allowed me to close the door from the bed. I have no pictures of any of it.
hodown - 11/14/07 10:24
I recently saw a show on TLC about pack rats. It's an actual mental affliction. There is therapy for people like you. Either that or you need to call Niecy Nash and have her help you sort through your "collections".
I recently saw a show on TLC about pack rats. It's an actual mental affliction. There is therapy for people like you. Either that or you need to call Niecy Nash and have her help you sort through your "collections".
anne - 11/13/07 22:24
what a freakin walk down memory lane!!!!! ahhh the pillow, the trolls, the pillow person, the microphone, KEANU!!!!!!!!!! you make me laugh a lot. i literally burst out laughing when i saw the mixing stick collection. God i miss keanu. you rock my world. i remember the duck too. did you get it that day when you ate the disgusting potato?
what a freakin walk down memory lane!!!!! ahhh the pillow, the trolls, the pillow person, the microphone, KEANU!!!!!!!!!! you make me laugh a lot. i literally burst out laughing when i saw the mixing stick collection. God i miss keanu. you rock my world. i remember the duck too. did you get it that day when you ate the disgusting potato?
deeglam - 11/11/07 17:38
you literally have peeing my pants. funniest post ever!
you literally have peeing my pants. funniest post ever!
james - 11/11/07 11:43
I, personally, do not like clutter or knickknacks.
But Saved by the Bell 2-in-1 shampoo you bought in a bargain bin ten years after the show went off the air?
That is the very definition of awesome.
I, personally, do not like clutter or knickknacks.
But Saved by the Bell 2-in-1 shampoo you bought in a bargain bin ten years after the show went off the air?
That is the very definition of awesome.
fellyconnelly - 11/11/07 09:22
TLC's Clean Sweep would have a field day with you!
Or that crazy lady from Clean House on style.
either way... wow.
TLC's Clean Sweep would have a field day with you!
Or that crazy lady from Clean House on style.
either way... wow.
lilho - 11/10/07 20:23
everyday, i think, i could not love (e:mike) more, but everyday, you amaze me, and i love you even more! i know you dont camp, but you need to consider the january camping expedition! because its really kinda like playing games and getting drunk, and general greatness! plus, i will find a way to fabulously display my breasts for you! you have so much crap! like the people who were on oprah that had so much stuff, they had a little pathway to one chair they could sit in, and then a path to the bathroom, and that was it, because the rest of their homes were covered in clutter.
everyday, i think, i could not love (e:mike) more, but everyday, you amaze me, and i love you even more! i know you dont camp, but you need to consider the january camping expedition! because its really kinda like playing games and getting drunk, and general greatness! plus, i will find a way to fabulously display my breasts for you! you have so much crap! like the people who were on oprah that had so much stuff, they had a little pathway to one chair they could sit in, and then a path to the bathroom, and that was it, because the rest of their homes were covered in clutter.
tinypliny - 11/10/07 15:50
Yikes. Seriously, this post is the scariest post you have ever made
... and it's hilarious. :))
Yikes. Seriously, this post is the scariest post you have ever made
... and it's hilarious. :))
11/06/2007 23:03 #42018
The Votes Are InIt looks like Chris Collins has won the county executive race. I voted for him but don't love him. I guess we'll see how it all turns out. It can't get worse than Giambra right?
anne - 11/08/07 11:57
Ok, your mission involves guy. His nameis James. He works at the pharmacy in the Rite Aid across from Kenmore Mercy Hospital...I think you should dig up as much information on him as humanly possible... which I can't imagine will be too much......aaaaand go.
Ok, your mission involves guy. His nameis James. He works at the pharmacy in the Rite Aid across from Kenmore Mercy Hospital...I think you should dig up as much information on him as humanly possible... which I can't imagine will be too much......aaaaand go.
libertad - 11/07/07 18:27
I'm willing to give him a chance at this point. I liked our talk last night.
I'm willing to give him a chance at this point. I liked our talk last night.
james - 11/07/07 09:44
I think we need to begin importing politicians from locations that have been successfully turned around. There is something in the local water.
I think we need to begin importing politicians from locations that have been successfully turned around. There is something in the local water.
janelle - 11/07/07 09:08
I ONLY voted for the Green candidate. So I voted in like one race. I wish there were more Greens on the ballot.
I ONLY voted for the Green candidate. So I voted in like one race. I wish there were more Greens on the ballot.
mrmike - 11/07/07 08:55
Disappointing election. Not a Collins or Keane fan, so I voted for the green party candidate, just so they can keep getting on the ballot.
Disappointing election. Not a Collins or Keane fan, so I voted for the green party candidate, just so they can keep getting on the ballot.
flacidness - 11/06/07 23:11
He kind of killed the vote. I just hope he smiles when ever he's on camera.
He kind of killed the vote. I just hope he smiles when ever he's on camera.
Having grown up in a family of florists, and now working in a church, I do not like Christmas. Christmas is stress, and commercial, and annoying, until Christmas eve. Than it is AWESOME.
OWhich radio sations are these??? I love Christmas Songs too. I take it a step further and listen to them all through the year. Hee Hee.
And I now simly have to listen to Mamacita, donde esta santa clause - was it like a Tierra Santa parody or something?