So me and
(e:jill) and
(e:diana) went to see August Rush last night. Like I kinda wanted to see it but we had no paper and so just went to the theater and that was the only movie playing at the right time for when we were there that we all kinda wanted to see. Anywho the people next to us in line warned us not to see it but we did anyway. Ok so the beginning was really quite boring but then it got like pretty good , though at times the whole like music is in every sound we hear got super plyaed out and repetivie but there were some really good parts but like anwya any movie like this which if you don't know is about a kid whose mom was forced to give him up kinda and he thinks he will find his paretns through music and so he escapes the orgphange and etc. His parents also only met for one night and then were separated and are tyring to find each other. Anywho, the whole point in movies like tihs is for the big finalle payoff where the lovers find each other and kiss and are reunited and then tey see their kid right? THIS WAS THE BIGGEST LET DOWN EVER! LIke i was all set to be emotionally moved and we were all ready for the tears to start flowing but then it just kinda ends. LIke it is a happy ending of course and the stuff happens but in such an unexciting , unemotional stupid way> It actually left me angry! Like Really angry! Like we all were. Like they just forgot the end of the movie or something! It was ridiculous angry makingful!
But one scene that made it all worth it was withthe kid and jonathan rhy meyers who is the dad and they play guitar together , it was prolly the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life, and i have seen some cute things in my life.
I can't remember if it was Scary Spice or Sporty Spice I used to like or maybe it was all of them. Does anyone think that the Fanta Girls are Better or worse then the spice girls? Oh yeah they are hot to.
Have to admit, they were catchy and totally Christmassy, actually. And that's why I like listening to them but not as much as real Christmas songs. Nopes, nothing comes as close to swinging the spirit toward the North Star than Christmas songs!!
I love playing 'count the camel-toe' with this picture.