Jessica arrives on at 11am on Saturday. I'm not checking any bags so please be prompt in picking me up PMT-okthanks. If you're interested in stalking me I'm cool with that, just please be a friendly stalker.
I leave at 9:45am on Monday that means I should leave around 7:45/8am EST.
Also I have two very important things to do while in Buffalo:
1. Stop by Hoferts in Kenmore. I have many repairs I need done on stuff and only trust them to do it. I keep having dreams about it and not getting there or being able to stop in Kenmore. I'm getting really OCD about it. I've had a baggie of stuff collecting in my apt for months now.
2. See Josh-u-a-ho. I know we don't always get along, but family is important and I'd like to see him. Plus I have a bag of DC Skate stuff I bougth for him at the DC store in Soho (after he tells me he wants Zoo York stuff). And yes I was totally out of place in there. Also it was full of hot skater dudes. I hope to find my next boyfriend there.
Ok so mainly that was a post for Paul because he told me to post my Itinerary on my journal. I guess he now only communicates with computers.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/03/2007 15:03 #41473
Buff a ho Itinerary10/01/2007 16:13 #41438
Its OfficialI'm coming to Buffalo bitches. October 6-8. It's really not a long visit and I have to attend a wedding on Sunday, but I'm still excited. I miss my hometown. Look for me anywhere Labatts and Chicken Wings are served.
lilho - 10/02/07 03:19
have i told you lately that i love you?
have i told you lately that i love you?
09/28/2007 13:02 #41379
Now that I've calmed downI can blog about how shitty my companies payroll system is. In the past 3 years I've had the following happen:
Payroll doesn't make the wire on time, leaving everyone unpaid for a long weekend.
Paid the numbers of hours I worked ($25- I had taken a bunch of vacation) instead of being paid my hourly rate. It took 3 wires to fix that.
Being set up as salaried so for 2.5 years I got no overtime. When I discovered I should be getting overtime I had to calculate how much I was owed (um it wasnt my mistake).
Taxes being taken out for only 1 state (I live in NJ and work in NY).
My vacation accrual not correct (one year I was negative 125 hours- I wish I had taken that much time). This year I was suppossed to get more hours off, I caught that and had it corrected.
You'd think those are all big mistakes, but oh no wait until you hear this. Currently my account is over $4,000 overdrawn. Who in the world took all this money out you ask? My company, that's who. I guess on Wednesday bonuses were suppossed to be paid and on Friday paychecks were to be wired. Well *someone (my payroll claims its not them) messed up. Some people got money deducted from their accounts, other people have an extra $12k sittnig around. When I checked my balance this morning I almost had to breathe into a bag. So I called my bank who informed me that #1 my company had made the withdrawl, and #2 they were closing my account and #3 I was being charged an insane amount of fees for the overdraft.
I had my company call my bank. They are wiring over money now, but because it's so overdrawn they won't allow me to take funds out until Monday. It's a whole mess of bank wires, withdrawls and holds on my account.
Oh wait did I forget to mention I work for a FINANCIAL service firm.
I kinda want to punch someone and then take a xanax. I probably wont punch someone, but I am for sure taking a xanax.
Payroll doesn't make the wire on time, leaving everyone unpaid for a long weekend.
Paid the numbers of hours I worked ($25- I had taken a bunch of vacation) instead of being paid my hourly rate. It took 3 wires to fix that.
Being set up as salaried so for 2.5 years I got no overtime. When I discovered I should be getting overtime I had to calculate how much I was owed (um it wasnt my mistake).
Taxes being taken out for only 1 state (I live in NJ and work in NY).
My vacation accrual not correct (one year I was negative 125 hours- I wish I had taken that much time). This year I was suppossed to get more hours off, I caught that and had it corrected.
You'd think those are all big mistakes, but oh no wait until you hear this. Currently my account is over $4,000 overdrawn. Who in the world took all this money out you ask? My company, that's who. I guess on Wednesday bonuses were suppossed to be paid and on Friday paychecks were to be wired. Well *someone (my payroll claims its not them) messed up. Some people got money deducted from their accounts, other people have an extra $12k sittnig around. When I checked my balance this morning I almost had to breathe into a bag. So I called my bank who informed me that #1 my company had made the withdrawl, and #2 they were closing my account and #3 I was being charged an insane amount of fees for the overdraft.
I had my company call my bank. They are wiring over money now, but because it's so overdrawn they won't allow me to take funds out until Monday. It's a whole mess of bank wires, withdrawls and holds on my account.
Oh wait did I forget to mention I work for a FINANCIAL service firm.
I kinda want to punch someone and then take a xanax. I probably wont punch someone, but I am for sure taking a xanax.
kookcity2000 - 09/29/07 18:37
so like, do they have anything worth stealin besides staplers and post-it notes?
Not that its right to steal, but probably very right to charge your own inconvenience fee.
so like, do they have anything worth stealin besides staplers and post-it notes?
Not that its right to steal, but probably very right to charge your own inconvenience fee.
lilho - 09/29/07 03:16
all i have to say, is the more xanax the merrier, and those peaches need to pay up, because that is f'ed up!
all i have to say, is the more xanax the merrier, and those peaches need to pay up, because that is f'ed up!
tinypliny - 09/28/07 20:36
I don't get it (stupid me). How can your employer overdraw your personal account when you haven't authorized them? I mean they have to have your approval of some kind, right? Or do they have your debit card number?? Confused. How can it happen?
I don't get it (stupid me). How can your employer overdraw your personal account when you haven't authorized them? I mean they have to have your approval of some kind, right? Or do they have your debit card number?? Confused. How can it happen?
southernyankee - 09/28/07 16:34
I feel your pain. Working for the Uncle man has proven no different. A year ago, some dim wit actually went in, unauthorized, and changed my Direct Deposit and redirected it to another bank acct-no doubt their own! I was going out of town that weekend and definitely needed to be paid, not only my hard work but the anguish I encountered during that 80+ hour work period. The person still works there. Isn't that considered stealing? And every time I change work locations (buildings only), my withholdings are changed to reflect that city/state/district or whatever. It takes too long for them to correct these errors and meanwhile I get paid less. Taxation without Representation at it's finest!
I feel your pain. Working for the Uncle man has proven no different. A year ago, some dim wit actually went in, unauthorized, and changed my Direct Deposit and redirected it to another bank acct-no doubt their own! I was going out of town that weekend and definitely needed to be paid, not only my hard work but the anguish I encountered during that 80+ hour work period. The person still works there. Isn't that considered stealing? And every time I change work locations (buildings only), my withholdings are changed to reflect that city/state/district or whatever. It takes too long for them to correct these errors and meanwhile I get paid less. Taxation without Representation at it's finest!
jason - 09/28/07 13:27
Damn, sista. It's time to roll one up.
Damn, sista. It's time to roll one up.
09/27/2007 10:18 #41352
TMJ & MyspaceLast night as I was watching Dr. 90210 on E! I discovered Angie Everheart has TMJ. Now I should probably be embarassed that I know all about Dr. Ray and his sham of a marriage and his neglicted kids, but I'm not. I like reality TV. That being said I hope word doesn't get out about my shameful TV habits. If I were ever to be questioned about it I'd swear that the only thing this week I watched was Ken Burn's "The War" on PBS.
Anyways last nights episode actually gave me some amazing information. #1 Angie Everheart has TMJ. I felt validated. Basically every day of my life my jaw is in pain. It hurts all the time. Sometimes it hurts less and sometimes it hurts more, but it always hurts. Angie said pretty much the same thing. Now to bring it back to Dr. 90210 she was in the show because she was getting Botox injections for her pain. Apparently Botox relaxes the muscle and you get relief for about a month or so. I was amazed watching this for 2 reasons. #1 I now have a legit reason to get Botox. #2 There might actually be a solution to my chronic jaw clenching.
Fast foward to this morning. I decide to google Botox and TMJ because if Google can find it, surely it must be true. There is actually quite a bit out there on this treatment and it seems to work. But really thats not the point. The point is TMJ has a Myspace page. WTF? Really are there a lot of Myspacers out there like "I want TMJ to be my friend."? Anyways if you have any interest in checking out TMJ on Myspace:

Anyways last nights episode actually gave me some amazing information. #1 Angie Everheart has TMJ. I felt validated. Basically every day of my life my jaw is in pain. It hurts all the time. Sometimes it hurts less and sometimes it hurts more, but it always hurts. Angie said pretty much the same thing. Now to bring it back to Dr. 90210 she was in the show because she was getting Botox injections for her pain. Apparently Botox relaxes the muscle and you get relief for about a month or so. I was amazed watching this for 2 reasons. #1 I now have a legit reason to get Botox. #2 There might actually be a solution to my chronic jaw clenching.
Fast foward to this morning. I decide to google Botox and TMJ because if Google can find it, surely it must be true. There is actually quite a bit out there on this treatment and it seems to work. But really thats not the point. The point is TMJ has a Myspace page. WTF? Really are there a lot of Myspacers out there like "I want TMJ to be my friend."? Anyways if you have any interest in checking out TMJ on Myspace:

lilho - 09/27/07 13:59
wow, i didnt realize how you suffer. is this why you get so crabby sometimes? ok, jk. but do you think dr rey cheats on his wife. i would, because she is kinda scary looking. and, do you think he does her work?
wow, i didnt realize how you suffer. is this why you get so crabby sometimes? ok, jk. but do you think dr rey cheats on his wife. i would, because she is kinda scary looking. and, do you think he does her work?
09/26/2007 11:52 #41338
Best Band EverBishop Allen
September 29th @ The Icon
Be there or be square

September 29th @ The Icon
Be there or be square

lilho - 09/26/07 12:51
ugh, they are supposed to be coming here, why do you get to go???????
ugh, they are supposed to be coming here, why do you get to go???????
What is Hoferts? What do they repair?
YEAH! Howdown in B-LO!