Jim's Journal
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09/30/2007 18:58 #41422
Yet AnotherCategory: photos
09/30/2007 13:04 #41419
Photo MeetupCategory: buffalo
Hey - late notice, I know.
But if anyone wants to come and meet with my photography group at 2pm at Spot Coffee (Delaware and Chippewa) today, we'd be happy to see you!
Probably around 10 people coming so far, amateurs and professionals, all kinds - don't worry about if you'll fit in. (e:James) will be there too!
I meant to post this yesterday. Dammit.
But if anyone wants to come and meet with my photography group at 2pm at Spot Coffee (Delaware and Chippewa) today, we'd be happy to see you!
Probably around 10 people coming so far, amateurs and professionals, all kinds - don't worry about if you'll fit in. (e:James) will be there too!
I meant to post this yesterday. Dammit.
09/29/2007 19:03 #41406
Domestic LifeCategory: photos
More practice with the 30mm and flash.

james - 09/30/07 10:49
Ben is on cute hormone therapy. He is pre-op cute. We are waiting to get his pink unicorn horn and butterfly wings.
Ben is on cute hormone therapy. He is pre-op cute. We are waiting to get his pink unicorn horn and butterfly wings.
fellyconnelly - 09/30/07 09:59
why is that puppy so cute? seriously... did you give him some type of cute hormone? and if you did, where can i find some? (cute hormones?)
why is that puppy so cute? seriously... did you give him some type of cute hormone? and if you did, where can i find some? (cute hormones?)
tinypliny - 09/29/07 21:41
You have a gorgeous family! When do I get to meet them? :)
You have a gorgeous family! When do I get to meet them? :)
southernyankee - 09/29/07 21:12
awww, cute lovin'!
awww, cute lovin'!
09/28/2007 21:18 #41389
James Pretending to be a MartiniCategory: photo

james - 09/28/07 22:03
that olive was the most delicious piece of poop in my mouth. EVER!
that olive was the most delicious piece of poop in my mouth. EVER!
jenks - 09/28/07 22:00
Ok, that pic super freaked me out because:
1- I thought it was my ex
2- that ?olive? in his mouth looks like poop.
Ok, that pic super freaked me out because:
1- I thought it was my ex
2- that ?olive? in his mouth looks like poop.
paul - 09/28/07 21:23
Wow, he is so super clear. Nice picture.
Wow, he is so super clear. Nice picture.
tinypliny - 09/28/07 21:23
Alas the music was too loud, and his tympanic membrane was crushed in through the eustachian tube into the pharynx and out through his oral cavity.
Alas the music was too loud, and his tympanic membrane was crushed in through the eustachian tube into the pharynx and out through his oral cavity.
james - 09/28/07 21:20
I look a little dry
I look a little dry
"dog park! Dog park!! DOOOG PARKKK!!!!"
Actually, I take it as a round a bout compliment...
It kind of reminds me of (e:vincent)'s user pic. But, you know, instead of a person it is a dog. I am not saying Vincent looks like a dog... holy crap I am going to get beat up for this aren't I?