I was so frustrated at work today. I tried to use version control software again but it kept failing with weird errors. I tried Subversion and Git. I've tried both of them at RPCI before but had weird errors. Turns out it's because they can't work on windows network shares. I wish that I knew that ahead of time, I've wasted so much effort reinstalling and tweaking software today and the other times I've tried to set it up. They just can't be used over the network and there's nothing I can do about that. I mean, clearly they are networkable tools, but the 'local copy' can't be on a remote network share due to file locking. The remote copy can be anywhere of course.
Oh well tomorrow is another day.
Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/02/2007 16:21 #41457
ToolingCategory: work
10/01/2007 15:52 #41437
Children's Hospital ExpansionCategory: buffalo
Read about the plans here for expanding Children's hospital: 
(I'm all over Buffalo Rising today apparently)
Doesn't look too bad - a new outpatient center on Hodge next to JJ's, and the drugstore on Utica is being knocked down for more parking.
The neighborhood did really fight to keep the hospital in the area (instead of moving down to the medical campus) and so the expansion is sort of a necessary thing to keep them there.
I didn't know the hospital had turned around so much in the mean time.

(I'm all over Buffalo Rising today apparently)
Doesn't look too bad - a new outpatient center on Hodge next to JJ's, and the drugstore on Utica is being knocked down for more parking.
The neighborhood did really fight to keep the hospital in the area (instead of moving down to the medical campus) and so the expansion is sort of a necessary thing to keep them there.
I didn't know the hospital had turned around so much in the mean time.
10/01/2007 10:35 #41429
Big News on ElmwoodCategory: buffalo
Teaser from Elmwood Assoc: 
So... I wonder what it'll be?

So... I wonder what it'll be?
james - 10/02/07 10:40
an H&M or an Apple store would be huge. The associations hate chain stores and do not want any buildings demolished no matter how lack-luster or dilapidated they are. A big store like that would have meant a complete 360 for all the neighborhood associations.
But the hype around a place on a top ten list is bloated. big deal. Ya, it is nice, but I would have been more excited about a tax-free shopping district.
an H&M or an Apple store would be huge. The associations hate chain stores and do not want any buildings demolished no matter how lack-luster or dilapidated they are. A big store like that would have meant a complete 360 for all the neighborhood associations.
But the hype around a place on a top ten list is bloated. big deal. Ya, it is nice, but I would have been more excited about a tax-free shopping district.
jenks - 10/02/07 10:35
I'm with Jim.
Reading the comments on buffalo rising, everyone was guessing "H&M" and "Apple store" and I thought 'no way! it must be WAY huger than that, based on all the hype!" and really, it's less than that. Sure, it's an honor, but will it really make any difference? I mean I hope so... but I'm not convinced.
I'm with Jim.
Reading the comments on buffalo rising, everyone was guessing "H&M" and "Apple store" and I thought 'no way! it must be WAY huger than that, based on all the hype!" and really, it's less than that. Sure, it's an honor, but will it really make any difference? I mean I hope so... but I'm not convinced.
jim - 10/01/07 16:00
Looks like we'll be on this list: :::link:::
I guess it makes sense why Justin's excited since his profession is urban planning, and this is like getting an Oscar.
I was hoping for something more tangible though! :P
Looks like we'll be on this list: :::link:::
I guess it makes sense why Justin's excited since his profession is urban planning, and this is like getting an Oscar.
I was hoping for something more tangible though! :P
drew - 10/01/07 14:27
Some people on BR have figured it out, but won't spill. Nonetheless, the ones that know are united in their enthusiasm, which is rare.
Some people on BR have figured it out, but won't spill. Nonetheless, the ones that know are united in their enthusiasm, which is rare.
janelle - 10/01/07 13:38
I don't think it's Bank of America. Elmwood Forever has been fighting them moving into the old Pier One. Or so I was told when I was eyeing the Pier One property for my program.
I don't think it's Bank of America. Elmwood Forever has been fighting them moving into the old Pier One. Or so I was told when I was eyeing the Pier One property for my program.
mrmike - 10/01/07 11:30
Bet it's Bank of America moving into Pier One's old spot
Bet it's Bank of America moving into Pier One's old spot
drew - 10/01/07 11:14
hmmm... waterslides?
Moving sidewalks?
A brand new arcade where all the games are free?
Topless Tuesdays in the EV?
Huge amounts of grant money to restore/renovate old church buildings?
A zip line running the length of Elmwood?
The Rock 'n Roll Hall of fame is being re-located to Elmwood?
We are re-staging the Pan Am exposition, and George Bush has volunteered to play the part of McKinley?
Now whatever they DO announce will surely be a disappointment.
Still, I am going to stop by. Anybody want to join me?
hmmm... waterslides?
Moving sidewalks?
A brand new arcade where all the games are free?
Topless Tuesdays in the EV?
Huge amounts of grant money to restore/renovate old church buildings?
A zip line running the length of Elmwood?
The Rock 'n Roll Hall of fame is being re-located to Elmwood?
We are re-staging the Pan Am exposition, and George Bush has volunteered to play the part of McKinley?
Now whatever they DO announce will surely be a disappointment.
Still, I am going to stop by. Anybody want to join me?
09/30/2007 18:58 #41422
Yet AnotherCategory: photos

leetee - 10/01/07 06:46
"dog park! Dog park!! DOOOG PARKKK!!!!"
"dog park! Dog park!! DOOOG PARKKK!!!!"
vincent - 09/30/07 20:11
Actually, I take it as a round a bout compliment...
- laughs* Oh man, it's all good =)
Actually, I take it as a round a bout compliment...
james - 09/30/07 19:02
It kind of reminds me of (e:vincent)'s user pic. But, you know, instead of a person it is a dog. I am not saying Vincent looks like a dog... holy crap I am going to get beat up for this aren't I?
It kind of reminds me of (e:vincent)'s user pic. But, you know, instead of a person it is a dog. I am not saying Vincent looks like a dog... holy crap I am going to get beat up for this aren't I?
09/30/2007 13:04 #41419
Photo MeetupCategory: buffalo
Hey - late notice, I know.
But if anyone wants to come and meet with my photography group at 2pm at Spot Coffee (Delaware and Chippewa) today, we'd be happy to see you!
Probably around 10 people coming so far, amateurs and professionals, all kinds - don't worry about if you'll fit in. (e:James) will be there too!
I meant to post this yesterday. Dammit.
But if anyone wants to come and meet with my photography group at 2pm at Spot Coffee (Delaware and Chippewa) today, we'd be happy to see you!
Probably around 10 people coming so far, amateurs and professionals, all kinds - don't worry about if you'll fit in. (e:James) will be there too!
I meant to post this yesterday. Dammit.
aww a poor eckerd has to be shut down though! I kinda loved that one cuz it was small and old!
The homes they are taring down are owned by the hospital (except 1?). The hospital has been letting them rot into the ground for years now. I am glad those eye sores wont be there any more, but they were great looking buildings.
I think the townhouses meets (e:Paul)'s criteria for a new structure: not a tower and natural materials.