why, you ask???
well, this weekend has just been great. a lot of family time- some charades, my all time fav game. and time spent with cute little cousins, spoiling them and whatnot.
for the times i miss going out and partying hard, its sometimes nice to be able to wake up, not puking and wanting to die. and, its nice to have lots of people around, to talk to. they also drive me mad, but i love them.
anyways, onto the good stuff.
i am rumored to be dating this doctor, who everyone is saying, like me. this is hilarious. because, a. i am not dating him, and b. i jave only met him twice. lol. not that i would turn him down i he did ask, but its like telephone at this hospital, how the stories circulate so fast.
i met this guy at a party a few weeks ago, and well, i didn't think i'd hear from him. but he got in touch and wants to take me out. like pick me up and take me out. kinda innocent coming from a not so innocent crazy party night hook-up. he's got a hot bod. we shall see...
i think i need to ditch the brit. i mean, when did he pick me up and take me out??? im so over it. not that it is taking any getting over. but maybe ill keep him around as a friend, he's fun to talk to. and he's funny.
a few mintues ago, this other dr, told me i look like im older than 30. and then i thought he left the hospital, and then two mintues later, he called to ask me out. wtf? ok, so not happening. because, he is old. like 50 something. not hot. also sleeping with my friend. so. not happening. of course, he said it would be platonic, but i doubt he has platonic in mind!
oh, az, how you surprise me with lively happenings!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/16/2007 19:08 #41132
this smile might last until tomorrow.Category: dating
09/14/2007 21:01 #41103
photos!(e:brit) there are photos of you looking lovely on your grad day in here, ill email them as well. awww, makes me so excited to see all you peaches soon! these were photos from my last blo adventures!!!! classy of course!

09/14/2007 20:49 #41101
mesage to lisa and photos!09/12/2007 20:51 #41069
i am going to failCategory: school
no really. i think i might fail this class. intro to oracle sql+. seriously. and what makes it that much worse is that there is no other section of the course that i can switch to- thus i am stuck here. in this class. the professor kinda hs the assholey attitude going on, and plus i just don't like him. ever had a professor you hated? i know you all have, an it makes learning that much harder.
oracle sucks. i hate it. i can't memorize all of thse commands. an now i have to go spend 3 1/2 hrs in this godamn godforsaken classroom, not having any idea what is going on. and i had no time to eat today, because i have been at school all day, and im hungry and tired.
i so want to go home, but i can't miss class, or i will get dropped. because they don't let you miss any class here. not that i could go home anyways, because i have zero clue what is going on, and i need a tutor!
im just going to go talk to this guy tomorrow and see what i should do to make this better. i can't get a bad grade....
this is how ill look in class... thinking.... what will i eat later and what boy can i seduce into becoming my sql+ tutor????

oracle sucks. i hate it. i can't memorize all of thse commands. an now i have to go spend 3 1/2 hrs in this godamn godforsaken classroom, not having any idea what is going on. and i had no time to eat today, because i have been at school all day, and im hungry and tired.
i so want to go home, but i can't miss class, or i will get dropped. because they don't let you miss any class here. not that i could go home anyways, because i have zero clue what is going on, and i need a tutor!
im just going to go talk to this guy tomorrow and see what i should do to make this better. i can't get a bad grade....
this is how ill look in class... thinking.... what will i eat later and what boy can i seduce into becoming my sql+ tutor????

paul - 09/13/07 09:59
Sarah, you really just have to memorize it all, there aren't that many commands for SQL. It is a fraction of what other computer languages use. Think of it like learning French, just make your self a vocabulary list and flash cards if you need to. You are probably just putting up an emotional block because you hate the professor.
Sarah, you really just have to memorize it all, there aren't that many commands for SQL. It is a fraction of what other computer languages use. Think of it like learning French, just make your self a vocabulary list and flash cards if you need to. You are probably just putting up an emotional block because you hate the professor.
carolinian - 09/13/07 09:35
What kinds of stuff are you having trouble with? There's at least several people on (e:strip) who spend 9 hours a day doing SQL (including myself) who may be able to help you out.
What kinds of stuff are you having trouble with? There's at least several people on (e:strip) who spend 9 hours a day doing SQL (including myself) who may be able to help you out.
lilho - 09/12/07 22:55
im actually sitting next to a cute boy today... well, im gonna go get a notetaker sit handled tom... and i found this site that offers lve help, since when they say they have a cis help lab, it really mean they have a room with computers, and nobody to help.
im actually sitting next to a cute boy today... well, im gonna go get a notetaker sit handled tom... and i found this site that offers lve help, since when they say they have a cis help lab, it really mean they have a room with computers, and nobody to help.
libertad - 09/12/07 21:42
I love that pic. Well done!
I love that pic. Well done!
tinypliny - 09/12/07 21:26
So many mistakes in my comment today. :/ I am impelled to correct them all.
1. I have often found that they are quite easy... (omit: usually reason:redundancy)
2. authors who have some amount of humour... (omit the article: "a" reason: what the hell?)
3. and most often than not, good for introductory haste (addition: , good reason: haste makes waste)
So many mistakes in my comment today. :/ I am impelled to correct them all.
1. I have often found that they are quite easy... (omit: usually reason:redundancy)
2. authors who have some amount of humour... (omit the article: "a" reason: what the hell?)
3. and most often than not, good for introductory haste (addition: , good reason: haste makes waste)
mike - 09/12/07 21:25
that is quite the seducer look if i do say so myself!
that is quite the seducer look if i do say so myself!
tinypliny - 09/12/07 21:20
I am not even remotely a database expert, but have you tried any of the "For Dummies" series of books for Oracle Sql+? I have often found that they are usually quite easy to read, have authors who have a some amount of humour and most often than not for introductory stuff.
Good Luck!!
I am not even remotely a database expert, but have you tried any of the "For Dummies" series of books for Oracle Sql+? I have often found that they are usually quite easy to read, have authors who have a some amount of humour and most often than not for introductory stuff.
Good Luck!!
09/05/2007 13:18 #40947
computer talki can't to wait to come to blo.
so paul and i can talk computer. and to party of course. but i feel that paul can be my computer mentor and really show me lots of cool stuff!
im getting a little confused with all this computer shit. i guess i need to be a bit more diligent in my studies.
less boys. more computer time!
that being said, i must go shower and go to class to spend more time with computer.
i think im going to name my laptop... any suggestions???
and i think im sick of boys. for a week at least. the whole charade just gets tiring. really. im tired. plus this means i can also devote more time to sunbathing, grey's, and perefecting my wardrobe. and i think i feel a painting coming on here sometime soon. my lack of artfulness in the past two months is really just sad.
and i might find god in the next two weeks, because my crazy ass aunt and uncle who are the biggest jesus freaks known to man are here, and im sure ready to baptise and convert me. dear god. (not to offend anyone here- im just not religious one bit, and i find it offensive that these two can't keep it to themselves. spirituality is supposed to be a personal thing afterall, isn't it?).
sorry for all the pics of me, but i feel like more people will read my journal if they see there is a pic in it. tricky huh? plus, im still waiting for my damn usb cord to come...

so paul and i can talk computer. and to party of course. but i feel that paul can be my computer mentor and really show me lots of cool stuff!
im getting a little confused with all this computer shit. i guess i need to be a bit more diligent in my studies.
less boys. more computer time!
that being said, i must go shower and go to class to spend more time with computer.
i think im going to name my laptop... any suggestions???
and i think im sick of boys. for a week at least. the whole charade just gets tiring. really. im tired. plus this means i can also devote more time to sunbathing, grey's, and perefecting my wardrobe. and i think i feel a painting coming on here sometime soon. my lack of artfulness in the past two months is really just sad.
and i might find god in the next two weeks, because my crazy ass aunt and uncle who are the biggest jesus freaks known to man are here, and im sure ready to baptise and convert me. dear god. (not to offend anyone here- im just not religious one bit, and i find it offensive that these two can't keep it to themselves. spirituality is supposed to be a personal thing afterall, isn't it?).
sorry for all the pics of me, but i feel like more people will read my journal if they see there is a pic in it. tricky huh? plus, im still waiting for my damn usb cord to come...

lilho - 09/07/07 00:43
i WAS JOKING!!!!! why do you guys always take stuff to heart???
i WAS JOKING!!!!! why do you guys always take stuff to heart???
joshua - 09/06/07 19:46
Hating? WTF are you talking about, lol? Wow Sarah - you really are confused in the most ridiculous way ever. If Jay pissed in your cornflakes I'd love to know the gory details. Telling me to grow up is ironic though, I appreciated that!
Hating? WTF are you talking about, lol? Wow Sarah - you really are confused in the most ridiculous way ever. If Jay pissed in your cornflakes I'd love to know the gory details. Telling me to grow up is ironic though, I appreciated that!
tinypliny - 09/05/07 22:55
Between the leprosy pics and this one, which makes you look like you are being murdered, I am not sure I can sleep tonight.
This is way too scary.
Between the leprosy pics and this one, which makes you look like you are being murdered, I am not sure I can sleep tonight.
This is way too scary.
lilho - 09/05/07 19:48
to the larson bros. stop hating ok???? seriously. grow up. and maybe if you dont stink as bad this time, we can hang when im in town. love sarah
to the larson bros. stop hating ok???? seriously. grow up. and maybe if you dont stink as bad this time, we can hang when im in town. love sarah
now that Passions is canceled, your life is my favorite soap opera!!! I can't wait to tune in for more!