Ruby Conf 2007 here I come!
I got permission from
(e:James) and we are headed down to Charlotte NC at the beginning of November for 3 days of geekery!
James will just lounge pool-side while I soak in such topics as these:

With a keynote by Matz, the creator of Ruby. FYI, Ruby is a programming language.
I've got the hotel booked and my registration for the conference all set, thankfully 'work' is paying for it :)
i am feeling free to infer....
but it is strange how different james can look from photo to photo. though in the middle one is definetely the 'history professor' look.
Often I have been told I have a nice uvula. That is actually how I paid my way through college, as a uvula model.
Feel free to infer what that means.
I was expecting something like this :::link:::
Nice teeth too.