Ruby Conf 2007 here I come!
I got permission from
(e:James) and we are headed down to Charlotte NC at the beginning of November for 3 days of geekery!
James will just lounge pool-side while I soak in such topics as these:

With a keynote by Matz, the creator of Ruby. FYI, Ruby is a programming language.
I've got the hotel booked and my registration for the conference all set, thankfully 'work' is paying for it :)
It's a sunflower
What are those leaf-like things?
I believe I was discussing the transcendental properties of bean curd in a vacuum while the observer is being tickled with robotic puppy tails.
No worries - I did see it but I was out with Holly to see the steve Kurtz documentary followed by the Squeaky Wheel Animation Festival.
Paul, we stopped at Coulter Bay for a drink with them before they headed out to Roxy's. We should have invited you guys but you know I guess I just assume you see everything that goes on here. :) Sorry!
You're trying to figure out if (e:James) is making something up, I think.
i have sat here for several moments trying to figure out what that look on my face is. am i immensely interested in what james is saying? following his every word? smiling for the camera i see out of the corner of my mind?
or is this how i look when a teacher speaks to me about sustainable agriculture and its effects on post modern architecture?
If you want to be accurate it is Saturday, I guess :(
Isn't that Saturday?