Jim's Journal
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09/04/2007 18:37 #40934
This is totally not like me at all.Category: life
I am never like that.
09/03/2007 17:01 #40918
Dream HouseCategory: buffalo
1. I love mansard roofs
2. I am jealous of not have a mansion like (e:MPT)
3. I think I could afford the mortgage, but probably not the heating bills
This is my dream house:
Huge double lot, brick, second empire house. A bit in a bad area maybe though... Niagara Street near the college and armory.

1. I love mansard roofs
2. I am jealous of not have a mansion like (e:MPT)
3. I think I could afford the mortgage, but probably not the heating bills
This is my dream house:

Huge double lot, brick, second empire house. A bit in a bad area maybe though... Niagara Street near the college and armory.

matthew - 09/04/07 22:25
$333! that's crazy. what temp do you keep it at? 85 degrees? :) We kept it at 70 during the day and 65 at night. It can be chilly but you could just throw on a sweater. Do you have storm windows?
$333! that's crazy. what temp do you keep it at? 85 degrees? :) We kept it at 70 during the day and 65 at night. It can be chilly but you could just throw on a sweater. Do you have storm windows?
tinypliny - 09/04/07 20:23
If "Mansard Roofs" are the ones with the hexagonal/pentagonal tiles, I adore them! They are perfect.
If "Mansard Roofs" are the ones with the hexagonal/pentagonal tiles, I adore them! They are perfect.
carolinian - 09/04/07 18:53
$450 a month in a 4000 sq. foot 100 year-old house? I have an 850 sq foot apartment in 100 year-old house. My highest heating bill was $333. Did I mention I did the whole plastic thing and caulked the windows? That's just not right. Not right at all, I say!
$450 a month in a 4000 sq. foot 100 year-old house? I have an 850 sq foot apartment in 100 year-old house. My highest heating bill was $333. Did I mention I did the whole plastic thing and caulked the windows? That's just not right. Not right at all, I say!
matthew - 09/04/07 17:33
very nice! The heating might not be as bad as you think, if you're careful. Our house is about 4,000 sq feet. and our highest heating bill last winter was $450. We had a new high efficiency furnace installed this summer, so this winter's heat bill should be even lower. and just imagine if we tweaked our windows! i remember everyone telling me i was crazy when we bought our Linwood house because the heating bills would be "crazy". But they were wrong. if the house is built well (which i have no doubt an 1860's buffalo 2nd empire is) it contains the heat well and keeps the cold out for an 100 year old house. Just heat the main rooms during the day and the bedrooms at night. Also, it says that one of the fireplaces is in working order. Score!
very nice! The heating might not be as bad as you think, if you're careful. Our house is about 4,000 sq feet. and our highest heating bill last winter was $450. We had a new high efficiency furnace installed this summer, so this winter's heat bill should be even lower. and just imagine if we tweaked our windows! i remember everyone telling me i was crazy when we bought our Linwood house because the heating bills would be "crazy". But they were wrong. if the house is built well (which i have no doubt an 1860's buffalo 2nd empire is) it contains the heat well and keeps the cold out for an 100 year old house. Just heat the main rooms during the day and the bedrooms at night. Also, it says that one of the fireplaces is in working order. Score!
jim - 09/04/07 17:02
Now if only it stays on the market until the spring!
Now if only it stays on the market until the spring!
jason - 09/04/07 16:00
Looks like a fantastic (although freaking giant) home. Living in a little apartment for so long, I think I might feel odd having so much space.
Looks like a fantastic (although freaking giant) home. Living in a little apartment for so long, I think I might feel odd having so much space.
joshua - 09/04/07 10:22
That heating bill has to be murder though. Murder, I say!
That heating bill has to be murder though. Murder, I say!
drew - 09/03/07 20:22
Wow! This seems like a great deal.
Wow! This seems like a great deal.
jim - 09/03/07 17:20
Yeah... I think we'll end up staying in Buffalo just so we can buy an awesome house and waste all the earth's resources in keeping it warm through winter.
Yeah... I think we'll end up staying in Buffalo just so we can buy an awesome house and waste all the earth's resources in keeping it warm through winter.
joshua - 09/03/07 17:19
Hmm - that is in very good condition for its age, at least from the outside.
Personally, my dream house is a beach home in California... but I'm still saving my nickels.
Hmm - that is in very good condition for its age, at least from the outside.
Personally, my dream house is a beach home in California... but I'm still saving my nickels.
09/03/2007 15:39 #40913
Estrip is DyingCategory: estrip
As you can see from this graph, Estrip activity is exponentially decreasing over time, a disaster in the making, and soon no one will be posting comments.

You all must view and post comments to my journal, thus propelling me into Silver Medalist position... err I mean thus saving Estrip!
Late Update:
Thanks to your hard work, we've saved Estrip!

You all must view and post comments to my journal, thus propelling me into Silver Medalist position... err I mean thus saving Estrip!
Late Update:
Thanks to your hard work, we've saved Estrip!

fellyconnelly - 09/03/07 21:35
comment NOT tossed! ha james! the indian can continue crying!
comment NOT tossed! ha james! the indian can continue crying!
jenks - 09/03/07 20:50
i attribute it to the weekend. Just wait til everyone is back at their desks again tomorrow.
i attribute it to the weekend. Just wait til everyone is back at their desks again tomorrow.
paul - 09/03/07 18:22
I think 50 comments a day is normal and we are just comming down from a hardcore comment binge, lol.
I think 50 comments a day is normal and we are just comming down from a hardcore comment binge, lol.
james - 09/03/07 16:07
In a forest somewhere there is an Indian crying as the last comment is thrown out.
In a forest somewhere there is an Indian crying as the last comment is thrown out.
fellyconnelly - 09/03/07 15:58
nono statistics do not lie! but maybe comments should be posted on MY journal? hmm yes?
nono statistics do not lie! but maybe comments should be posted on MY journal? hmm yes?
jim - 09/03/07 15:53
Statistics do not lie - a downward spiral is undeniable unless you all act now!
Statistics do not lie - a downward spiral is undeniable unless you all act now!
fellyconnelly - 09/03/07 15:50
ah yes, just another wayward fellow using statistical data for personal gain....
couldn't be satisfied with bronze, could you? tsk tsk
ah yes, just another wayward fellow using statistical data for personal gain....
couldn't be satisfied with bronze, could you? tsk tsk
09/02/2007 03:28 #40889
Mike and Terry's Birthday 2007Category: photos
Here are my photos from last night, also the full set of 50 or so photos is available here on Flickr: 

jim - 09/02/07 14:12
I updated this journal with all the rest of the photos. You may need to clear your browser cache and then refresh if you see weird squished photos.
I updated this journal with all the rest of the photos. You may need to clear your browser cache and then refresh if you see weird squished photos.
paul - 09/02/07 13:17
Oh, I see it now on the flickr page.
Oh, I see it now on the flickr page.
paul - 09/02/07 13:12
Jim, you can upload more into any journal. It only lets you choose 20 at a time. The n you can load 20 more.
Jim, you can upload more into any journal. It only lets you choose 20 at a time. The n you can load 20 more.
metalpeter - 09/02/07 13:11
The Graphic ones are nice nothing wrong with those. The limbo pictures came out really good that one of (e:jill) is amazing.
The Graphic ones are nice nothing wrong with those. The limbo pictures came out really good that one of (e:jill) is amazing.
paul - 09/02/07 13:11
My favorite one is the last one of megan and I.
My favorite one is the last one of megan and I.
libertad - 09/02/07 13:01
Paul is such a filthy pig rolling around in that porn.
Did Mike and I pose for that picture you posted of us on estrip? I like the one of us in the dining room.
I love that card I got Terry that looks like Andy Warhol. Fabulous! Your the boss applesauce!
Nice pics. I think my camera would have a hard time in those low-lighting situations because I don't use the flash (its hideous). I tend to get a blur in those situations, sometimes I like that though.
Paul is such a filthy pig rolling around in that porn.
Did Mike and I pose for that picture you posted of us on estrip? I like the one of us in the dining room.
I love that card I got Terry that looks like Andy Warhol. Fabulous! Your the boss applesauce!
Nice pics. I think my camera would have a hard time in those low-lighting situations because I don't use the flash (its hideous). I tend to get a blur in those situations, sometimes I like that though.
jim - 09/02/07 12:52
I took out a couple graphic ones, sorry!
I took out a couple graphic ones, sorry!
lauren - 09/02/07 12:26
Fabulous pics as usual! Yay for cute little sugar gliders, nipples, and fire!
Fabulous pics as usual! Yay for cute little sugar gliders, nipples, and fire!
metalpeter - 09/02/07 11:31
If you up load all your pictures to another site you can give us a link to it or even another journal.
If you up load all your pictures to another site you can give us a link to it or even another journal.
metalpeter - 09/02/07 11:12
Great pictures and thanks for posting them the one of (e:lilho) is great that is one picture that I wish I would have gotten of her video chatting with someone the two of (e:paul) where you can see the picture of what he is looking at is great to. I didn't realise how big that fire got, again great pictures.
Great pictures and thanks for posting them the one of (e:lilho) is great that is one picture that I wish I would have gotten of her video chatting with someone the two of (e:paul) where you can see the picture of what he is looking at is great to. I didn't realise how big that fire got, again great pictures.
jenks - 09/02/07 10:19
wow... I definitely left too early.
wow... I definitely left too early.
08/31/2007 19:39 #40866
Business CardsCategory: work

I'm pretty happy! I made the text a point or two too small, though.
fellyconnelly - 08/31/07 22:24
those are sexy! well worth the wait!
those are sexy! well worth the wait!
tinypliny - 08/31/07 20:08
I think it's the most beautiful *and lucid* font ever. I use it for my letters and reports mainly because I know that most of my recipients (till now) are all tottering steadily toward 3+ hypermetropic visions. The font is clear enough without being ghastly and plain - like other fonts in, what I like to call, the hypermetropics category. It is somewhat annoying that M$ Windoze doesn't have Lucida Grande on it, and I needed to install an approximate LG from somewhere.
I love the way the Mac fonts and colours look and feel - but I can't seem to switch completely because of one reason or the other - the foremost being that the software I work on (SAS) is so darned hideous and I don't have a license for the Mac version (if at all, that exists). Also, why is that, places like Roswell are all ultimates slaves to the M$ Garbage? They frown upon fine browsers like Firefox, let alone pure goodness like Opera. To add insult to injury, they then insist on using the pathetic excuse for a browser called IEeeks. It's just appalling.
Phew. I needed to get that off my chest. I realize now that 75% of my comment had nothing to do with Fedex taking 13 hours to drag their truck to your doorstep. :)
As a last-line attempt to steer this ramble into course - Congratulations!
I think it's the most beautiful *and lucid* font ever. I use it for my letters and reports mainly because I know that most of my recipients (till now) are all tottering steadily toward 3+ hypermetropic visions. The font is clear enough without being ghastly and plain - like other fonts in, what I like to call, the hypermetropics category. It is somewhat annoying that M$ Windoze doesn't have Lucida Grande on it, and I needed to install an approximate LG from somewhere.
I love the way the Mac fonts and colours look and feel - but I can't seem to switch completely because of one reason or the other - the foremost being that the software I work on (SAS) is so darned hideous and I don't have a license for the Mac version (if at all, that exists). Also, why is that, places like Roswell are all ultimates slaves to the M$ Garbage? They frown upon fine browsers like Firefox, let alone pure goodness like Opera. To add insult to injury, they then insist on using the pathetic excuse for a browser called IEeeks. It's just appalling.
Phew. I needed to get that off my chest. I realize now that 75% of my comment had nothing to do with Fedex taking 13 hours to drag their truck to your doorstep. :)
As a last-line attempt to steer this ramble into course - Congratulations!
jim - 08/31/07 19:44
Yeah, Lucida Grande, I choose a type face that was also available for use on my site, so they'd match, otherwise I'd have done a different font.
Yeah, Lucida Grande, I choose a type face that was also available for use on my site, so they'd match, otherwise I'd have done a different font.
Whew. What a relief. Neither am I.