Oh Estrip, give me your advice:
Should I give up my business which is finally starting to come together after 2 long years of struggle, and go back to school and try to get a nice permanent job sometime next year at Roswell with
(e:Enknot) and
Or screw security and keep working at Roswell a couple days a week for the next year or two and try to be awesome the rest of the time / the rest of my life as my own man? After all, big things could be in store!
Lifetime security versus trying for the stars? I have to choose what to do in the next month.
Edited to add: Well thank you everyone! There's really no need to make a decision this month, now that I think about it, I'll just keep trying to do it all :)
The business day in ending! I think its time you took that phone off its dull hook and stirred up some excitement!
The cards have been on the truck for delivery since 6am - for 12 hours now! I am going to die. This is not quite as bad as when I've had to wait for delivery of a new Mac (but it's close).
Aww :) You can have one of mine! lol
I love being excited for packages like that.
and I am super jealous. i want business cards. i know I could just make my own, but I want a job that gives me some. I am always jealous of my friends who are way younger than me when they have cards. how stupid is that.
Now I'm afraid to leave my house to go meet with clients this afternoon so that I won't miss the cards... I am such a dork.
Aug 31, 2007 6:13 AM
On FedEx vehicle for delivery
you seem more like the dandelion type than daisy... good choice!
Don't they give you a proof-print? Like journals usually do?
I keep feeling panicked that I ordered them with a typo actually. But i think it's going to be ok, i've proofread it a million times
You are the best!!!!
sure thing!
OOOOOh, could I have one?? I know, I know, i would probably have no earthly use for it, but they have my favourite dandelion shot!!!!