I really liked that movie. Every time (e:Drew) posts I am reminded of it. You better stop, Drew, before I put it on the NetFlix queue and force (e:James) to watch it.
And I like a lot of other really dumb popular movies where people in their mid-twenties play 15 year olds. And I tend to cry easily at ridiculous movies. I am really not fit for being exposed to popular culture.
Also, I am 28. I only have another year where I could conceivably move to LA and find a job playing a teenager on a new sitcom on the WB (or CW or whatever it's called now). I better get cracking.
I should be working right now, but I felt like yesterday was Friday and that would make today Saturday.
Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/31/2007 12:12 #40856
10 Things I Hate About YouCategory: movies
08/30/2007 18:17 #40838
New Business CardsCategory: work
I ordered new business cards last week. They are just like my old ones, except with my new number, and a new blue back with a dandelion instead of the old orange back with a daisy.

They should be here on Tuesday!!! I can't help but check the tracking every hour.

They should be here on Tuesday!!! I can't help but check the tracking every hour.
tinypliny - 08/31/07 17:45
The business day in ending! I think its time you took that phone off its dull hook and stirred up some excitement!
The business day in ending! I think its time you took that phone off its dull hook and stirred up some excitement!
jim - 08/31/07 17:39
The cards have been on the truck for delivery since 6am - for 12 hours now! I am going to die. This is not quite as bad as when I've had to wait for delivery of a new Mac (but it's close).
The cards have been on the truck for delivery since 6am - for 12 hours now! I am going to die. This is not quite as bad as when I've had to wait for delivery of a new Mac (but it's close).
jim - 08/31/07 14:26
Aww :) You can have one of mine! lol
Aww :) You can have one of mine! lol
jenks - 08/31/07 14:22
I love being excited for packages like that.
and I am super jealous. i want business cards. i know I could just make my own, but I want a job that gives me some. I am always jealous of my friends who are way younger than me when they have cards. how stupid is that.
I love being excited for packages like that.
and I am super jealous. i want business cards. i know I could just make my own, but I want a job that gives me some. I am always jealous of my friends who are way younger than me when they have cards. how stupid is that.
jim - 08/31/07 11:32
Now I'm afraid to leave my house to go meet with clients this afternoon so that I won't miss the cards... I am such a dork.
Now I'm afraid to leave my house to go meet with clients this afternoon so that I won't miss the cards... I am such a dork.
fellyconnelly - 08/30/07 22:43
you seem more like the dandelion type than daisy... good choice!
you seem more like the dandelion type than daisy... good choice!
tinypliny - 08/30/07 22:18
Don't they give you a proof-print? Like journals usually do?
Don't they give you a proof-print? Like journals usually do?
jim - 08/30/07 20:56
I keep feeling panicked that I ordered them with a typo actually. But i think it's going to be ok, i've proofread it a million times
I keep feeling panicked that I ordered them with a typo actually. But i think it's going to be ok, i've proofread it a million times
tinypliny - 08/30/07 19:01
You are the best!!!!
You are the best!!!!
jim - 08/30/07 18:40
sure thing!
sure thing!
tinypliny - 08/30/07 18:37
OOOOOh, could I have one?? I know, I know, i would probably have no earthly use for it, but they have my favourite dandelion shot!!!!
OOOOOh, could I have one?? I know, I know, i would probably have no earthly use for it, but they have my favourite dandelion shot!!!!
08/29/2007 23:44 #40819
2 Year AnniversaryCategory: estrip
I just noticed my start date is 9/1/05 so in two days I'll be at the two year mark. Almost 200 journals and 5 games of hangman. Good times!
08/29/2007 21:21 #40817
Cheap (but good) 11x14 Prints!Category: deals
Adorama has 11x14 inch prints for $1.99 each until Aug 31: 
(e:James) and I have ordered from them a few times and have always been happy. Of course the framing is the expensive part!

(e:James) and I have ordered from them a few times and have always been happy. Of course the framing is the expensive part!
tinypliny - 08/29/07 21:24
Maybe I should take advantage of this and order some fake window scenes for my office, considering its under a ridiculous hillock.
Maybe I should take advantage of this and order some fake window scenes for my office, considering its under a ridiculous hillock.
08/28/2007 20:58 #40791
Programming StuffCategory: programming
In Ruby 2.0, a new hash literal syntax (like javascript!)
{a: "thing"} # ruby 2.0
{:a => "thing"} # ruby 1.8
array('a' => "thing") # and PHP
{a: "thing"} # ruby 2.0
{:a => "thing"} # ruby 1.8
array('a' => "thing") # and PHP
mrdeadlier - 08/29/07 18:08
I'm totally stealing his thunder here but ask Paul about the printer extension he found on PHP.net today. :)
I'm totally stealing his thunder here but ask Paul about the printer extension he found on PHP.net today. :)
joshua - 08/29/07 11:56
Tiny that is funny =)
Tiny that is funny =)
paul - 08/28/07 22:11
I have no idea why the PHP developers will not do this.
Status: Wont fix
Search this page for New Array Syntax to see how crazy the debate about this got
I have no idea why the PHP developers will not do this.
Status: Wont fix
Search this page for New Array Syntax to see how crazy the debate about this got
tinypliny - 08/28/07 21:26
Wah wah janaab.
Wah wah janaab.
When I turned 18 I felt a great loss. Now I never could do kiddie porn.
grains of sand in an hour glass Mr. Lindley.
I haven't seen those movies...
I love that line where that kid from the 3rd rock goes something like: "One question before we talk, do you think you should be drinking when you have no liver?"
Sorry to start all of this.
For the record, my favorite adults playing teens movie is Mean Girls.
I'm not really into the teen movie thing, but I had to watch it because it was writeen by Tina Fey. I will post 10 things I like about Tina Fey sometime soon.
My favorite Freddy Prinze Jr movie is [link=http://imdb.com/title/tt0192111/]Head over Heels[/link] where a beautiful girl (who dresses frumpy) moves in with 4 supermodels, and gets made over. Then, she falls in love for F.P.jr's character who may or may not be a serial killer, but she is not very concerned and keeps going out with him anyways.
Turns out he is a secret undercover agent working in the fashion world to uncover the brutal blood diamond traders, and they all team up, the main character, the supermodels, and the undercover agent, to stop the evil guys. And there is a great dane named Hamlet.
those are the best movies. Can't Hardly Wait is really the best one thoguh. don't you dare steal my 25 year old playing a 15 year old dream. When I turned 22 I really felt like I lost my chance because that is the age when the guy who played Dawson on Dawson's Creek was discovered while majoring in sociology like I was at the time. Maybe there is still a chance....
You know what? I am WWWAAAY ahead of your game. I dug up that movie and watched it already, a couple days back (for about the 7th time) - and it was *all* Drew's fault. That movie was the first thing I thought of the minute.. no, the second I saw his first "10 things" list hit the estrip list.
Yeah, and I love pop movies and start crying the minute a James Horner/John Williams soundtrack screeches out of speakers. Heck, I don't even need any plotline - I cry watching trailers with emotional soundtracks.
So now that the basic qualifications have been outlined, do you think I could get a job too? I have one more year (maybe half) more than you. heheh.
And why pretend? I have stopped working altogether.