I got a wax today in anticipation of going to the beach. Afterwards I always feel like I've either hooked up or have been molested. I can't quite figure out which one. Joyce probably knows my va-jay-jay (thanks for the term Oprah) better than any dude. She really gets in there looks at things. I can't imagine doing that for a living. Getting all up in strangers junk all day.
And now for part two of this post (and not nearly as graphic):
As I mentioned before I'm going to the beach, and I'm going with a boy!! He's probably the nicest dude I've ever met. I keep waiting for the downfall of him being nice, but so far it hasn't happened. So for now I'm just going to enjoy actually hanging out with a non jerk dude. It's pretty awesome.
did oprah really coin that phrase? I thought it came from gray's anatomy.
Oh to be JOYCE....what a joy it must be to remove the hair of NYC'S vajayjays. I love OPrah for giving us VaJayJay , i love her , i swear everyone is saying it now , up to like 80 years olds and as young as 3 both in and out of context.
This obviously leads to a terrible joke.
"I'll show you my Swedish if you show me your Brazilian!!"
More like the Steep Sisters. Why the hell didn't I go into the parlour business??
Id take an arm pit wax over my junk any day of the week. I timed it and it only lasted 12 minutes but it felt like an hour.
So yes at J Sisters they pretty much only do the brazilian.
You know how to wax? Maybe you should consider that as a career. They charge $80 a wax. You could be rolling in the dough in no time!
Ouch! They have armpit waxing. I can't imagine how painful that must be. Do you get the str8up Brazilian? I actually know how to do waxing, but thats a whole other story.