Hodown's Journal
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07/16/2007 16:11 #40126
If I were a Simpson?07/13/2007 12:47 #40095
VacationCategory: vacation
Yesterday I found out that mid-year bonuses at my job are all f'd up. In addition we now get year end bonuses in March of '08. Because my firm was bought out by a Private Equity Firm we changed our year end. Long story short I get a "year end" bonus which should be payment for 12 months but now instead is for 14 months with no additional amount for the 2 additional months. Anyways with all of this I was suppossed to get my mid-year bonus in July. Well looks like I'm not getting it till October. They tell us this days before we were expecting them. So I postponed my vacation in order to have enough spending cash. Well that and work is going to be nuts until the end of August.
Really the whole point of that long paragraph is I now have to wait until August 21st to fly first class. Really that's the highlight of my vacation. I'm really looking forward to it. More than I think is normal. I always walk by the first class folks when boarding and look longingly at their large leather seats. Then I cry on the inside a little again after the stewardess makes the announcement that the bathroom in the front of the aircraft is for first class passengers only. I have to pee like 2 times an hour and bathrooms are essential to me. I can't wait to have access the the exclusive bathroom.
Oh and also I'm looking forward to the free booze that apparently they serve in first class. I mean come on we all know momma likes to get her drink on while flying.
Really the whole point of that long paragraph is I now have to wait until August 21st to fly first class. Really that's the highlight of my vacation. I'm really looking forward to it. More than I think is normal. I always walk by the first class folks when boarding and look longingly at their large leather seats. Then I cry on the inside a little again after the stewardess makes the announcement that the bathroom in the front of the aircraft is for first class passengers only. I have to pee like 2 times an hour and bathrooms are essential to me. I can't wait to have access the the exclusive bathroom.
Oh and also I'm looking forward to the free booze that apparently they serve in first class. I mean come on we all know momma likes to get her drink on while flying.
07/05/2007 12:23 #39924
Pictorial Update on summer activitiesCategory: picture
I've been way to lazy to post anything of substance and that trend continues. As a matter of fact uploading the pictures almost took more effort than I could handle. So with out further ado I present you with pictures from my life:

Paul and Jess. We are so happy!

Aww, more P and J.

P and J at the beach

Paul had this weird obsession with getting a little dog like Paris Hilton.

Just because Emily is so damn sexy.

Cate wears her sunglasses at night

When brunch begins at Blue Moon you know drunkeness will follow.

Man Man show at McCarren pool.

Princess Carolyn and her boy Georg at Man Man. Aww.

4th of July Picnic. We do picnics up right.

More picnic.

Ben and Danelle, the newly engaged cuties..

Mark and Cate, also cute, but not engaged...

Paul and Jess. We are so happy!

Aww, more P and J.

P and J at the beach

Paul had this weird obsession with getting a little dog like Paris Hilton.

Just because Emily is so damn sexy.

Cate wears her sunglasses at night

When brunch begins at Blue Moon you know drunkeness will follow.

Man Man show at McCarren pool.

Princess Carolyn and her boy Georg at Man Man. Aww.

4th of July Picnic. We do picnics up right.

More picnic.

Ben and Danelle, the newly engaged cuties..

Mark and Cate, also cute, but not engaged...
fellyconnelly - 07/05/07 15:10
what fun pictures these are! i spent my fourth of july working....... (grr)
what fun pictures these are! i spent my fourth of july working....... (grr)
06/29/2007 15:44 #39848
Farmers in SpainCategory: *ass*ets
This man has clearly not seen a woman in a long ass time (pun intended):

- Taken from a story in the NYT about the Spanish Countryside bussing in women from Madrid for marriage to farmers.
libertad - 07/05/07 14:56
that is the best picture ever.
that is the best picture ever.
06/29/2007 14:02 #39845
Astronaut did NOT wear diapersCategory: nasa
Apparently the astronaut who was all cra-gee and drove 950 miles to confront her ex lovers current GF is now claiming she was NOT wearing diapers at her time of arrest. Why did she wait until now to dispute that part of the story? Did she miss the part where it was all over the news for days? I mean either she was or wasn't. I think the cre-gee wore off, her drugs are kicking in and she is now a little embarassed.
Lesson learned: Don't wear adult diapers to confront a romantic rival if you don't want it all over the news (and then featured in an episode of Law & Order).

Lesson learned: Don't wear adult diapers to confront a romantic rival if you don't want it all over the news (and then featured in an episode of Law & Order).

hey, i told you about that. you make a cute simpson, but it doesnt really look anything like you?