In case you don't want to click over there or are too lazy to do so (hey I wouldn't blame you, it takes a lot out of me to even blog in the first place) below are the pictures and the back story:
Every Sunday there are free shows at McCarren Pool

1. The outdoor table was smelly- it was near the garbage
2. The outdoor table was too hot. Not all of us lived in Brazil and love 90 degrees and 75% humidity.
Thus we decided to settle our dispute the way any respectable 20-30 something women do: arm wrestle.
I found this idea so fun and funny that the first bout Carolyn throughly creamed me. However I was prepared and had my game face on when I suggested best 2 out of 3. I won easily, but somehow we still ended up outside near the smelly garbage.

This is my game face. As you can see its quite intense.

Sweet, sweet victory.
That is so hilarious. :) Congratulations, arm-wrestler.