I have to say no matter how many times me and Paulie swear we think the other person is a total jerk we always end up friends again.
So in the famous words of the Golden Girls (how many times have you been waiting for JUST the right time to quote the Golden Girls):
"Thank you for being a friend".
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/22/2007 16:13 #39771
The cold war is overCategory: friends are rad
06/15/2007 11:22 #39673
TetanusOn Wednesday I got a tetanus shot from the best and also most hot doctor ever. He neglected to mention that for days after the shot my arm would feel like I was stung by a bee then punched repeatedly on the same arm by a burly man.
I also got my first EKG ever. It made me kinda nervous. The instructions were "do not move, don't even wiggle your fingers or toes". Then they turned on the machine and I started seeing stars. It was really weird.
Turns out I'm in tip top health, minus the whole loosing weight issue I'm having.
I get to see him again next week. I'm pretty excited.
I also got my first EKG ever. It made me kinda nervous. The instructions were "do not move, don't even wiggle your fingers or toes". Then they turned on the machine and I started seeing stars. It was really weird.
Turns out I'm in tip top health, minus the whole loosing weight issue I'm having.
I get to see him again next week. I'm pretty excited.
mike - 06/15/07 18:57
yeah my doctor made me get an ekg a few years ago, i was like 19 and i was like whoa man I don't need your electric probes reading my insides..it was very strange and seemed rather unnecessary at the time...especially cuz there was no chance of any "bumpa bumpa" if you know what i mean, like you and your doctor...good luck!
yeah my doctor made me get an ekg a few years ago, i was like 19 and i was like whoa man I don't need your electric probes reading my insides..it was very strange and seemed rather unnecessary at the time...especially cuz there was no chance of any "bumpa bumpa" if you know what i mean, like you and your doctor...good luck!
jenks - 06/15/07 12:57
that's a little weird... probably not necessary, but it's not that expensive and doesn't hurt or anything so it's no biggie.
that's a little weird... probably not necessary, but it's not that expensive and doesn't hurt or anything so it's no biggie.
hodown - 06/15/07 12:53
I was wondering that myself about the EKG. He said he was taking one just to make sure I didn't have any undetected health/heart issues. It sounded like a good idea.
I was wondering that myself about the EKG. He said he was taking one just to make sure I didn't have any undetected health/heart issues. It sounded like a good idea.
jenks - 06/15/07 12:46
tetanus shots suck. but at least it's only every 5-10 yr. but why did you need an ekg?! glad you got a clean bill of health. :)
tetanus shots suck. but at least it's only every 5-10 yr. but why did you need an ekg?! glad you got a clean bill of health. :)
06/12/2007 10:23 #39627
The Day All My Dreams Were RealizedCategory: colbert
At first I was going to write a long post about how Colbert was AWESOME AWESOME T-O-T-A-L-L-Y. Then I was going to write a long descriptive post about how Colbert did a jaunty little jump off the stage that made my heart flutter. And I was going to finish things up with a reenactment of his lip-synching of Mika's Grace Kelly song (which made me swoon). But instead I'm going to post a picture, because it's worth a thousand words.

fellyconnelly - 06/12/07 19:43
you didn't blow him a kiss did you....
you didn't blow him a kiss did you....
mk - 06/12/07 13:55
(e:Anne) is obsessed with Stephen Colbert. We are without Internet but I'll be sure to tell her to check out your post. I bet it was so great!!!!
(e:Anne) is obsessed with Stephen Colbert. We are without Internet but I'll be sure to tell her to check out your post. I bet it was so great!!!!
james - 06/12/07 11:37
We Never Close has the Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor Ameri-cone Dream featuring the lickable mug of Mr.Colbert. It is delicious.
That is all.
We Never Close has the Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor Ameri-cone Dream featuring the lickable mug of Mr.Colbert. It is delicious.
That is all.
06/11/2007 10:05 #39604
The day has arrivedCategory: colbert report
The best day of my life has arrived. Or actually the best day of my week has arrived. Today is the day I will get to drool over Mr. Steven "American Patroit" Colbert live and in person.
mrmike - 06/11/07 20:28
Tell us "The Word"
Tell us "The Word"
fellyconnelly - 06/11/07 14:45
blow him a kiss for me!
blow him a kiss for me!
jason - 06/11/07 10:16
06/05/2007 14:25 #39533
ElevatorCategory: scary
So I know I never update my blog anymore and I suck. I'm just too damn lazy I suppose. I also have a million pictures on my camera I need to post. Someday I'll get to it. In the meantime I figured I'd post about this morning since basically my biggest fear in life happened.
As per my regular schedule I woke up, got dressed and all of that. In the process I changed purses to accomidate my outfit choice. When changing purses I saw my little bottle of Zanax and decided not to pop it in my purse. Yeah, huge mistake.
Off to work I go and I arrive at my building semi-on time, all in one piece. My office is on the 34th floor and I'm not really in the mood to climb 34 flights at 9am so I hop on the elevator with a random group of people. The doors close and all is well. That is until we hit the 27th floor. We hit 27, drop a floor and the lights go off and the elevator stops.
As one can imagine this is the point at which I turn pretty much into a crazy person. I ripped off my suit coat, drop my bag and ipod and announce to the entire elevator I'm about to have a panic attack and can someone talk to me. You see I've envisioned this type of situation happening in detail. I didn't quite anticipate the dropping elevator, that was an added bonus. In these imagined scenarios talking to someone is what I feel like would calm me down. That and Zanax. So then this older gentleman and lady start to talk to me. She offers me her water, which she had already drank out of, but when you're on the verge of freaking out oral diseases are the last thing you're worried about. Then the elevator mechanic gets on the speaker and let's us know its going to be 20 mins till he can get us. Seriously I couldn't believe that I was stuck on an elevator that had dropped. We got out safe and sound, but holy shit am I freaked the fuck out. I walked from the 27th to the 34th floor.
Moral of the story:
Elevators are scary places- don't get on one without Zanax.
As per my regular schedule I woke up, got dressed and all of that. In the process I changed purses to accomidate my outfit choice. When changing purses I saw my little bottle of Zanax and decided not to pop it in my purse. Yeah, huge mistake.
Off to work I go and I arrive at my building semi-on time, all in one piece. My office is on the 34th floor and I'm not really in the mood to climb 34 flights at 9am so I hop on the elevator with a random group of people. The doors close and all is well. That is until we hit the 27th floor. We hit 27, drop a floor and the lights go off and the elevator stops.
As one can imagine this is the point at which I turn pretty much into a crazy person. I ripped off my suit coat, drop my bag and ipod and announce to the entire elevator I'm about to have a panic attack and can someone talk to me. You see I've envisioned this type of situation happening in detail. I didn't quite anticipate the dropping elevator, that was an added bonus. In these imagined scenarios talking to someone is what I feel like would calm me down. That and Zanax. So then this older gentleman and lady start to talk to me. She offers me her water, which she had already drank out of, but when you're on the verge of freaking out oral diseases are the last thing you're worried about. Then the elevator mechanic gets on the speaker and let's us know its going to be 20 mins till he can get us. Seriously I couldn't believe that I was stuck on an elevator that had dropped. We got out safe and sound, but holy shit am I freaked the fuck out. I walked from the 27th to the 34th floor.
Moral of the story:
Elevators are scary places- don't get on one without Zanax.
tinypliny - 06/11/07 11:03
Yeah, I don't like elevators either. Especially the ones that are all metal-colored walls and look like the inside of a sauce pan. I have been known to walk up 10 floors just to avoid the all-metal ones. Glad you made it out safe!
Yeah, I don't like elevators either. Especially the ones that are all metal-colored walls and look like the inside of a sauce pan. I have been known to walk up 10 floors just to avoid the all-metal ones. Glad you made it out safe!
deeglam - 06/06/07 18:47
holy shit. fuck.
holy shit. fuck.
imk2 - 06/05/07 21:25
Holy shit, i would have needed much more than a zanax!
Holy shit, i would have needed much more than a zanax!
mike - 06/05/07 19:31
wowser jess! that is terrifying! I would have died!!!
wowser jess! that is terrifying! I would have died!!!
yeah I like all Ho's and Visco's to be on good terms. It's the way it's meant to be..