I've been on a huge documentary kick lately and last night I decided to watch Jesus Camp. Ok everyone has to see this movie. It's NUTS.
I grew up in an evangelical christian home, so I guess it never hit me just how scary it really is. So the point of the film is it follows some little kids to this Jesus camp. This woman runs the camp and is clearly trying to use these kids as substitutes for the kids she'll never have because she is like 350lbs and clearly a lesbian. The film opens as she is chastising the world and FAT people who sit by and let the devil do his work. I found this a little ironic.
Then we cut to this woman who home schools her two kids. They are talking about how silly all this liberal environmentalism is. WTF?! Really Jesus is telling you fuck up the planet because you are a christian? This sounds preposterous, but this is really what they believe. It has to do with the rapture and they won't be here long anyways so fucking up the earth is not really that big of a deal. Then they all had a good laugh.
Back to bible camp- all this junk is being forced fed to these poor kids. they are told they are sinners and how sin is going to ruin there lives. you know at 6 yrs old if some scary lady was telling me this crap and my mom and dad were agreeing I'd buy into their propaganda too.
So bible camp wraps up with: A LIFE SIZE CUT OUT OF GW. I kid you not. he has two flags behind him. oh and they say the pledge, but not the one you're thinking. apparently christinas have their own version of the pledge. then they say a warfare prayer over him. everyone gets nuts over how great GW is. I've never seen so many people love him before. seriously.
I know you're thinking how can this movie get any better, but it so does. One of the kids goes to TED HAGGERT's church. That would be the same Ted Haggert who is not gay and also not a crack addict. He just does it sometimes in certain circumstances. This was before then whole scandal (obviously). I just found it again ironic that this man is sitting up there judging and preaching damnation and hell fire when he's getting blowies and smoking the pipe.
In conclusion, see this movie.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/23/2007 10:25 #38591
Jesus Camp03/20/2007 15:02 #38530
Study in hand shadowsCategory: potpourri
I was cleaning out pictures on my camera and found this. I love finding fun pictures that you didn't take.

hodown - 03/22/07 17:57
First of all its joshr (one word-refer to www.joshr.com for further refrences), not josh (space)r.
Second of all we no longer refer to him on my journal.
Third of all I think its Eamon. He's crafty like that.
First of all its joshr (one word-refer to www.joshr.com for further refrences), not josh (space)r.
Second of all we no longer refer to him on my journal.
Third of all I think its Eamon. He's crafty like that.
lilho - 03/21/07 23:59
those are great if they are not josh r's hand. if they are his hand, take them down, and burn them. soak them in acid, etc.
ps. love your devoted little sister.
pps. if this does not compute, find a way to make it so.
ppps. just to have a ppps!
those are great if they are not josh r's hand. if they are his hand, take them down, and burn them. soak them in acid, etc.
ps. love your devoted little sister.
pps. if this does not compute, find a way to make it so.
ppps. just to have a ppps!
03/16/2007 16:33 #38490
I'm 30 and my mom buys my plane ticketsWhen I was younger I always imagined 30 as being so grown up. I'd have matching furniture, a headboard for my bed, and I'd have all sorts of adult like things going on.
Then I turned 30. I found out that 30 year olds (or at least the ones I know) don't actually have matching furniture and for the most part we are just older versions of out 25 yr ourselves. That and no one I know has a headboard.
The point of this is I'm going on vacation next week. The best friends vacation. I bought the ticket from NYC to San Fran and then a ticket from Phoenix to NYC. Mainly because I got sweet deals on the tickets. Then all I needed was to get from San Fran to Phoenix. Well that ticket was $150, and I didn't enjoy that price. So everyday I'd log onto Southwest and look at the price, then look at my meager bank account, then look at the price. I mean I need beer money for vacation, right? So I called my mom and was like "hi mom guess what I need?" Her response was "Why doesn't Jessica buy the ticket?" My reply was "Do you mean Paul?" Her "No I meant Jessica". Then silence. I pulled the "but i live in nyc" and she said "no you live in jersey city". More silence followed by "fine here is my credit card number". Score. I really didn't plan to be 30 and still have my mom buying me things, but it's so nice when she does.
Also I got a geography lesson. LA is no where near San Fran. Who knew? On the map they look close. My mom and Paul were equally disgusted when I said I thought they looked close. If you had told either one of them in 1995 they'd agree on anything they would have never believed it.
Then I turned 30. I found out that 30 year olds (or at least the ones I know) don't actually have matching furniture and for the most part we are just older versions of out 25 yr ourselves. That and no one I know has a headboard.
The point of this is I'm going on vacation next week. The best friends vacation. I bought the ticket from NYC to San Fran and then a ticket from Phoenix to NYC. Mainly because I got sweet deals on the tickets. Then all I needed was to get from San Fran to Phoenix. Well that ticket was $150, and I didn't enjoy that price. So everyday I'd log onto Southwest and look at the price, then look at my meager bank account, then look at the price. I mean I need beer money for vacation, right? So I called my mom and was like "hi mom guess what I need?" Her response was "Why doesn't Jessica buy the ticket?" My reply was "Do you mean Paul?" Her "No I meant Jessica". Then silence. I pulled the "but i live in nyc" and she said "no you live in jersey city". More silence followed by "fine here is my credit card number". Score. I really didn't plan to be 30 and still have my mom buying me things, but it's so nice when she does.
Also I got a geography lesson. LA is no where near San Fran. Who knew? On the map they look close. My mom and Paul were equally disgusted when I said I thought they looked close. If you had told either one of them in 1995 they'd agree on anything they would have never believed it.
lilho - 03/17/07 11:49
you will die suddenly for ever making me feel bad when mom buys me stuff. but seriously, nice tactic, and remember that you need to use a different approach every time. tears never hurt, they sometimes turn into lipgloss. i wasnt sure if you still has it in you, but i have to say im proud. go out, and spend that extra $150 on something nice or yourself, you deserve it!
and, you are huge fucking dumbass for not knowing how long of a state, CA is, and that LA and San Fran are indeed very far apart. Further than NY and Blo are apart.
P.S. get your crunk juice, and cracktivate. we are celebrating st patty's day, "hostyle". in fact, i have created a new drink, i like to call, "the bloody ho". mmmmmmmmm...
you will die suddenly for ever making me feel bad when mom buys me stuff. but seriously, nice tactic, and remember that you need to use a different approach every time. tears never hurt, they sometimes turn into lipgloss. i wasnt sure if you still has it in you, but i have to say im proud. go out, and spend that extra $150 on something nice or yourself, you deserve it!
and, you are huge fucking dumbass for not knowing how long of a state, CA is, and that LA and San Fran are indeed very far apart. Further than NY and Blo are apart.
P.S. get your crunk juice, and cracktivate. we are celebrating st patty's day, "hostyle". in fact, i have created a new drink, i like to call, "the bloody ho". mmmmmmmmm...
twisted - 03/17/07 01:48
What airport are you flying into? Hope it's not LAX, haha.
What airport are you flying into? Hope it's not LAX, haha.
jenks - 03/16/07 19:39
hahaha yeah I need geography lessons often. Like I always thought Buffalo was "upstate NY" and assumed it was close to NYC, and was stunned when i realized it was (much) closer to Canada. And that it's almost as far from Buff to Chicago as it is from Buff to RI. And I had friends in college from LA/SF, and they were tallking about flying to visit each other and I was shocked. I was like "what? You have to FLY? Within the same state?" Being from Rhode Island, being able to drive more than 30 min and be in the same state is just crazy talk.
hahaha yeah I need geography lessons often. Like I always thought Buffalo was "upstate NY" and assumed it was close to NYC, and was stunned when i realized it was (much) closer to Canada. And that it's almost as far from Buff to Chicago as it is from Buff to RI. And I had friends in college from LA/SF, and they were tallking about flying to visit each other and I was shocked. I was like "what? You have to FLY? Within the same state?" Being from Rhode Island, being able to drive more than 30 min and be in the same state is just crazy talk.
03/15/2007 15:56 #38473
Oh Spring DayCategory: spring
Yesterday, March 14th was a beautiful spring day. It inspired me to pull out a super cute outfit with matching accessories and a jaunty little rain coat. The weather made me want to skip down the street and toss my hat (if I had one) in the air, just like Mary Tyler Moore. I was going to make it after all. Instead of skipping and looking nuts I played Bishop Allen and bopped my head as I took a walk down my street.
On my walk I came across a flier titled "Where is Ibby". Ibby is the owner of a fantastic falafel shop in my hood. He closed the shop about a year ago for "renovations". People are going nuts. This flier was looking for any information on Ibbys whereabouts and when the delicious falafel would be returning. It made me smile. Maybe I'd email this kindred soul in Jersey City. I pledged that this spring I'd take more walks in my hood. Bishop Allen encouraged me and I just knew this spring was going to be fantastic.
I then got home, opened my window to air out my apartment and turned on the TV. That's when my world came crashing down. Fox 5 news informed me that snow was on its way. Fuck. And there went all my hope for spring.
I'm back to being dismal and wearing black and staring longingly at the skirts in my closet. Fuck you winter.
On my walk I came across a flier titled "Where is Ibby". Ibby is the owner of a fantastic falafel shop in my hood. He closed the shop about a year ago for "renovations". People are going nuts. This flier was looking for any information on Ibbys whereabouts and when the delicious falafel would be returning. It made me smile. Maybe I'd email this kindred soul in Jersey City. I pledged that this spring I'd take more walks in my hood. Bishop Allen encouraged me and I just knew this spring was going to be fantastic.
I then got home, opened my window to air out my apartment and turned on the TV. That's when my world came crashing down. Fox 5 news informed me that snow was on its way. Fuck. And there went all my hope for spring.
I'm back to being dismal and wearing black and staring longingly at the skirts in my closet. Fuck you winter.
leetee - 03/15/07 16:23
It's all my mom's fault... that bitch took the snow tires off her lil sports car!
It's all my mom's fault... that bitch took the snow tires off her lil sports car!
03/12/2007 13:12 #38430
Sicky PooI've been totally snotty and barfy for 7 days. I am pretty tired of being sick and cooped up inside. On Friday on my way home from work I think it finally took its toll because I almost started crying as I was walking home. Dramatic I know, but I can't help it. Now that the weather is turning I'm hoping I'm over being all thyphoid mary.
Then to top off my pity party I can't shake the Joshr thing. Is it because I want what I can't have or because I really liked him? Either way I need a random hook up asap to get this crap out of my system. I'm never like this about boys!
Thank god im getting out of nyc for a vaca soon. All of this pollution is really starting to cloud my brain..
Then to top off my pity party I can't shake the Joshr thing. Is it because I want what I can't have or because I really liked him? Either way I need a random hook up asap to get this crap out of my system. I'm never like this about boys!
Thank god im getting out of nyc for a vaca soon. All of this pollution is really starting to cloud my brain..
hodown - 03/12/07 17:15
Mike, going to Buffalo is NOT a vacation silly boy.
Mike, going to Buffalo is NOT a vacation silly boy.
mike - 03/12/07 15:37
you're not coming to buffalo for your vaca are you? That would be sweet!
you're not coming to buffalo for your vaca are you? That would be sweet!
mike - 03/12/07 15:36
Hmmm well snotty and barfy does sound like a turn on , how could you not be having a one night stand right now!?!
Hmmm well snotty and barfy does sound like a turn on , how could you not be having a one night stand right now!?!
jason - 03/12/07 14:05
Hang in there sista girl.
Hang in there sista girl.
Ok, so a maybe-dumb question for you-
But what exactly is "a christian"?
I've always thought "Christian" was a huge umbrella term... part of the judeo-christian philosophy... which is then further divided into catholic, protestant, and all the protestant branches (episcopal, lutheran, methodist, unitarian etc etc)- so what does it means when someone says they are "a christian"? None of the above? I am (at least on paper, not in practice) episcopalian- I also think that means I am Christian- but am I not A Christian? If someone asked, I would say "episcopalian", not "christian".
Maybe that's why I'm atheist now. It's a lot simpler. ;)
I remember that Ted Haggert clip from that movie. It may have been a factor in the elections last November. He was so tweaking when he was preaching on how some of his male congregation may be out sneaking around with men on their wives!!!
As a Christian myself, this stuff frustrates me. Sadly, the majority of "believers" out there today are absolutely nothing like what you read about in the Bible.
The faith I subscribe to (specifically, the one Christ demonstrated in the New Testament) is nothing like this. Jesus preached about loving others unconditionally, not judging them.
And what about being a good steward of what God has entrusted us with? I've never understood how people who call themselves Creationists think it's OK to abuse the very world they say their Creator formed.
To (sort of) quote the President himself (of whom I am NOT a fan): "They've hijacked a great religion."