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02/24/2007 15:44 #38266

Category: boys who suck
So I'm 99.9% sure I'm getting dissed by the programmer dork. I'm super sad about it. We had tenative plans on Thursday, and he never called. At the time it was fine because I was barfy mcbarf with the flu. So Friday I called and left a message saying "hi, give me a call if you want to hang out this weekend." Now 24 hours later, no call back. I really don't get it. He seemed like he was into me. I mean he hung out w me and my sister, called after said he had a good time. After every time before when we hung out he said how much fun he had. I just got a feeling that he liked me. Apparently not. Maybe I'm crazy and he'll really call, but still whats the story with not calling before? I seriously don't get it.

Due to my whole boys suck mood I'm trying to keep busy. This is leading to me tearing apart my closet and organizing everything. I guess at least if im getting the diss my sweaters will be organized.
metalpeter - 02/25/07 09:32
I will admit I never use the term "I'll Call Ya" so I can't really say why people say it and don't call. I think it dosn't really mean that it is just an expresion meaning I'll see ya around or I'll call ya... If I don't have other plans or something like that. It is more like a casual saying instead of a difantive plan. Like I'll ya thursday around 9 so we can figure out what to do this weekend. I guy not calling you back dosn't have to mean he didn't like you. but maybe this weekend he has other girls or even guys who feals like being with.
carolinian - 02/24/07 21:42
I don't know how far you guys have gotten, but maybe he thinks you've put him into the "friend zone" :::link:::
twisted - 02/24/07 20:41
maybe the world he lives in goes at a different pace than yours. Oh well, I guess screw him then.
ingrid - 02/24/07 20:09
So freaking true Jenks. Boys are scum. If they say they'll call you then they should! UGH!
jenks - 02/24/07 16:25
See. Boys totally fucking lie when they say they don't play games. I hate hate hate when they do that. That's what happened to me this summer with the dog boy. Sorry you're having to deal with it. :(

For the record, guys: if you don't want to hang out- don't say you'll call. It's much worse to get someone's hopes up and then let them down, then to just let them down in the first place. It is not "nicer" to trick us like that. Boo. Sorry Jess.
lilho - 02/24/07 16:15
ok, i know paul always says this, but you are really waaaay cuter than him. and his apartment is scary.
paul - 02/24/07 15:47
Is he gay?

02/23/2007 12:25 #38255

Why I hate Jonathan Adler and other junk
So yesterday in between barfing I caught up on Bravo's Top Design. I felt like I needed a dose of gay and drama to make me feel better. It was totally doing the trick until during one of the challenges Jon was all "So I love your cabana and I'm looking at it and I'm thinking St. Tropez St. Tropez, then OH MY GOD BUFFALO" and he has this bad look on his face. Kinda like Buffalo to him is the worst insult he can spew out at the designers. Well F you Mr. Adler. It takes a shit load of talent to make a bunch of white cermaic vases that look like I could buy them at Target or Ikea. It's so sad because I actually own an orginal Jonathan Adler, and I'm torn between displaying one of the only pieces of orginal art I own and not displaying it because he insulted B'lo.

Also boys. Or I should say boy, not plural. I've totally been crushing on this one computer programmer dork boy (no not paul) and he said he was going to call yesterday and then he didn't. We were suppossed to hang out. It didn't matter so much at the time because I had a fever and the flu and was not really ok. But still. Now that I'm fine I'm wondering why he didn't call. I hate when I get all crazy girl, but seriously call if you say you're going to call. Ugh. This is going to drive me nuts now.

lilho - 02/23/07 12:41
umm, i think i might insult buffalo like that too. anyway, him not having to spend a winter here, he doesnt even know.

02/16/2007 14:08 #38182

Valentines Day
Category: oh love
So for the first time since I'd say about the 90's I didn't hate Valentine's Day. The thing is I didn't get a huge bouquet of flowers or any expensive gift. I ate take out and hung out. The thing that made it the best was the dude. He was so adorable and awesome. I'm pretty sure I have a crush on him. So we hung out all night, and then I was like I should go and he looked at me like I was nuts. So I spent the night and we snuggled (and other things) all night. Then I go to get up and go to work and yeah that didn't happen. Back to bed for more fun. He cooked me breakfast AND lunch. He showed me his collection of programming books signed by the author (I wanted to die it was so cute and dorky). And then we were sitting there, and he just looked over and said (out of the blue) "I'm sorry about your dad." The thing is no one has ever said that to me before. Not that I need anyone to. But it just kinda blew me away. After that I was sold.
hodown - 02/16/07 17:17
Me too! It's so rare that they do.
mike - 02/16/07 17:15
that's awesome! I hope stays enjoyable and cute!

02/14/2007 15:50 #38149

Best Weekend Ever
Category: weekend
Ok maybe not the best ever. But still super fun. Heres a pictorial run down:

These tater tots come with an unlimited supply of ketchup.

Lori Loves Tots

After signing away my soul to Camel Cigarettes I get free Ladytron Tickets. I think thats totally a fair trade.

Saturday- No pics from Sat as I was knocking boots till 5 in the morn. And really those pictures wouldnt be appropriate.

Beer for brunch. We are classy ladies.

Cate enjoys Korean Fried Chicken.

Lordy. I had NO idea how good the Korean's fried up chicken.

Just to get a closer look...
libertad - 02/17/07 17:52
Why do hos have so much fun?

02/14/2007 15:03 #38148

I'm easy
Category: dating
Recently I met someone. And by someone I mean a boy who I tentatively like. He just called to see if I wanted anything in particular for dinner/drinks.

My response: "No, I'm easy."

Right after I said it immediately my brain is like "worst answer ever".

Then we both had a little laugh, and he said "I'd never agree with you on that." Good answer.

As for Thomas J. f him. It was his birthday on Monday and I chose to ignore that fact. He called me today to wish me a happy Valentine's Day at 8:30am. That call was forwarded to voicemail. I'm so over bald married dudes and so into programmer dorks with math degrees
jason - 02/14/07 15:20
"I'm so over bald married dudes and so into programmer dorks with math degrees"