So a while back I turned 30 years old. As part of this momentous occasion my dear mother came into town. And what is one to do when you both run 30 and have a mother around? Why drink copious amounts of vodka, of course! So while everyone, including my mother, was drinking cheapo drinks at a hipster bar, Emily made a discovery that is priceless. My mother has Mike Ditka's cell phone number. She swiftly and secretly acquired the number and programmed it into her phone.
Now skip forward to the Superbowl. It just happens that Da Bears are playing. What better time to call Mike and see how he feels about his beloved team loosing? Emily apparently thought the same thing and called him. Better yet Ditka answered!
Also check out her archive, December 2007 to read about this picture and how it pertains to moi.
That's awesomeness all around.
that is so freakin' awesome!!!! I want to call Mike Ditka!
im thinking...that is fucking great. emily has balls. and how pissed would mom be if she knew, or how much would she laugh????? hmmm.