Last night lilho called me to shoot the shit, like sisters do. Then in the middle of the conversation I hear "ok enough Sarah" and on the phone was Paulie. Aww so cute. Then to make the conversation even better he informs me he is going to some conference in San Fran and I have the choice of either hosting him in NYC or going to stay at (e:twisted) place with him in San Fran. I voted for San Fran. I'm totally excited. It's been a while since we had a BFF vacation.
In other exciting news, I'm hangin out with (seeing/dating or whatever the kids call it these days) a programmer dork. I think he might be more of a project than I'm willing to take on. Lilho said she thinks he just might be dusty, like his apartment. That made me laugh. He's willing to adopt my fish though (side note: I hate fish and someone gave me one as a gift), so he might be a keeper.
Oh and the astronaut in diapers still makes me giggle.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/08/2007 13:29 #38067
BFF VacationCategory: bff
02/07/2007 11:34 #38050
This is going to make me smile all daySo a while back I turned 30 years old. As part of this momentous occasion my dear mother came into town. And what is one to do when you both run 30 and have a mother around? Why drink copious amounts of vodka, of course! So while everyone, including my mother, was drinking cheapo drinks at a hipster bar, Emily made a discovery that is priceless. My mother has Mike Ditka's cell phone number. She swiftly and secretly acquired the number and programmed it into her phone.
Now skip forward to the Superbowl. It just happens that Da Bears are playing. What better time to call Mike and see how he feels about his beloved team loosing? Emily apparently thought the same thing and called him. Better yet Ditka answered!

Also check out her archive, December 2007 to read about this picture and how it pertains to moi.

That's awesomeness all around.
Now skip forward to the Superbowl. It just happens that Da Bears are playing. What better time to call Mike and see how he feels about his beloved team loosing? Emily apparently thought the same thing and called him. Better yet Ditka answered!

Also check out her archive, December 2007 to read about this picture and how it pertains to moi.

That's awesomeness all around.
02/06/2007 15:02 #38039
Today in the newsNormally the news pisses me off, or makes me wonder wtf?! Well today the news had a different affect on me. It made me chuckle.
New topic #1:
A NASA astronaut who drove hundreds of miles to confront a romantic rival, wearing diapers on the journey so that she would not have to stop to use the restroom, appeared in court today after being arrested on attempted kidnapping and other charges.
Oh so many things to say about this. She worked for NASA and was a loon? Astronauts wear diapers? No one ever taught me that in 4th grade when I was learning about Astronauts, I feel kinda jipped. Thanks a lot Ms. Harrington. I could go on but I'm oh so eager to move on to topic #2.
New topic #1:
A NASA astronaut who drove hundreds of miles to confront a romantic rival, wearing diapers on the journey so that she would not have to stop to use the restroom, appeared in court today after being arrested on attempted kidnapping and other charges.
Oh so many things to say about this. She worked for NASA and was a loon? Astronauts wear diapers? No one ever taught me that in 4th grade when I was learning about Astronauts, I feel kinda jipped. Thanks a lot Ms. Harrington. I could go on but I'm oh so eager to move on to topic #2.
- 2: One of four ministers who oversaw three weeks of intensive counseling for the Rev. Ted Haggard said the disgraced minister emerged convinced that he is ''completely heterosexual. I'm sorry but if you like sticking your penis up someone's ass you are not 100% hetero. If you like getting head from someone who is the same sex as you you are not 100% hetro. ''He is completely heterosexual,'' Ralph said. ''That is something he discovered. It was the acting-out situations where things took place. Acting out the situations? Did he give gay sex another go and was like "nah"? I'm so confused. This is so typical of christian evevangelical/fundamentialists. They "cured" yet another gay. I would have had way more respect for the dude if he was like "so I like meth and getting head from a dude every now and then".
jason - 02/07/07 08:34
Maybe not gay, but bi or bi-curious to be sure.
Maybe not gay, but bi or bi-curious to be sure.
metalpeter - 02/06/07 19:14
I am of the belief that if you have gay sex once you arn't gay from the act itself but if you enjoy it or do it again then you are. But what if have gay sex with a guy when with a girl then maybe. But there are people who from what I have heard do not like guys and don't find them attractive but will get blown and maybe even more but still consider themselves stright. But to say that someone is completely 100% hetro makes no sense cause anyone who watchs porn if they where would turn away when watching a bj or handjob so that statement dosn't really make sense.
I am of the belief that if you have gay sex once you arn't gay from the act itself but if you enjoy it or do it again then you are. But what if have gay sex with a guy when with a girl then maybe. But there are people who from what I have heard do not like guys and don't find them attractive but will get blown and maybe even more but still consider themselves stright. But to say that someone is completely 100% hetro makes no sense cause anyone who watchs porn if they where would turn away when watching a bj or handjob so that statement dosn't really make sense.
01/30/2007 12:16 #37921
Dinner Deliciousness01/29/2007 15:09 #37910
Hopes and DreamsCategory: wishing upon a star
I have a love hate realtionship with all the electronics in my life. I love them and they hate me. Ok so maybe that one time I dropped my laptop I wasn't loving it as much as I should, but still. In any case I have a variety of disabled electronics. This weekend a miracle happened. I knew eventually it would. My ipod started working again! For one year it has:
1. refused to take a charge
2. refused to load new songs
3. refused to turn on
4. refused to accept the love I was clearly trying to give it
On Sunday at 10:30 am EST a miracle happened in a little studio apartment in Jersey City. My ipod returned to life. I knew it would someday. All it needed was me loving it and never giving up hope. Below is H to the Izzo in all her working ipod glory.

1. refused to take a charge
2. refused to load new songs
3. refused to turn on
4. refused to accept the love I was clearly trying to give it
On Sunday at 10:30 am EST a miracle happened in a little studio apartment in Jersey City. My ipod returned to life. I knew it would someday. All it needed was me loving it and never giving up hope. Below is H to the Izzo in all her working ipod glory.

theecarey - 01/29/07 22:01
An iPod resurrection.. who knew. That is good news! I love the finicky little beasts that they are..
An iPod resurrection.. who knew. That is good news! I love the finicky little beasts that they are..
brit - 01/29/07 18:12
Pray for mine! my has been the same for two weeks now. I gave in and ordered a shuffle
Pray for mine! my has been the same for two weeks now. I gave in and ordered a shuffle
hodown - 01/29/07 16:34
Don't jinx it!
Don't jinx it!
joshua - 01/29/07 15:51
Enjoy it while it lasts! :)
Enjoy it while it lasts! :)
i love you! sisters foreva, peaches!