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01/26/2007 16:16 #37882

The Good, the Bad & the Queen
Category: music
I can't decide if I like it or it annoys me.

Can't Damon Albarn just stay in one band for a while and see how that works out?

Take a listen:


01/26/2007 14:36 #37877

Category: fun things
So today at work I got flowers delivered. At first I was uber excited thinking they were from a boy. I had a date this week, and it was suprisingly successful. Sadly though they werent from a boy. They were from my boss. I still love them, either way.
lilho - 02/04/07 23:09
what about the flowers i sent you, biatch?
jenks - 01/26/07 15:29
Todd Oldham does flowers? Tres chic.

01/19/2007 15:56 #37780

Category: dress
once you see how adorable this dress is you might die. I just ordered it online. I'm almost peeing my pants in anticipation for its arrival.

Feast your eyes:

imk2 - 01/22/07 19:23
i like this dress too, but i bet it's not anything i could afford :(
jenks - 01/19/07 16:06
Hmm, I thought that would post the image, not a link. Maybe this one? go ahead and delete this comment if it doesn't work.

jenks - 01/19/07 16:04
Very cute.
I'm coveting this one in the window of J.Crew these days. Unfortunately JCrew doesn't like girls with boobs.

matthew - 01/19/07 16:03
OooOoo, it's very 1950's. i love it!

01/17/2007 17:00 #37746

Category: sworn nemisis
This fucker deleted "Chillax" from Wikipedia. He is now my sworn nemisis.

zobar - 01/17/07 19:53
What a dick. At least it's still in the wiktionary. :::link:::

- Z

01/16/2007 11:37 #37717

Manhattan Bridge
Category: brooklyn
Sunday I had the worst brunch I've ever eaten. And it was expensive. I highly do not recommend Bubby's in Dumbo. What I do suggest though is going to Dumbo in Brooklyn. The view of the city was one of the best I've seen and the architecture was quite interesting. The picture I like best is of the manhattan bridge. I'm a terrible photographer, but even I couldn't mess this one up.

lilho - 01/18/07 08:48
eh. jk!
matthew - 01/17/07 18:19
OooOoo, i like it alot! Foggy scenes are usually the hardest to capture, but you did it beautifully.
mrmike - 01/16/07 20:57
libertad - 01/16/07 15:56
beautiful. give yourself more credit.