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Hodown's Journal

My Podcast Link

01/30/2007 12:16 #37921

Dinner Deliciousness
I actually cooked for myself. It was so worth it. I made the guac and pico from scratch. I'll be having left overs tonight, mmm.

joshua - 01/30/07 15:23
I miss your sangria so bad it hurts :(
kara - 01/30/07 14:56
Post the recipe!!
lilho - 01/30/07 13:27
i want some. all i have is bagels, frozen ones, and my lonely sick ass.

01/29/2007 15:09 #37910

Hopes and Dreams
Category: wishing upon a star
I have a love hate realtionship with all the electronics in my life. I love them and they hate me. Ok so maybe that one time I dropped my laptop I wasn't loving it as much as I should, but still. In any case I have a variety of disabled electronics. This weekend a miracle happened. I knew eventually it would. My ipod started working again! For one year it has:

1. refused to take a charge
2. refused to load new songs
3. refused to turn on
4. refused to accept the love I was clearly trying to give it

On Sunday at 10:30 am EST a miracle happened in a little studio apartment in Jersey City. My ipod returned to life. I knew it would someday. All it needed was me loving it and never giving up hope. Below is H to the Izzo in all her working ipod glory.

theecarey - 01/29/07 22:01
An iPod resurrection.. who knew. That is good news! I love the finicky little beasts that they are..
brit - 01/29/07 18:12
Pray for mine! my has been the same for two weeks now. I gave in and ordered a shuffle
hodown - 01/29/07 16:34
Don't jinx it!
joshua - 01/29/07 15:51
Enjoy it while it lasts! :)

01/26/2007 16:16 #37882

The Good, the Bad & the Queen
Category: music
I can't decide if I like it or it annoys me.

Can't Damon Albarn just stay in one band for a while and see how that works out?

Take a listen:


01/26/2007 14:36 #37877

Category: fun things
So today at work I got flowers delivered. At first I was uber excited thinking they were from a boy. I had a date this week, and it was suprisingly successful. Sadly though they werent from a boy. They were from my boss. I still love them, either way.
lilho - 02/04/07 23:09
what about the flowers i sent you, biatch?
jenks - 01/26/07 15:29
Todd Oldham does flowers? Tres chic.

01/19/2007 15:56 #37780

Category: dress
once you see how adorable this dress is you might die. I just ordered it online. I'm almost peeing my pants in anticipation for its arrival.

Feast your eyes:

imk2 - 01/22/07 19:23
i like this dress too, but i bet it's not anything i could afford :(
jenks - 01/19/07 16:06
Hmm, I thought that would post the image, not a link. Maybe this one? go ahead and delete this comment if it doesn't work.

jenks - 01/19/07 16:04
Very cute.
I'm coveting this one in the window of J.Crew these days. Unfortunately JCrew doesn't like girls with boobs.

matthew - 01/19/07 16:03
OooOoo, it's very 1950's. i love it!