Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/30/2007 12:16 #37921
Dinner Deliciousness01/29/2007 15:09 #37910
Hopes and DreamsCategory: wishing upon a star
I have a love hate realtionship with all the electronics in my life. I love them and they hate me. Ok so maybe that one time I dropped my laptop I wasn't loving it as much as I should, but still. In any case I have a variety of disabled electronics. This weekend a miracle happened. I knew eventually it would. My ipod started working again! For one year it has:
1. refused to take a charge
2. refused to load new songs
3. refused to turn on
4. refused to accept the love I was clearly trying to give it
On Sunday at 10:30 am EST a miracle happened in a little studio apartment in Jersey City. My ipod returned to life. I knew it would someday. All it needed was me loving it and never giving up hope. Below is H to the Izzo in all her working ipod glory.

1. refused to take a charge
2. refused to load new songs
3. refused to turn on
4. refused to accept the love I was clearly trying to give it
On Sunday at 10:30 am EST a miracle happened in a little studio apartment in Jersey City. My ipod returned to life. I knew it would someday. All it needed was me loving it and never giving up hope. Below is H to the Izzo in all her working ipod glory.

theecarey - 01/29/07 22:01
An iPod resurrection.. who knew. That is good news! I love the finicky little beasts that they are..
An iPod resurrection.. who knew. That is good news! I love the finicky little beasts that they are..
brit - 01/29/07 18:12
Pray for mine! my has been the same for two weeks now. I gave in and ordered a shuffle
Pray for mine! my has been the same for two weeks now. I gave in and ordered a shuffle
hodown - 01/29/07 16:34
Don't jinx it!
Don't jinx it!
joshua - 01/29/07 15:51
Enjoy it while it lasts! :)
Enjoy it while it lasts! :)
01/26/2007 16:16 #37882
The Good, the Bad & the QueenCategory: music
01/26/2007 14:36 #37877
FlowersCategory: fun things
01/19/2007 15:56 #37780
BewareCategory: dress
once you see how adorable this dress is you might die. I just ordered it online. I'm almost peeing my pants in anticipation for its arrival.
Feast your eyes:

Feast your eyes:

imk2 - 01/22/07 19:23
i like this dress too, but i bet it's not anything i could afford :(
i like this dress too, but i bet it's not anything i could afford :(
jenks - 01/19/07 16:06
Hmm, I thought that would post the image, not a link. Maybe this one? go ahead and delete this comment if it doesn't work.
Hmm, I thought that would post the image, not a link. Maybe this one? go ahead and delete this comment if it doesn't work.
jenks - 01/19/07 16:04
Very cute.
I'm coveting this one in the window of J.Crew these days. Unfortunately JCrew doesn't like girls with boobs.
Very cute.
I'm coveting this one in the window of J.Crew these days. Unfortunately JCrew doesn't like girls with boobs.
matthew - 01/19/07 16:03
OooOoo, it's very 1950's. i love it!
OooOoo, it's very 1950's. i love it!
I miss your sangria so bad it hurts :(
Post the recipe!!
i want some. all i have is bagels, frozen ones, and my lonely sick ass.