So yesterday I had a patient with 16 tattoos. I didn't see all of them, but some were pretty cool. And the newest ones were only 2 weeks old.
One was a quote, almost looked hand-written. On his right side, over the bottom of his ribs.
But the words were a little freaky...
It said:
When I was going up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away.
But then I googled it, and it's a quote from a movie. Phew!

And then he had another one on his belly... cute little pink lips, like a lipstick kiss, and the words "Art of Suduction"
Yes, Suduction.
with a U.
I googled that too, just to see if it's a band or something... some pop culture reference that I'm missing...
But sadly, I think it's just a typo.
I mean, if you are going to have something permanently marked into your skin with a needle, wouldn't you at least make sure it's spelled right?! How embarrassing...
I will admit I am a big fan of Tattoos my self. Having a mispelling would suck. But maybe it was done like that on purpose and maybe it means something to him. Myabe he does Duct works or like the suduko or what ever it is called game, or maybe he is in a band or in a company and that is how they spell the name. Or maybe he just got it done at Hardcore Tattoo on Elmwood, :) . For those of you who don't know the story back when MTV had the shows about the Frat House and the Soriety in Buffalo one of the people in the house went to Hardcore and they flimed two of the letters. That has to be embarsing on National TV. Lucky for the guy when someone noticed it he went back and they where able to fix it. In terms of writing I've heard that there are all kinds of Horror stories about people getting Chinese Characters that aren't writen write so they mean something else or don't mean anything at all. One thing I just thought of I wonder if it is a typo who messed up the guy getting it or the artist both people should have double checked it.
See, that's why i have no tattoos with writing...! Pictures can't be spelled wrong!