posted from iPhone. (no not mine) ok gotta go
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/29/2007 20:24 #39850
Iphone06/26/2007 22:50 #39817
long time no see...Well, I'm back- by popular demand.
Thanks for noticing! :)
Unfortunately... I don't have much to say...
One work year has ended, and a new one has started. But not much has changed for me, for the moment.
[word to the wise- stay out of the hospital if at all possible for the next few weeks. Give the fresh-faced new interns some time to cut their teeth and to realize that yes, "doctor" means YOU.]
I am going to Boston this weekend since I am MOH in my friend's wedding.
other than that... oh not much. Have spent a large part of my time being an idiot over boys, with varying degrees of success. I am such a disaster... hehe.
I haven't gone out or been very social in quite a while, come to think of it. Hmm.
One of my best friends from work (and about the first person I met in buffalo) MOVED last week, without even saying goodbye. I am still stinging from that one.
My current dilemma is whether or not to buy an iphone. I really shouldn't spend the $. But... i kinda want it....
god, I can't even think of any good work stories...
I keep thinking summer has just started, but CRAP it's almost july, and I have been outside about twice total.
I have this feeling lately that my life is just passing me by, and I am not making the most of it. I don't like that feeling. :(
Ok, well I am falling asleep in my chair. If anything interesting happens, I'll be sure to keep you all posted.
Thanks for noticing! :)
Unfortunately... I don't have much to say...
One work year has ended, and a new one has started. But not much has changed for me, for the moment.
[word to the wise- stay out of the hospital if at all possible for the next few weeks. Give the fresh-faced new interns some time to cut their teeth and to realize that yes, "doctor" means YOU.]
I am going to Boston this weekend since I am MOH in my friend's wedding.
other than that... oh not much. Have spent a large part of my time being an idiot over boys, with varying degrees of success. I am such a disaster... hehe.
I haven't gone out or been very social in quite a while, come to think of it. Hmm.
One of my best friends from work (and about the first person I met in buffalo) MOVED last week, without even saying goodbye. I am still stinging from that one.
My current dilemma is whether or not to buy an iphone. I really shouldn't spend the $. But... i kinda want it....
god, I can't even think of any good work stories...
I keep thinking summer has just started, but CRAP it's almost july, and I have been outside about twice total.
I have this feeling lately that my life is just passing me by, and I am not making the most of it. I don't like that feeling. :(
Ok, well I am falling asleep in my chair. If anything interesting happens, I'll be sure to keep you all posted.
06/17/2007 09:52 #39702
dadsHaaapppy Father's Day everyone! :)
fellyconnelly - 06/17/07 11:41
i second the haaapppy wish!
i second the haaapppy wish!
mrmike - 06/17/07 09:58
thanks :)
thanks :)
06/16/2007 11:06 #39688
look how not fun this is!Category: video
last weekend my sister had a surprise party for her husband for his 30th birthday. They had a big crab boil down in the Outer Banks, where his grandfather lives. I guess the surprise was blown too early, but it still sounds like it was a good time. And one of the things they did was to all go hanggliding at Kitty Hawk.
As you may or may not (probably not) remember, we were supposed to go hanggliding last year,
but I didn't have time, and there wasn't enough wind anyway. I was relieved, because while I thought it might be fun and cool, I was also kind of scared.
Well, I guess I shouldn't have been scared. Dad sat it out due to his broken ribs (ouch), and took some videos.
The first one is sis's husband (i think), and looks like a typical run. The second one (I think) is some random kid that he filmed, because he got 'so high'.
hahahah, and to think I was scared!
And my date for graduation ended up working out last night. Ended up having a very nice night. Thank you, date. :)
oh yeah, and another thing...
So last night at graduation, one guy was talking about juggling multiple girlfriends. And someone asked what the hardest part is, and he said one of the toughest parts is keeping the names straight. when asked how to deal with it, he said it's easy, just call everyone baby.
Now for me, I've always kinda liked it when a guy calls me baby... I sort of thought it was a sign of affection that he's giving me a 'nickname'. But now I'm going to be all nervous, and every time I get called baby I'm going to assume it's b/c he has 10 girlfriends and can't remember my name. Grrrr.
last weekend my sister had a surprise party for her husband for his 30th birthday. They had a big crab boil down in the Outer Banks, where his grandfather lives. I guess the surprise was blown too early, but it still sounds like it was a good time. And one of the things they did was to all go hanggliding at Kitty Hawk.
As you may or may not (probably not) remember, we were supposed to go hanggliding last year,

Well, I guess I shouldn't have been scared. Dad sat it out due to his broken ribs (ouch), and took some videos.
The first one is sis's husband (i think), and looks like a typical run. The second one (I think) is some random kid that he filmed, because he got 'so high'.
hahahah, and to think I was scared!
And my date for graduation ended up working out last night. Ended up having a very nice night. Thank you, date. :)
oh yeah, and another thing...
So last night at graduation, one guy was talking about juggling multiple girlfriends. And someone asked what the hardest part is, and he said one of the toughest parts is keeping the names straight. when asked how to deal with it, he said it's easy, just call everyone baby.
Now for me, I've always kinda liked it when a guy calls me baby... I sort of thought it was a sign of affection that he's giving me a 'nickname'. But now I'm going to be all nervous, and every time I get called baby I'm going to assume it's b/c he has 10 girlfriends and can't remember my name. Grrrr.
ajay - 06/18/07 02:31
I switch between "baby", "sweetie", "sugar", "sexy" (not in public). If you just use 1 nickname women get suspicious.
I switch between "baby", "sweetie", "sugar", "sexy" (not in public). If you just use 1 nickname women get suspicious.
fellyconnelly - 06/16/07 20:12
lauren and i call eachother 'lady' though the occasional 'babe' is never out of the question.
lauren and i call eachother 'lady' though the occasional 'babe' is never out of the question.
metalpeter - 06/16/07 17:01
Glad you had a good time out, I was sleeping missing Jackdaw. That being said if that is the sand dune I think it is, it is a lot bigger then the video makes it look. It really is huge.
Glad you had a good time out, I was sleeping missing Jackdaw. That being said if that is the sand dune I think it is, it is a lot bigger then the video makes it look. It really is huge.
mrmike - 06/16/07 13:36
How to juggle multiple girlfriends.....sounds like playa ought to be more concerned when they eventually find out about one another. I apologize on behalf of my dog like gender.
How to juggle multiple girlfriends.....sounds like playa ought to be more concerned when they eventually find out about one another. I apologize on behalf of my dog like gender.
ladycroft - 06/16/07 12:00
i hate being called baby.
i hate being called baby.
06/13/2007 14:55 #39642
Palm FoleoCategory: nerd
So... my treo won't sync with my computer and it's pissing me off. It used to work just fine and I have no idea what happened.
So I went to palm's notoriously mac-unhelpful website to look for help.
And lo and behold, the first thing I see is the new Palm 'Foleo'.

And I have to say.... I don't think I get it.
From what I can tell, it's NOT a computer. It's a "mobile companion". It's basically just an expanded screen/keyboard to use WITH your treo. It has wifi and bluetooth, but not its own internet access. I don't think it really has installable apps or anything- just email, photos etc from your palm/treo.
And it's $500.
Now, I like my treo. And sure, there are times I wish I had a full size keyboard and/or a bigger screen. But is there that much email that is really SO URGENT that you need to be able to type a major reply at the grocery store, or wherever you are?
It's way too big to fit in your pocket, which means you need to have some kind of other bag or purse or something, which kind of defeats the purpose of 'mobile email' to me. But it's too small/underpowered to replace your laptop...
Am I missing something? Can someone tell me why this is a fantastic thing that I should spend $500?
[of course, if it was made by Apple, I'd probably pay twice that just to have their newest thing, sight-unseen. This iphone is going to kill me. I want one. But I really SHOULD wait for them to get the bugs out, to make sure it's worth it, etc, before shelling out $500 or whatever it's going to cost. But... but... I know I'm going to HAVE TO have it, the second it comes out.]
So I went to palm's notoriously mac-unhelpful website to look for help.
And lo and behold, the first thing I see is the new Palm 'Foleo'.

And I have to say.... I don't think I get it.
From what I can tell, it's NOT a computer. It's a "mobile companion". It's basically just an expanded screen/keyboard to use WITH your treo. It has wifi and bluetooth, but not its own internet access. I don't think it really has installable apps or anything- just email, photos etc from your palm/treo.
And it's $500.
Now, I like my treo. And sure, there are times I wish I had a full size keyboard and/or a bigger screen. But is there that much email that is really SO URGENT that you need to be able to type a major reply at the grocery store, or wherever you are?
It's way too big to fit in your pocket, which means you need to have some kind of other bag or purse or something, which kind of defeats the purpose of 'mobile email' to me. But it's too small/underpowered to replace your laptop...
Am I missing something? Can someone tell me why this is a fantastic thing that I should spend $500?
[of course, if it was made by Apple, I'd probably pay twice that just to have their newest thing, sight-unseen. This iphone is going to kill me. I want one. But I really SHOULD wait for them to get the bugs out, to make sure it's worth it, etc, before shelling out $500 or whatever it's going to cost. But... but... I know I'm going to HAVE TO have it, the second it comes out.]
southernyankee - 06/16/07 12:46
I haven't synchronized my treo in ages... It takes too darn long. I just send whatever updates or downloads btwn my treo pc via infrared. Yeah, the laptop doesn't have bluetooth-perhaps I should get a bt doogle thing but it too would be one more thing I carry around. In a seperate post I should demonstrate all the mobile companion like things i carry around on a daily basis. It really is like we are attached at the hip...
Addiction can be tough = \
I haven't synchronized my treo in ages... It takes too darn long. I just send whatever updates or downloads btwn my treo pc via infrared. Yeah, the laptop doesn't have bluetooth-perhaps I should get a bt doogle thing but it too would be one more thing I carry around. In a seperate post I should demonstrate all the mobile companion like things i carry around on a daily basis. It really is like we are attached at the hip...
Addiction can be tough = \
jason - 06/13/07 16:38
Mobile companion - ain't that a vibe?
Mobile companion - ain't that a vibe?
fellyconnelly - 06/13/07 15:55
palm email support sounds kind of like the phone support for sprint when you get routed to thailand and the customer care reps are reading their script and not even listening to what you are saying.
palm email support sounds kind of like the phone support for sprint when you get routed to thailand and the customer care reps are reading their script and not even listening to what you are saying.
jenks - 06/13/07 15:54
oops i mean josh! I just saw jlarson in the 'you have a comment' email and thought jason for some reason.
Sorry joshy. I know the diff between you two, I promise.
oops i mean josh! I just saw jlarson in the 'you have a comment' email and thought jason for some reason.
Sorry joshy. I know the diff between you two, I promise.
joshua - 06/13/07 15:51
cry its josh =(
cry its josh =(
jenks - 06/13/07 15:49
jason: yes I am. (at least I know it, right?)
drew: unfortunately, I can't just live with it. One, I NEED it to sync, but two- this kind of thing drives me insane, and I will stay up for nights on end until I fix it. i will not let this little machine beat me! I just spent a while with palm tech support to find that 1: their website essentially doesn't support mac at all. The mac info is from like the year 2000 and about 3 OS's ago. And the phone support is $25 a pop. Which leaves me with email support. Palm email support is a joke. I say "this is my problem. I have tried A, B, C. it didn't work. what else should I do?" They reply 'thank you! I understand you are having X problem. No problem! I will help you! First try A. Then B. Then C! This will fix it! have a nice day."
jason: yes I am. (at least I know it, right?)
drew: unfortunately, I can't just live with it. One, I NEED it to sync, but two- this kind of thing drives me insane, and I will stay up for nights on end until I fix it. i will not let this little machine beat me! I just spent a while with palm tech support to find that 1: their website essentially doesn't support mac at all. The mac info is from like the year 2000 and about 3 OS's ago. And the phone support is $25 a pop. Which leaves me with email support. Palm email support is a joke. I say "this is my problem. I have tried A, B, C. it didn't work. what else should I do?" They reply 'thank you! I understand you are having X problem. No problem! I will help you! First try A. Then B. Then C! This will fix it! have a nice day."
joshua - 06/13/07 15:41
You are a slave to the Apple logo!
You are a slave to the Apple logo!
drew - 06/13/07 15:21
I've got the same temptation. Stay strong!!
ps. My Q has never synced correctly. I've just learned to live with it.
I've got the same temptation. Stay strong!!
ps. My Q has never synced correctly. I've just learned to live with it.
Ajay makes a good point. Since you are in the wedding there will at least be some groomsmen I don't know if they are single or if you know any of them but by the end of the wedding you should know if any of them are single. Some weddings can be a lot of fun. So have fun and don't be nervous that everyone is looking at you. Hey who knows with any luck you will have lots of great stories you can post about after the weeding or if they are really good you can post about how you can't tell any of the stories on here.
I agree, I know someone who works for apple and had a beta iphone. Its great at parties but other than that it's a lot of hype.
Forget about the iPhone. It's all hype.
I know the feeling (of thinking that life is passing you by). Ditch and go out and have fun.
Did you know weddings are one of the places to meet people? ;-)
Thanks for checkin in, missed ya