I think I was just dumped via text message.
I think that's kind of low.
Maybe it was overdue... maybe it's for the best... maybe I'll see that someday.
But for now I'm pretty sad, and just keep hoping I can 'work things out'. Why I want a guy who doesn't want me is beyond me, but I am beyond rational thought when it comes to this guy.
He has this thing where he doesn't like to go out on weeknights (unless it's me going to his house) since it's "too far" [it's a 24 minute drive]. I think that's stupid, but since I want to see him, I usually make the drive. he has not made the drive downtown ONCE in the 2 1/2 months we've been 'seeing each other', if I can call it that. But at the same time, he's taken me to his parents' several times. It's mixed messages if you ask me. he says one thing, then acts another way, and I just don't know where I stand.
But last night I was going to meet some friends out for a drink. So I sent him a text. I said something like "i know it's a weeknight, but i'm meeting people out and we'd love to have you if you're interested." he said 'awww, thanks'. Eventually I said 'ok, i'm leaving now. Talk to you soon. have a good night. And we'll be at cozumel if you change your mind.'
His reply 'thank god! no more texting!'
I said "that was mean"
and hour later got "haha - lighten up"
sent him a message later, something someone said... he replied "pls don't blow up my cell"
I said fuck you. but then we joked and went back and forth for a bit.
I spent some time with my friends, and it was nice. Both of them had their boyfriends stop by at one point. And it just made me think "THAT is how it's supposed to be." It reminded me what it's like when the guy actually LIKES the girl, and acts interested.
So when I got home I went to turn off the lights and saw that he was on IM.
Sent him a message saying goodnight. And I said 'i'm going to bed a little drunk, and jealous of my friends that have guys that are excited about them."
Maybe that was bitchy, maybe I shouldn't have said it, but I don't think it's unreasonable. he didn't reply.
So then this morning I got this:
"I got some overall fucked-up IMs from you last night and I think it's better we keep things at a friends angle for now - that is just too much."
And I think that's it.
I replied, but he hasn't said a word since.
I'm kind of heartbroken.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/17/2007 19:19 #40148
boooCategory: boys
07/16/2007 18:19 #40129
Red sky in the morning......sailors take warning.
The camera doesn't do it justice but the sky was amazing this morning.

The camera doesn't do it justice but the sky was amazing this morning.

tinypliny - 07/17/07 18:40
What time does one have to wake up to see such gorgeous skies??
What time does one have to wake up to see such gorgeous skies??
museumchick - 07/17/07 07:28
That's so pretty:).
That's so pretty:).
leetee - 07/16/07 20:45
Nice. I rarely see the sun rise. I'm waaaaay to old to stay up all night, and i don't think i would bother to look outside if i had to get up that early. 8am is tough enough for me as it is!
Nice. I rarely see the sun rise. I'm waaaaay to old to stay up all night, and i don't think i would bother to look outside if i had to get up that early. 8am is tough enough for me as it is!
07/15/2007 21:15 #40117
Bon Voyage!Travel safe timika!!
We'll miss you.
But remember, we're all just a click away!
Have a GREAT, GREAT time, and keep us posted!
Not goodbye, but arrivederci!
[which literally means until we see each other again]
We'll miss you.
But remember, we're all just a click away!
Have a GREAT, GREAT time, and keep us posted!
Not goodbye, but arrivederci!
[which literally means until we see each other again]
07/11/2007 14:20 #40052
iphone coolnessCategory: nerd
ok, so the iphone has some cool apps that I use a lot, and some that I use less often. Like the stock app. I wish I could just delete it. Weather is nice to have, but I don't look at it too often. Then there's the google map program. I tried it out... typed in my address, went 'ooh wow, there's my house', and that was that. Wasn't sure I had a whole lot of use for it, except novelty.
I just found out that if you type in 'thai' it brings up a list of all the thai restaurants, with their phone numbers, web pages, and driving directions. And not just ones with 'thai' in the name, which is the part that I think is cool. Tim Horton's will find them all, obviously- but I think that smart search is cool- almost like a mini-yellow pages. It's not flawless, but it's a lot cooler than I originally thought. :)
I just found out that if you type in 'thai' it brings up a list of all the thai restaurants, with their phone numbers, web pages, and driving directions. And not just ones with 'thai' in the name, which is the part that I think is cool. Tim Horton's will find them all, obviously- but I think that smart search is cool- almost like a mini-yellow pages. It's not flawless, but it's a lot cooler than I originally thought. :)
07/10/2007 21:57 #40044
booCategory: :(
I am sick of people disappointing me.
I put in all this effort... only to find out that they're just laughing at me.
I feel like I'm in fucking high school again.
I fucking hate it.
fair weather friends, I guess.
Fuck 'em.
Better off without.
I am sick of people disappointing me.
I put in all this effort... only to find out that they're just laughing at me.
I feel like I'm in fucking high school again.
I fucking hate it.
fair weather friends, I guess.
Fuck 'em.
Better off without.
I have a much different out look on this then everyone else so far but just hear me out. Some guys use this trick or game where they play it mellow play it uninterested and that makes the women more into them. The thing that this ties into is that sometimes if you are all lovely dovely and all into a girl she loses interest. I don't know if it was legit or if he playing mind games. I say you don't have the time to figure it out, so forget about him.
I can't speak for him. But most people who don't go out during the week do that so they can be fresh for work or have there alone and to them sleves time. If that is the case then IMing and texting is anoying and then you lay on that he doesn't care. If that was me and I really did care and wasn't playing a game i would be pissed and my say fuck it also.
What happened here is why I don't like Cell Phones and IM's. Yes they are very good ways to comunicate, and have some great advantages. But there really is no tone of voice. If someone is tired or has people over you can't hear it. When texting you lose a lot. I still believe that it also alters how people comunicate with eachother. The other thing is with IM if someone is online the other person knows you are online and if you don't answer that causes all sorts of other problems. If it was a phone they could just not answer it. People also seem to think that e-mail, text, IM's are equal to talking in person or on the phone, yes they are close but not the same.
Sorry thing didn't work out for you two. But to be honest I didn't sound like you where happy anyways so it sounds like it is for the best. I just wish that for both of you it would have happend when you both where in a better mindset, and in person.
Don't be heartbroken. This guy clearly has a disregard for your feelings, and you don't deserve that.
Geez (e:jenks), heartbroken over some punk who hides behind a flurry of electrons? You're better off without him. When he realizes his mistake and comes crawling back, tell him to take a long walk off a short pier.
I got broken up with over the phone, and over e-mail. Neither is fun. Sometimes, people just don't have the guts to tell someone face to face it isn't going to work.
That is so low to do the text message break-up. Ive had the voicemail break-up and the email break-up. Personally I thing the dude is a big pussy for not having the balls to do it in person like a man.
A good relationship has some semblance of equality. This one was all one-sided.
Trust me: you don't want him. He's been an ass all along, and he continues to be an ass. He seems to have serious issues.
Common courtesy demands that he make the effort once in a while to do stuff for you.
And what does he mean by "as friends" ? WTF?? What exactly is "a friend" in this retard's dictionary?? He doesn't know the first thing about being friends. If he couldn't treat the woman who liked him so much properly, what makes you think he'll treat you better as a friend?
You are, indeed, better off without him.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. text message breakup? you make me wanna throw up! have you seen that video on you tube??? well, its about this girl who gets dumped via a text. that guy is a douche.
That was so lame. He didn't even have the balls to make a five minute phone call. I know how much it hurts... but you deserve so much better.
that is crazy! you cannot text a break up! you are way too fly for that!
Heartbroken? Huh? Did I hear that right? SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAPATHON 3000!!!
What the f......alright, Jason, calm down.....
How could you miss THAT? I got kicked in the balls once, and trust me on this one, I never missed that shit.
Regardless of how you might fantasize on how he has everything you want in a guy, he is not someone you want, capiche?
Jerkass doesn't deserve you.
i second what tiny said. jenks, you have, have, have to make yourself stop seeing this guy, but i do understand your insanity right now. i've been there. it's the worst feeling in the world. guys can totally make you go crazy.
I went back and read your journals and... he doesn't deserve you! At all! I would say good riddance! It might be hard to see it now, but things always move towards the light at many points in life. This is one of those moves.