So I feel a little less loser-ish since I finally did some summery stuff. I have been noticing people around me getting tanner and tanner, while I do not, and thought "gee, maybe they actually go OUTSIDE sometimes"
So friday night I met up with a girlfriend and we had pizza and wine at trattoria aroma- yum- and then heard that people were at stillwater so we headed there. But as usual, it was a weird/lame scene. That place has potential to be so cool, but the 1: music and 2: crowd just kills it. I usually the describe the scene as 50-something moms thinking they're "wild" for dancing to some band's cover of Superfreak.
But last night we gave it another shot... and the crowd seemed a little better, but the band was just playing beach boys and the beatles. Nothing wrong with that, but not really what I want to hear out at a bar... I dunno...
So we moved to the Snooty Fox. I'd never been there before, but frankly it's just another variation on a theme- as is that whole little area (mothers, scarlett, stillwater, snooty fox, prespa)... Sort of the latest see-and-be-seen kind of place. Who knows, maybe I'm just jealous, but I am just not into the girls that hang out at places like that. They all strike me as golddigging bimbos, who just want to show off their $400 Prada purses or whatever. Yuck. So, it was kind of a mixed night. Felt good to get out and socialize and spend time with some friends, and it was flattering to be flirted-with, but in the end wasn't all that fun, and I found myself wishing I were just hanging out, chilling, drinking beers, talking, watching movies and being comfortable, rather than standing there all made-up in uncomfortable shoes and wondering if I looked too fat/old for the place. YUCK.
I keep bitching about how I need to get out more, meet new people, broaden my horizons... but then I do- and realize that actually I'm pretty happy with how things are, and that I'd rather spend time with the people I already know and care about, then spread myself thin with superficial people that don't care about me.
But so then I slept in this morning (just about my favorite thing in the world, and I only get to do it a couple times a month), and then went 'yachting', which was nice. Even though I did little more than sit and drink beer, I am still WIPED OUT. I guess the sun will do that to you... But it was fun. We actually put up the sails and tooled around for a while, even went out past the breakwater, but it was a little rough out there today- much more pleasant when we were sheltered from the waves.
So here are a few pix. I must say, as far as camera phones go, the iphone camera isn't too bad, I don't think- except that I've noticed if you're not holding things totally still, instead of blurring, it just bends and distorts, which is a little odd.

That's the 'Dirty Dinghy', as it is affectionately called, with the yellow sail cover. Notice the 'bent' skyway in the background.

It's (I think) a 22' Tanzer, and thus has a decent sized "below". I like the way the head is under the bed, and you (would) have to pull out part of the mattress to use it. But, it wasn't an issue, since the head doesn't work. Now 3 people and 3 12-packs of beer and no toilet unfortunately is more of a problem for me than it is for the boys. Oy.

Now that's what I call multi-tasking. Drinking beer, talking on the phone, AND steering with your leg.

Proof that I was in fact on the boat. (nice hair, and my teeth look like dentures, but whatever. ;))

And finally a cute little family of ducks back at the dock.
Yay. I love summer.
Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. :(
P.S. Isn't IE practically outdated by now??
I went to the ATT Wireless website to update my account info, and it wouldn't take my changes. I thought maybe it was a browser thing, so I switched from safari to firefox. Still didn't work. So I sent them an email, and got this reply:
"After reading your email, I have reviewed your concerns. Unfortunatly [sic],
website changes are not compatible with Safari or Firefox. If you do not
have Internet Explorer, you log on to your online account and request
any changes via email or contact customer service directly"
WTF. Get with the program, guys.
What time does one have to wake up to see such gorgeous skies??
Red Skies at Night -- mediocre 80's rock.
Seriously cool photo
That's so pretty:).
Nice. I rarely see the sun rise. I'm waaaaay to old to stay up all night, and i don't think i would bother to look outside if i had to get up that early. 8am is tough enough for me as it is!