How do people do it? How is it possible to function while sleep deprived?
I feel like my head is going to pop off it's wee little neck. My ass is dragging -- and for those of you that have seen it, that's a considerable heft to drag.
I have things to do. Ok, mostly self imposed things. I really wanted to make my mom some cinnamon pecan ice cream. I really wanted to make her some homemade carmel sauce to use up the remainder of the cream and just 'cause i know she loves it. And pack up some stuff for going away for a week (without (e:Uncutsaniflush), but i am not sure he will be all that interested in watching me prep, paint and caulk my parent's loo). All while doing laundry and doing my usual puttering around the house. I can't remember what i am in the middle of doing. Not wise with a big pot of hot sugar on the stove.
It's not like i only got an hour or two of sleep! I am ashamed to admit how much sleep i got, and be able to complain about lack of sleep.
Is it age? Am i at that age when i need to start having dinner at 4pm so i can get to sleep by 8pm?
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/31/2007 11:43 #39476
Brain Dead05/28/2007 22:07 #39438
Sundays and Mondays Off WorkSunday
After some other fun outings, we decided to go to Bird Island to hang out, watch the water and wave to Canada (yeah, i actually do that).
When we arrived, someone in a car next to us asked (e:Uncutsaniflush) if he had a bottle opener. Poor guy got himself some beer, a girl and a decent view and couldn't have a beer 'cause he didn't get twist offs. I knew i had one somewhere. But damn, if the wind didn't get in the way of me rumaging through my purse! The man thanked me for looking and we went to go sit on a bench. Then, it hit me... the glove box!! Where else should one keep a key chain bottle opener?! In case you're driving down the road and have a bottle opening emergency, there it will be!
We walked along the water for a bit, and settled along a wall just North of the bridge. Lots of seagulls there. We wanted to see what they were doing.
Seems they have this conveyor belt thing happening for catching wee fishies. They fly south into the wind, fighting for space, looking for small fish, swoop down, grab one, eat it, land in the water, bob north for a little bit with the current, then up and fly again, looking for more fish. A few doing this might seem mildly amusing, but dozens is quite a sight.

I know mostly everyone thinks they are a pest, but i think they're still beautiful birds...

The crowds at Home Depot were insane. I had to beg people putting stuff in their cars for the shopping carts just to get one. And the staff was overwhelmed. But we got our tomato plants home and into the ground. Remind me to water them, will ya?
Afterwards, we decided on a small adventure. We found this place called Zooz that we had seen signs for along the QEW
between here and St Kits. Turns out it's in Fort Erie, Stevensville, to be more precise. Looked like it might be an interesting little privately owned zoo and decided to go.
Nice place. Loved the park like feel, some of it very much like a light nature walk. Liked the fact that the canned information on the trolly ride gave us the names of the animals.
We were impressed. Particularly for a new (opened 2002) private zoo. The animals all look well cared for. Some even have new babies. Mama moose was rather protective of her 3 day old baby.
We were also impressed by the sculpture by Rod Dowling.
Very interesting.

And i, of course, found a bird to bond with. Beautiful Miliary Macaw.

After some other fun outings, we decided to go to Bird Island to hang out, watch the water and wave to Canada (yeah, i actually do that).
When we arrived, someone in a car next to us asked (e:Uncutsaniflush) if he had a bottle opener. Poor guy got himself some beer, a girl and a decent view and couldn't have a beer 'cause he didn't get twist offs. I knew i had one somewhere. But damn, if the wind didn't get in the way of me rumaging through my purse! The man thanked me for looking and we went to go sit on a bench. Then, it hit me... the glove box!! Where else should one keep a key chain bottle opener?! In case you're driving down the road and have a bottle opening emergency, there it will be!
We walked along the water for a bit, and settled along a wall just North of the bridge. Lots of seagulls there. We wanted to see what they were doing.
Seems they have this conveyor belt thing happening for catching wee fishies. They fly south into the wind, fighting for space, looking for small fish, swoop down, grab one, eat it, land in the water, bob north for a little bit with the current, then up and fly again, looking for more fish. A few doing this might seem mildly amusing, but dozens is quite a sight.

I know mostly everyone thinks they are a pest, but i think they're still beautiful birds...

The crowds at Home Depot were insane. I had to beg people putting stuff in their cars for the shopping carts just to get one. And the staff was overwhelmed. But we got our tomato plants home and into the ground. Remind me to water them, will ya?
Afterwards, we decided on a small adventure. We found this place called Zooz that we had seen signs for along the QEW

Nice place. Loved the park like feel, some of it very much like a light nature walk. Liked the fact that the canned information on the trolly ride gave us the names of the animals.
We were impressed. Particularly for a new (opened 2002) private zoo. The animals all look well cared for. Some even have new babies. Mama moose was rather protective of her 3 day old baby.
We were also impressed by the sculpture by Rod Dowling.

And i, of course, found a bird to bond with. Beautiful Miliary Macaw.

fellyconnelly - 05/29/07 14:11
hey water them tomaters!
hey water them tomaters!
mrmike - 05/28/07 23:10
nice find.
nice find.
theecarey - 05/28/07 22:25
Zooz, looks like a really neat find!
I like Seagulls too :) People call them the rats of the bird world, but I find them to be pretty and just as interesting as other winged creatures.
Zooz, looks like a really neat find!
I like Seagulls too :) People call them the rats of the bird world, but I find them to be pretty and just as interesting as other winged creatures.
05/26/2007 11:10 #39414
Raspeberry Sorbet IIICategory: food
This is one of those recipes i invented, and super easy. But, it took 3 tries to get the right combination of sweet and tart for our tastes.
Raspberry Sorbet III
1 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1 12oz pacakge of frozen raspberries
3 tablespoons lemon juice
In a medium saucepan, put in sugar and water. On high heat, disolve sugar in water. Let boil for a minute and remove from heat. Add frozen raspberries and lemon juice. Stir. Cool for a few minutes.
Scoop cooled mixture into a blender. Blend until there are no chunks left.
Strain mixture into a bowl and put in refridgerator to cool for about 5 minutes.
Scoop into ice cream maker and follow manufacturer's directions.
Raspberry Sorbet III
1 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1 12oz pacakge of frozen raspberries
3 tablespoons lemon juice
In a medium saucepan, put in sugar and water. On high heat, disolve sugar in water. Let boil for a minute and remove from heat. Add frozen raspberries and lemon juice. Stir. Cool for a few minutes.
Scoop cooled mixture into a blender. Blend until there are no chunks left.
Strain mixture into a bowl and put in refridgerator to cool for about 5 minutes.
Scoop into ice cream maker and follow manufacturer's directions.
jenks - 05/26/07 13:02
you totally should paul, b/c you can also use it to make awesome frozen drinks for the par-tay!
you totally should paul, b/c you can also use it to make awesome frozen drinks for the par-tay!
mrmike - 05/26/07 12:30
Sounds great, course I'm hearing Prince Sing "Raspberry Sor-bet" in my head at the moment.
Sounds great, course I'm hearing Prince Sing "Raspberry Sor-bet" in my head at the moment.
paul - 05/26/07 11:15
That sounds so delicious. I really need to get an ice cream maker. I think I ight just buy one today.
That sounds so delicious. I really need to get an ice cream maker. I think I ight just buy one today.
05/18/2007 22:47 #39339
The Good The Bad and The UglyI think i have posted a journal with this exact name before... but i am way too tired to look that up.
The Good
Someone called me "an incredible woman". Felt good. Thank you, kind sir. You know who you are.
I helped someone find something they were looking for. It was appreciated. I was complimented, but the act of doing it, well, rocked.
I worked an honest day doing something i enjoy.
The Bad
Met a friend's terminally ill mom when we were in Knoxville. Found out she is now in the hospital and they are looking for hospice for her. They hope she lives long enough to make it there. Glad i got to meet her, but my heart aches.
The Ugly
Stealing rosary beads at an esate sale should land you directly in hell.
Throwing a dime at someone because you don't want to pay the 8.75% sales tax on a $1 item does not sound like good kharma to me.
The Good
Someone called me "an incredible woman". Felt good. Thank you, kind sir. You know who you are.
I helped someone find something they were looking for. It was appreciated. I was complimented, but the act of doing it, well, rocked.
I worked an honest day doing something i enjoy.
The Bad
Met a friend's terminally ill mom when we were in Knoxville. Found out she is now in the hospital and they are looking for hospice for her. They hope she lives long enough to make it there. Glad i got to meet her, but my heart aches.
The Ugly
Stealing rosary beads at an esate sale should land you directly in hell.
Throwing a dime at someone because you don't want to pay the 8.75% sales tax on a $1 item does not sound like good kharma to me.
britian - 05/19/07 23:36
If the sale is being run by a business who is registered as a vendor for New York State sales tax purposes you will have to pay sales tax.
If the sale is being run by a business who is registered as a vendor for New York State sales tax purposes you will have to pay sales tax.
mike - 05/19/07 11:04
people are ridiculous. Like you are the one gaining from their taxes or something. As a side note though I never knew you had to pya taxes at an estate sale, but then again I have never been to one.
people are ridiculous. Like you are the one gaining from their taxes or something. As a side note though I never knew you had to pya taxes at an estate sale, but then again I have never been to one.
05/16/2007 22:21 #39310
TiredGot home Monday night. The trip to Tennessee was wonderful and fun and exhausting. I was very happy to see two people very much in love and very well matched get married. I was teary when Chris said that (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i are a good example to him. He's a good egg, that Christopher. His bride's pretty groovy too. I just wish they got married somewhere indoors with a/c, or with the option of wearing... oh, i don't know, a bathing suit, perhaps. But i am biased -- i hate the heat. No wonder i live in Buffalo.
Which reminds me. Buffalo so feels like home now. Returning felt like coming home. And that is cool beans.
Worked Tuesday -- from about 11am until 9pm -- then stayed up until 2am unpacking and doing all sorts of around the house things that needed to be done.
Today, i worked from about 11am until about 9pm again. Got home, ate, then... damn period.
The Estate Sale starts on Friday. Tomorrow is do or die. Things must be sorted and priced by then. We got 99% of the back bedroom with the linens and purses done, the middle bedroom with the toys and odds and sods done, and the front bedroom with the x-mas stuff done. The kitchen is getting there, the dinning room is almost ready and the living room... well, it will get done. I think all the bits will be ready in the restaurant and bar... the "amn things" seem so foreign to me...
Anyhoo, for those that want to see me work my butt off... here's the link.
Which reminds me. Buffalo so feels like home now. Returning felt like coming home. And that is cool beans.
Worked Tuesday -- from about 11am until 9pm -- then stayed up until 2am unpacking and doing all sorts of around the house things that needed to be done.
Today, i worked from about 11am until about 9pm again. Got home, ate, then... damn period.
The Estate Sale starts on Friday. Tomorrow is do or die. Things must be sorted and priced by then. We got 99% of the back bedroom with the linens and purses done, the middle bedroom with the toys and odds and sods done, and the front bedroom with the x-mas stuff done. The kitchen is getting there, the dinning room is almost ready and the living room... well, it will get done. I think all the bits will be ready in the restaurant and bar... the "amn things" seem so foreign to me...
Anyhoo, for those that want to see me work my butt off... here's the link.

uncutsaniflush - 05/17/07 16:31
my dear typo queen, I would bet that the "MAN things" at the estate sale would be just as foreign to you as the "amn things" <grin>
my dear typo queen, I would bet that the "MAN things" at the estate sale would be just as foreign to you as the "amn things" <grin>
Coffee is your friend Lee.....
Sleep is a very complicated thing. First of all everyones body naturaly performs best on different amounts of sleep. If you oversleep then when you wake up sometimes your body wants to go back to sleep. But there is also an emotional connection to waking. If I wake up and want to do something then being a little tired is no big deal but sometimes getting out of the house is almost impossible on time. But the other factor is that your body can become trained. This happens to me sometimes. If your alarm wakes you up after a certain amount of hours of sleep all the time then with out the alarm you body can wake you up. So even though you are tired and didn't get enough sleep your bodys "internal clock" wakes you up. I know this often happens to me on the weekend. After like 5 hours at the most I'm up and can't go back to sleep but I don't want to be up because I have a concert that starts at 7 or something like that. Different people have different reactions to not having enough sleep and somepeople have things like lots of coffee or tea to wake them up or ways to deal with there mood. For example "I'm not in the mood for bullshit so what ever you are going to say it had better be important".
Glad to know it's not just me that gets a bit, uhm, punchy, i guess you could say if 8 solid hours of sleep is not acheived.
And for the record, i tried the caramel twice. Didn't work out either time. Plan C, folks... plan C.
Wow, you must be getting old. Tell me what that is like
hey, dinner at 4 qualifies you for the early bird special, haha
I love sleep!
I feel sleep deprived if I get less than 8 hrs. Seriously loony if under 7. 9-10 is perfect. But thats when I am not having insomnia bouts; then I'm just goofy.
the ice cream you write about sounds so yummy. I kinda pine for an ice cream maker, although not sure if I would ever really use it. Well I'd use it to to make my first 50 gallons in the first week, consume it all and then it would collect dust.