As i mentioned in my two previous journals, spent last week painting and recaulking my parent's bathroom. It took 5 days. They even paid me, which was appreciated, but totally unecessary. The fed me and put me up for a week, so i figured that was all the payment i was going to get...
Before pictures:

And some nice yellow smoke stained caulking, half removed...

And here is the towel bar from hell. The most tiresome and frustrating (and ugly, sorry, Ma) towel bars in the universe.

Looks harmless, huh? Well, look at all the damn peices it has!! And it wasn't the only one....

We only needed to go to the paint store 3 or 4 times... and only had to change the colour once. Pretty good, eh?
I think both my parents like the result. My dad even does, and he usually wouldn't care about colour as long as the toilet and shower worked.

While priming, painting and caulking, i had a radio to keep my mind from wandering too much.
Perhaps it is just because i missed (e:Uncutsaniflush) (he stayed here in Buffalo while i was in Hamilton), but i couldn't help but find myself singing along with this chorus,
I want, i want, i want my baby
I want, i want, i want my baby
I want, i want, i want my baby
Oh Yeah, By the Cliks
Cool band... cool cd. The mp3 is too big for a usersound, so here is the Gather info:
FILE NAME: The Cliks - 08 - Oh Yeah.mp3
TRACKING NUMBER: 0799243001181586527
Our friend, Linda's mom has been really ill for a long time. The last set back she had was the day of the wedding we attended while in Tennessee. I am glad we met her a few days beforehand. On a lucid day. I wish i got to know her better, or under better cicumstances. I am glad her pain and anguish is over, though. I just wish it didn't hurt everyone else so much for her pain to be over.
How can i not belive in reincarnation and not be in awe of the fact that Ava's last puppy was born mere minutes after Linda's mom, Barbara died? Kinda gives me shivers.
I didn't even know Ava was preggers.
The last time i saw Kirsten (shame that moving has meant we don't see each other as much!) with Ava and Nolan was back in April, (e:LeeTee,38980) . She may have been pregnant then.
I got a call from Kirsten just before i left for Canada asking if i wanted to go for a walk with her, Nolan and "big fat Ava". I returned that message asking if Ava was pregnant. I didn't hear from Kirsten all week and when i got back, i called her. She had the puppies the night before.
Of course, i asked if i could come over to see them. And of course i took my camera.
Nolan, the Proud Papa

i want!
I was out with (e:pyrcedgrrl) a few days ago, and we thought we saw Kirsten walking with Nolan. I wondered where Ava was. Now I know! Congrats to the new mommy. The huge smile on her face is priceless! :)
AWWWEEEE!!! Widdle squishy-faced puggies!!! :D
omg so cute I can't stand it!!!! and look at Ava totally smiling in that one pic. Love it!
Cuties....can't show my daughter that one else the x will be dog owner in now time
so cute!!! i want one. :O(