Which reminds me. Buffalo so feels like home now. Returning felt like coming home. And that is cool beans.
Worked Tuesday -- from about 11am until 9pm -- then stayed up until 2am unpacking and doing all sorts of around the house things that needed to be done.
Today, i worked from about 11am until about 9pm again. Got home, ate, then... damn period.
The Estate Sale starts on Friday. Tomorrow is do or die. Things must be sorted and priced by then. We got 99% of the back bedroom with the linens and purses done, the middle bedroom with the toys and odds and sods done, and the front bedroom with the x-mas stuff done. The kitchen is getting there, the dinning room is almost ready and the living room... well, it will get done. I think all the bits will be ready in the restaurant and bar... the "amn things" seem so foreign to me...
Anyhoo, for those that want to see me work my butt off... here's the link.

my dear typo queen, I would bet that the "MAN things" at the estate sale would be just as foreign to you as the "amn things" <grin>