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05/04/2007 00:03 #39147

Category: work
I have a few things i need to clear up. I don't think it's a big deal, but i just don't want ya'll to get the wrong idea.

My mean and evil bosses are not really mean and/or evil. But don't tell them i said that. Truth be told, i'm rather fond of both of them.

One of them can't decide where her bra is supposed to go. Psst... inside the shirt. No wonder she's know for being mad.


And the other claims to know how to do laundry. Can't tell from the look of this shirt, now can you?


I am ever so grateful that i am the one that holds the camera. Who knows what kind of pictures of me they would take!

I've had a lot of jobs in my time, but i've never had as much fun working as i do with them. Honestly, people, how many of you can say you leave work tired but happy, laughing and dirty, almost looking forward to another day of it?


Working for them, i feel valued and worthy. Can't say, job wise, it's happened to me before...
fellyconnelly - 05/04/07 14:01
that is one heck of a bra though....
heidismadhouse - 05/04/07 09:46
Lee, you are a star! we've never known such a good worker. You make working fun.....and lunch isn't bad either.

05/03/2007 10:44 #39139

Wellie Funeral *sob*
Today i finally did it. I gave up on my wellies. I loved them, but alas, they let me down.

The brown flowery ones i wore often this past autumn and winter, but come spring, they sprung. A mere once (e:Uncutsaniflush) tried to repair them.

My black polka dot ones, i wore only once or twice. I loved them. Attempted repairs were made several times. None successfully. Now, they are gone.






heidismadhouse - 05/04/07 09:33
Yay! And the extra odorous properties they will have accuired after spending the night in the wheely bin my even be an advantage..............ahem...
leetee - 05/04/07 09:21
Alright then, (e:britian). I just went out to the curb. I figured if the big garbage truck in the sky hadn't taken them yet, the exhumation was possible. They are now back in the house. Today, i will ask said fine gentleman how i should go about this ebay business...
britian - 05/04/07 02:24
Why not exhume them and we can give it a try? We'll just have to ask the big chap how best to describe them.
leetee - 05/03/07 23:35
I thought it was just old used chucks he could sell on ebay. You reckon the wellies would sell too?
deeglam - 05/03/07 22:34
man, what a bummer.
britian - 05/03/07 18:46
Leeeeeee!!!!! Nooooooooo!!!

I know someone who'd sell those wellies on eBay - actually you know him too.
mastermindkg - 05/03/07 17:27
Nooo those were still good, Leeee!
I am such a packrat.

I've had some American Eagle sneakers since Black Friday, they've had a hole since January and I am still wearing them until I am sure the snowing will stop. Sure its nice now, But it may snow mid July.

Paul, I'm sure if there were a contest of people having random garbage in their livingroom, I'd take the cake.

I would seriously pay someone to clean up for me. When I was on campus I paid my friends to do my laundry (They had to pick it off the floor- gross.
paul - 05/03/07 10:58
Thanks for the pics. I am obsessed with pictures of stuff being thrown out. I realized after (e:jenks) gave me the book of the dude who catalogued every food item he ate for a year, that I had been outranked and needed to move on from the food thing. I am now considering a documentary about everything I throw out for one month.

05/03/2007 00:07 #39135

Chaos and Shoes
Today started off on bit of a chaotic note. My mean and evil bosses and i forgot to arrange a time for me to get picked up to go to work. Guess that's what happens when we take a day off.

I was just out of the shower with my hair up in a towel when they arrived. Funny how when i am up early and running on time, i wait. Yet, when i think i have lots of time or i am a bit behind, they are on time.

My mom was also on the phone wanting to know about the cruise... It was difficult to put on deoderant, dress and talk on the phone at the same time.

The day wasn't a total writeoff, however. I got fed a yummie greek salad for lunch (sorry, (e:Paul), no pictures) and got to be the assitant to the urban anthropolgists.

After work, i got myself a cute pair of shoes -- that are totally out of character for me, but i really like them -- for the wedding in KnoxVegas next week. Whoo hoo! Shoes will always make a girl's day brighter!

I leave you, dear readers, with more pictures of the bane of my exsistence -- dishes, dishes, dishes!




05/01/2007 10:02 #39115

Back To The Grind
Category: work
My mean and evil bosses allowed me one measly day off yesterday. Well, mostly because they had stuff to do, too.
(e:Britian) needed to celebrate his birthday.
(e:Heidismadhouse) needed the chiropractor.

I got to shop for bras. Now if that isn't just as much torture as bathing suit shopping, i don't know what is. But i so needed to have at least one that would be suitable underneath the dress for the wedding we are attending in a coupla weeks.

Today, we are back at it. I wonder what the day will bring? Some dust, i am sure. I took my alergy meds! The attic and its ghost that (e:Britian,39082) posted is surely cleared out by now. The dumpster should be gone. We had so much fun flinging things out the window of the second floor to the waiting dumpster below. My head is feeling better from the sharp whack it took when i misjudged the opening of the window as i tossed something out...

I reckon, i will be doing more dishes. Thanks to the mad skills of the Time Warner engineers, i am able to bring you an example of my work...

mastermindkg - 05/01/07 11:08
I hate when I bang my head like that, its like I think I live in a 2-d world where nothing has volume.

I can't believe you said the TimeWarner engineers have mad skills, traitor!! haha

04/30/2007 09:19 #39102

Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, (e:Britian)!

I hope the next 50 years are better than the first 50!
britian - 04/30/07 20:05
Thank you for the birthday wishes :o)

I think being 50 suits me.
heidismadhouse - 04/30/07 12:01
Happy Birthday Ian (e:britian)
paul - 04/30/07 10:05
Happy Birthday To you (e:britian)
jason - 04/30/07 09:22
Ditto! Happy B-Day!