For the past 2 days i have been washing dishes. As i mentioned a couple of days ago, (e:LeeTee,38962) i am odd job girl for Ian and Heidi. When we arrived yesterday, i helped fill up part of a dumpster, then volunteered (yeah, ok, so i did live in the Volunteer State, but sheesh) to be on kitchen duty. Ian was busy with some heavy lifting and grunt work, and Heidi was not into the kitchen grease. Today, i spent about 4 hours with my hands in and out of dishwater. Someone better buy those damn dishes at the estate sale or there will be hell to pay!
One of the reasons i thought about posting now was to get my name up on the "most recent entries". Ian asked about (e:strip) when he saw our bumper sticker and visited. But, like me (but without (e:Uncutsaniflush) there to guide), he was confused at the opening page. I mentioned my (e:strip) name so perhaps he will see me there.
Hi Ian! Scroll down to read my other journals, Ian. Hit the circle with the back arrow and the 10 in it to see older ones.
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/22/2007 19:21 #39005
Dish Pan Hands04/20/2007 23:35 #38980
Redneck On ElmwoodYep... i gots me some class.... with a capital K.

pyrcedgrrl - 04/25/07 00:58
Like I said when we saw you: "AWWWWWEEEEE!!! DA WIDDLE SQUISHY PUGUMS FACE!!!" :)
Like I said when we saw you: "AWWWWWEEEEE!!! DA WIDDLE SQUISHY PUGUMS FACE!!!" :)
theecarey - 04/22/07 22:26
it was quite the pleasure to bump into you, kirsten and the super adorable pugs :)
it was quite the pleasure to bump into you, kirsten and the super adorable pugs :)
mrmike - 04/21/07 10:19
Actually saw you a few blocks later. I was drivin the youngins to Dairy Queen
Actually saw you a few blocks later. I was drivin the youngins to Dairy Queen
imk2 - 04/21/07 10:10
awwww...that's cute. i don't think rednecks baby their pets, so you have nothing to worry about. :)
awwww...that's cute. i don't think rednecks baby their pets, so you have nothing to worry about. :)
04/19/2007 18:45 #38962
I actually heard someone complain about the weather today. (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were walking out of Weggies and i overheard a young woman say, "it's soooooo hot out today." while on her cell phone. WTF is that about?
Speaking of complaining, looks like i will be doing some odd jobbing soon. Our friends, Ian and Heidi (the Heidi of Heidi's Hideaway on Elmwood) own an estate sale business and there's a place on Amherst across from Weggies they are going to have a sale in... but the place is full and a bit of a mess. The man who lived there liked to tinker. And he had a lot of projects going at once. And he had lots of stuff ready to be tinkered with. And, he had lots of stuff, in general -- for his business, a bar, and for his home, upstairs, as well as some storage in a garage a few doors down on Reservation. They asked if we would help. Since (e:Uncutsaniflush) already has a day job, he would be the odder of the odd job, but i am going to start on Saturday. Oh, and the sale isn't until the weekend of May 19th and 20th. I will post more about it, i am sure. If you're reading this, thanks for lunch Ian. I know you won't be reading this Heidi, unless Ian taught you how to use the computer since lunch...
I actually heard someone complain about the weather today. (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were walking out of Weggies and i overheard a young woman say, "it's soooooo hot out today." while on her cell phone. WTF is that about?
Speaking of complaining, looks like i will be doing some odd jobbing soon. Our friends, Ian and Heidi (the Heidi of Heidi's Hideaway on Elmwood) own an estate sale business and there's a place on Amherst across from Weggies they are going to have a sale in... but the place is full and a bit of a mess. The man who lived there liked to tinker. And he had a lot of projects going at once. And he had lots of stuff ready to be tinkered with. And, he had lots of stuff, in general -- for his business, a bar, and for his home, upstairs, as well as some storage in a garage a few doors down on Reservation. They asked if we would help. Since (e:Uncutsaniflush) already has a day job, he would be the odder of the odd job, but i am going to start on Saturday. Oh, and the sale isn't until the weekend of May 19th and 20th. I will post more about it, i am sure. If you're reading this, thanks for lunch Ian. I know you won't be reading this Heidi, unless Ian taught you how to use the computer since lunch...
mk - 04/20/07 12:29
I HATE when people complain about the weather! Let us enjoy this time when it's actually okay to walk around without a winter coat on! Come July, then you can complain a little. But this is the part that makes living here worthwhile - we can appreciate when we actually get some nice weather. Some people are just never happy and always need something to complain about.
And here I am, complaining about people who complain. Oops... :)
I HATE when people complain about the weather! Let us enjoy this time when it's actually okay to walk around without a winter coat on! Come July, then you can complain a little. But this is the part that makes living here worthwhile - we can appreciate when we actually get some nice weather. Some people are just never happy and always need something to complain about.
And here I am, complaining about people who complain. Oops... :)
04/17/2007 14:39 #38929
ThanksJust wanted to say thanks to the supportive comments from all you kind (e:peeps). I appreciate it.
It's so difficult to think of someone as mortal...
I spoke with my father. He says he is fine. Now. He described the pain to me as sharp with lots of pressure. But it was all in his back and shoulders. Without any body movement, it would come, build, then go away. The doctors never did figure out what was wrong. Not a heart attack, even if he does have high colesterol. He will be going for more tests with his GP. My main concern are his lungs... lots of smoke go into them.
It's so difficult to think of someone as mortal...
I spoke with my father. He says he is fine. Now. He described the pain to me as sharp with lots of pressure. But it was all in his back and shoulders. Without any body movement, it would come, build, then go away. The doctors never did figure out what was wrong. Not a heart attack, even if he does have high colesterol. He will be going for more tests with his GP. My main concern are his lungs... lots of smoke go into them.
museumchick - 04/18/07 08:57
^it wasn't a heart attack, i'm sorry for the typo.
^it wasn't a heart attack, i'm sorry for the typo.
museumchick - 04/18/07 08:55
- hug* I hope it won't come back, and they'll figure out what why it happened. I'm glad it was a heart attack.
04/16/2007 18:48 #38919
TearsLast night, my dad woke my mom at 2.30am complaining of sharp pain in his back and pressure in his chest. It seems as though it was intermittent, but they called 911 anyway. Medics weren't sure just what it was, but they didn't think it was a heart attack. At the hospital, they monitored him and took X-rays and blood tests. He was released around 11am, since he was comfortable and the pain had gone by then. Docs have no idea what it was. It wasn't heartburn or indigestion or a heart attack, and that's all i really know right now.
My mom emailed me this hours ago and i haven't really been able to think about much since. I called their house and got voicemail. I hope it's just because they were both tired and needed some rest. Since they got home from the travel adventure, their business has been keeping them without much of a breather...
My mom emailed me this hours ago and i haven't really been able to think about much since. I called their house and got voicemail. I hope it's just because they were both tired and needed some rest. Since they got home from the travel adventure, their business has been keeping them without much of a breather...
- tear*
ladycroft - 04/17/07 13:58
my thoughts are with you
my thoughts are with you
jason - 04/17/07 08:51
mrmike - 04/16/07 19:42
jenks - 04/16/07 19:24
Oh Lee I'm sorry. That's scary. I hope everyone is doing well. If it's any consolation, the ER takes chest pain seriously- so if they let him go, that *should* mean everything scary is ruled out... [do you know if they did a CT scan, though? That would look at his aorta.]
Oh Lee I'm sorry. That's scary. I hope everyone is doing well. If it's any consolation, the ER takes chest pain seriously- so if they let him go, that *should* mean everything scary is ruled out... [do you know if they did a CT scan, though? That would look at his aorta.]
Hi Lee
Thanks for pointing us to this site. Ian and I both have accounts here now :o)