I haven't posted a journal in almost 3 weeks. Huh. Wonder why. Maybe i haven't had anything to say. Myabe i thought my life was too boring. Who knows.
I have been needing a haircut for a long time now. I reckon if the smoothing gels and gunk i have can't keep my split ends at bay, it might be time. I think it's been almost a year since i got a haircut. Even me, and my very slack and outdated hairdressing skills cringe at that.
(e:Jenks,38686) posted about hair the other day, and
(e:Chicoschica) commented she goes to a place called Now Salon. So, i figured what the hell, i will try them. Although i thought the woman doing my hair was pretty good, her hours are limited and the salon (Salon 806 on Elmwood) has a snobfest attmosphere, so i haven't been back in... well, about a year. So, i have an appointment today at 4pm, after my dental appointment, for a cut. If i don't like it, i have just over a month to grow it out or get something new before we have to head to Tennessee to our friend's wedding.
Dreaded Dentist
Today, both
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i are going to get a check up at the dentist. I hope hope hope that i have the same news this time as last time. No cavities. First time ever 6 months ago that it's ever happened.
I am so very much looking forward to our trip to Tennessee next month. We haven't been in far too long.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) is going to be a penguin in the wedding, so of course, i had to go buy myself a nice dress. Besides, most of my dresses are black.. or very inappropriate for a wedding.
It will be an outdoor wedding in Townsend, at the foothills of the Smokey Mountains. And i am very happy for both of them. Our friends, Chris and Kimberly, are the outdoorsy types -- do-gooder tree hugger vegetarian leaf lovers. Chris is sweet and kind and patient and so deserves to be happy. Kimberly very much seems to be his other half. We didn't get the chance to know her as well as i wish we could have... we moved to Buffalo instead, silly peeps that we are.
No school tonight. In fact, i haven't been in a few weeks. My last journal was written after we got back from Toronto. I should have gone to school that night, but i didn't. Got a call from my teacher. He called to tell me when my G.E.D. test would be. I passed the Predictor with ok enough marks to write the G.E.D.
Unfortunately, the next available days for the test were Wednesday March 21 and Thursday March 22. We had been planning on surprising my mom on her 60th birthday with flowers and taking her out to dinner -- on March 21st. I decided to write the test instead. We had the flowers delivered. Went to see her this weekend instead, the first weekend it was possible.
I think i probably passed the test. Not sure. The first day was the Reading, Literature, Sentence Structure Corrections and Essay tests. I think if i did well on any of it, those portions were it. The next day was Science, Social Studies and the 2 Maths. I think if i bombed any of it, the Maths were it. But i hope i did well enough on the rest of the test to carry me, so long as i squeaked by on the maths.
I wish i could remember more of it, but my brain was complete mush for days afterwards. Eight hours of testing over 2 days is kinda intense. I still thank
(e:Libertad) profusely for journalling about Cuba... something he wrote about came into play on a few questions on the Social Studies test. And i so wish i could remember what the questions were.
I was watching PopUp Video on VH1Classic a few weeks back. One fact they mentioned during a Blondie video for Rapture was that baby elephants are called "punks". I laughed and thought no wonder i like them. Yet, i have googled and searched and have yet to find anything to back that up. All the info i am getting just says they are called "calves", which is what i thought. Males are bulls, females are cows and babies are calves. I wonder... were they referring to teenage elephants??!?!
Ooh the Botanical Gardens. It is so lovely there! Its been a few months, and I am ready to go again. I didnt see that one plant growing through the top last time I was there. neat!
hehe, the polar bear pic is priceless :)
oooh... I've always wanted to go there, now I'm re-inspired. :) Thanks.
Nice photos. The polar bear photo especially kicks ass; I can relate to that "it's snowing, whatever, I'm going back to bed" feeling.