Last night, just around or after midnight, the cops knocked on our door and rang our bell. I was online with a friend and the sound of the doorbell and very sharp door knocking made me jump. I was worried a neighbour was in trouble. I saw through the windows of our double doors that it was a couple of cops. They asked me a few questions. Seems they were looking for someone named Judy, i forget and can't pronounce the last name they mentioned. I told them i didn't know the person, nor did i know if the person lived around here... I got the sense they were looking for her because she was a victim, not someone they were launching a manhunt for. Although, the cop car was blocking our driveway and there were at least 3 other cop cars on the street. I hope Judy unknown last name is ok.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) slept through it all. I bet he could have counted how many cops cars there were.
This morning, my phone rang when i was still in bed. I decided not to run for it. If it is important, a message would be left. And one was. My teacher called me. I got a 12.9 (the highest possible) on my last Maths TABE Test and he signed me up to write the Predictor (the sample GED type test everyone needs to pass before they will let you write the GED) "this Friday". I called him back, "uhm, do you mean tomorrow Friday or next week Friday?" Tomorrow. At 8.30 am, be there by 8.15am. Bring I.D. Eat before you arrive, the test is 4 hours long. No time to be nervous, i reckon.
just keep on truckin! it will all be worth it in the end. (that is what I keep telling myself at least!) Good luck!