I am still waiting for the results of my Predictor test.
It was a week ago today my teacher, Mark, called me to tell me i scored a 12.9 on the maths TABE and was eligible to write the Predictor. A week ago tomorrow i wrote it...
I went to school on Monday and Tuesday and another student was surprised to see me. "Didn't you write the predictor?" he asked me. "Yeah", i said, puzzled, "but if i didn't pass it, then i need to do more work and if i did, i still need to write the actual G.E.D. and either way, i need help with math." He laughed. He's a smart kid, and progessing a lot, but i think his motivation isn't quite the same as mine. Or at least, that is what he said, but in his own words, "i ain't in no hurry".
Neither am i, i reckon. I waited over 20 years to go down this road, so i guess a few more days won't kill me.
Now, no more procrasination. Math awaits...
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/01/2007 14:11 #38319
Waiting, Waiting...Category: school
02/25/2007 15:39 #38276
I Heart ElephantsCategory: elephants
Which is totally not news to anyone that knows me.
But now, i have a grey rubber braclet that proves it, that i heart elephants.
I got it at the zoo today. I am happy to know the elephants are getting a better place to live in the Buffalo Zoo. I know there are critics out there of the zoo and zoos in general. And i think if we want them to have better living conditions, we can do something about it.
The braclet is only 3 bucks. Every bit helps. Consider giving the elephants a little something to help them have a better home....
But now, i have a grey rubber braclet that proves it, that i heart elephants.
I got it at the zoo today. I am happy to know the elephants are getting a better place to live in the Buffalo Zoo. I know there are critics out there of the zoo and zoos in general. And i think if we want them to have better living conditions, we can do something about it.
The braclet is only 3 bucks. Every bit helps. Consider giving the elephants a little something to help them have a better home....
ladycroft - 02/26/07 18:02
When you come face to face with one in the wild your respect for them grow even greater! There's nothing like being witness to their awesome power, on their turf.
When you come face to face with one in the wild your respect for them grow even greater! There's nothing like being witness to their awesome power, on their turf.
theecarey - 02/26/07 17:57
I have full intention on going to the zoo this week. I look for the bracelets :)
I have full intention on going to the zoo this week. I look for the bracelets :)
metalpeter - 02/26/07 17:42
The thing about Elephants or at least African Elephants not sure about indian or asain elephants is that they are safer in a zoo. Between animals that would like to eat them and pochers who want the ivory they can have a verry dangerous life, unless they live somewhare they are protected.
The thing about Elephants or at least African Elephants not sure about indian or asain elephants is that they are safer in a zoo. Between animals that would like to eat them and pochers who want the ivory they can have a verry dangerous life, unless they live somewhare they are protected.
mike - 02/25/07 19:11
i used to love CHICKENS when I was little but elephants are definetely my favorite animal nowadays
i used to love CHICKENS when I was little but elephants are definetely my favorite animal nowadays
paul - 02/25/07 19:01
I thought a cock was mike's favorite animal. No pun intended.
I thought a cock was mike's favorite animal. No pun intended.
02/23/2007 19:00 #38259
Pete, How Could You?!?!AARP?!? Please, you're not THAT old!!
I changed my usersound. To Everybody's Happy Nowadays by the Buzzcocks.
Yes, the very same song that is being used for an AARP advertisement. I reckon, like Iggy's Lust For Life, no one in the advertising industry realized that the lyrics are meant to be ironic? Or maybe it was just some covert old school Brit punk masquerading as an ad exec? Yeah, that must be it...
I changed my usersound. To Everybody's Happy Nowadays by the Buzzcocks.
Yes, the very same song that is being used for an AARP advertisement. I reckon, like Iggy's Lust For Life, no one in the advertising industry realized that the lyrics are meant to be ironic? Or maybe it was just some covert old school Brit punk masquerading as an ad exec? Yeah, that must be it...
02/22/2007 10:55 #38239
Cops & PredictorsLast night, just around or after midnight, the cops knocked on our door and rang our bell. I was online with a friend and the sound of the doorbell and very sharp door knocking made me jump. I was worried a neighbour was in trouble. I saw through the windows of our double doors that it was a couple of cops. They asked me a few questions. Seems they were looking for someone named Judy, i forget and can't pronounce the last name they mentioned. I told them i didn't know the person, nor did i know if the person lived around here... I got the sense they were looking for her because she was a victim, not someone they were launching a manhunt for. Although, the cop car was blocking our driveway and there were at least 3 other cop cars on the street. I hope Judy unknown last name is ok.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) slept through it all. I bet he could have counted how many cops cars there were.
This morning, my phone rang when i was still in bed. I decided not to run for it. If it is important, a message would be left. And one was. My teacher called me. I got a 12.9 (the highest possible) on my last Maths TABE Test and he signed me up to write the Predictor (the sample GED type test everyone needs to pass before they will let you write the GED) "this Friday". I called him back, "uhm, do you mean tomorrow Friday or next week Friday?" Tomorrow. At 8.30 am, be there by 8.15am. Bring I.D. Eat before you arrive, the test is 4 hours long. No time to be nervous, i reckon.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) slept through it all. I bet he could have counted how many cops cars there were.
This morning, my phone rang when i was still in bed. I decided not to run for it. If it is important, a message would be left. And one was. My teacher called me. I got a 12.9 (the highest possible) on my last Maths TABE Test and he signed me up to write the Predictor (the sample GED type test everyone needs to pass before they will let you write the GED) "this Friday". I called him back, "uhm, do you mean tomorrow Friday or next week Friday?" Tomorrow. At 8.30 am, be there by 8.15am. Bring I.D. Eat before you arrive, the test is 4 hours long. No time to be nervous, i reckon.
ladycroft - 02/22/07 20:06
I'm really happy to read this. I remember a conversation we had around this time last year. It was full of "I cant", regarding your education. Now it's "I can". It's so great to see that happen for you. Eat good brain food!
I'm really happy to read this. I remember a conversation we had around this time last year. It was full of "I cant", regarding your education. Now it's "I can". It's so great to see that happen for you. Eat good brain food!
theecarey - 02/22/07 16:49
oh wow- HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice job on the math portion.
you will be amazing tomorrow morning :)
oh wow- HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice job on the math portion.
you will be amazing tomorrow morning :)
02/21/2007 16:13 #38231
Don't Read This If You Hate CatsI was surfin' aboot (all Canucks say "aboot", eh) while waiting for the laundry today (Oh, don't get jealous, ya'll, i know my life is too exciting!) and found a few sites i think are rather amusing.
MyCatHatesYou dot com
Under the MCHY banner, the heading "CATS" has archives of all the many many goofy cat pictures. I will admit, i giggled.
The Infinate Cat Project
was interesting. 1400 cats looking at cats looking at cats. Who would have thought?
And from the Kitten War
peeps, we have Cats In Sinks 
And to think, this cat thing all started when i was looking for a new cat cam to replace RandyCam
and found JeffCam 
Happy Cating...
Well, except for those that say they hate cats... yeah, i mean you (e:Paul) ! *grin*
MyCatHatesYou dot com

The Infinate Cat Project

And from the Kitten War

And to think, this cat thing all started when i was looking for a new cat cam to replace RandyCam

Happy Cating...
Well, except for those that say they hate cats... yeah, i mean you (e:Paul) ! *grin*
theecarey - 02/22/07 16:54
I so did not see this entry. Where did it sneak in? I LOVE IT. of course.
I havent gotten entirely through the MY Cat Hates You site yet. Its hilarious. Think I've been to the Kitten Wars.. anything cute and I am done for.
Maybe I will re decorate my b-lo bedroom in total cat paraphernalia, lol!!
I so did not see this entry. Where did it sneak in? I LOVE IT. of course.
I havent gotten entirely through the MY Cat Hates You site yet. Its hilarious. Think I've been to the Kitten Wars.. anything cute and I am done for.
Maybe I will re decorate my b-lo bedroom in total cat paraphernalia, lol!!
just keep on truckin! it will all be worth it in the end. (that is what I keep telling myself at least!) Good luck!