My cousin, Rob, recently moved to Texas from Detriot when he got promoted in the audit firm he works for. I was surprised to find out his girlfriend was going with him. He hadn't been seeing her that long, it seemed, and with his last girlfriend, he couldn't commit to adopting a dog with her. I thought he would end up a tall balding accountant George Clooney type -- a perma bachelor.
I was wrong. I got an email about a week ago saying that he and Karin were getting married. Cool. Yay Rob!
The email also said they wanted to break with tradition and not do the whole church wedding gift getting open bar dancing receptiony kinda thing. Cool beans. Not what myself and
(e:Uncutsaniflush) did either.
The email said that they would be getting married on a cruise ship. Before it departs. Then out to sea. And we were all invited... for the wedding and the cruise. Nope, they aren't picking up the tab. But the price is decent.
Of course,
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i thought we wouldn't go. We don't feel like the cruise types.... and i reckon we thought we could do better for just under a coupla grand.
Then, yesterday morning, my mom called me. Her and my dad are thinking of going! What?!? My mom is willing to be pried out of her office for an entire week!?!?!?! No way! Way.
Seems that my dad's recent scare and her slightly ill health over the past year has made her think about mortality. That saving for retirement might not be the best option. What if ill health prevents them from doing what they want to do once they retire? What would be the point of that.
The message
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i have been trying to tell her for years sunk in. Enjoy life now while you have it!!
She also said that if
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i wanted to go, her and my dad are willing to pay for the cruise for both of us as birthday and xmas gifts. Wow. Nice offer. We're thinking about it. Seriously. Might be fun. Well, except for the part that my family will be there.... can't have everything, huh?
I hate when I bang my head like that, its like I think I live in a 2-d world where nothing has volume.
I can't believe you said the TimeWarner engineers have mad skills, traitor!! haha