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05/10/2007 07:11 #39220

Welcome to Tennessee
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i arrived here in Knoxville yesterday afternoon. It's so nice to be back here. We haven't done much sightseeing yet -- we will do most of that today.

Right now, i am up early (damnit!) and in the computer room of our friend, Linda's house. She is being kind enough to put us up and feed us for a few days before the wedding preparations begin (we are staying in one of the hotel rooms recended by the bride and groom and less than 5 miles from the wedding site). It was so nice to see her last night... to just hang with her. Wish she would move to Buffalo... i have missed her tons since we moved.

Today, we are going to wait for the a/c repair man for her (poor thing is melting in the heat here -- i didn't find it too bad, and i am usually the first one sweating and complaining!) and then head off to as many of our old stompping grounds as we can manage. The Knoxville Zoo, our old house to gawk, Target to pick up some sunscreen that i forgot to pack, Market Square... Yay!
mike - 05/10/07 15:28
I was just in Tennessee.Have you seen the Parthenon in Nashville, it is kinda cool/weird to have a modern parthenon in the middle of a city but you should go. I don't know if you are near Nashville though!
paul - 05/10/07 10:42
Believe it or not it is extremely warm here too. Have a great time, here's to an awesome wedding!

05/07/2007 09:59 #39190

Good News!
Now that i have completed the promised order of informing -- myself, my husband, my mother, specific friends -- i can let you all know my news.

Every morning as of exactly 3 weeks after i wrote the G.E.D., i have been calling the phone number i was given to see if i had passed, failed... or whatever it was they were going to tell me over the phone. The last time i called, the automated voices (yes, different voices for some reason) said, "The following information pertains to the test you took on" (new voice) "March 21, 2007" (back to first voice) "The documents we have sent you are" (new voice) "a diploma". I was so shocked, i called again with a reference number they gave me. Same disjointed recording.

I immediately called (e:Uncutsaniflush) at work... and, of course, burst into tears. So much of my self worth has been tied up in my lack of education that i just didn't know how to process the information. Part of me still doesn't. I suspect once the actual document arrives, i will feel even more like jumping up and down.

I would like to thank (e:Theecarey) profusely... you gave me that book that really started the ball rolling... and inspired me more than you may ever know.

Thanks, too, (e:Ladycroft) for the information you were kind enough to drop off to me. And, sadly, that debate regarding what should or should not be allowed for students versus employees of an educational facility we got into way back when. I didn't fully comprehend how overly sensitive i have been about my lack of education and i know i over reacted. An apology is in order, too. I am very sorry i over reacted. I honestly meant no insult to you and i am sorry if i did.
imk2 - 05/08/07 08:38
congratulations lee! i guess i'm a little late but better late than never. i dont think any of us here ever had any doubts that you'd totally ace that test.

so will you be going on for any other diplomas? did this produce a diploma bug, like so many peeps here have?
leetee - 05/07/07 20:58
golly. thanks for all your kind words, (e:peeps). means a lot to me.
metalpeter - 05/07/07 17:56
Thats awesome. I know getting the GED was very important to you. Some people only pass one of the parts and then have to retake the other half so to pass it all in the first try is great. I hope that now that will give you the option to "open more doors of opertunity for You."
ladycroft - 05/07/07 15:31
you don't have to appologize lee. we can agree to disagree. however, i remember in that conversation how you kept saying 'you can't'...and now look at you! Akheeran! (at last). You reached your goal. I'm very happy for you :)
james - 05/07/07 15:10
I add my congrats to the lengthy list already here.
hodown - 05/07/07 14:28
paul - 05/07/07 14:23
Congratulations Lee, we are so proud of you!!
jason - 05/07/07 13:45
Well done Lee!!!!
jenks - 05/07/07 13:27
Congratulations Lee! We all knew you could (and would) do it! :) (But don't worry, I still would have cried too.)
theecarey - 05/07/07 12:42
so by 'diploma', that means you passed? hehe. duh. I'm not surprised ;) so very happy for you!

I did read your post with super excitement. I couldnt slow my eyes down to really read it the first time. My brain was looking for key words.. like.. "DIPLOMA" !! then I found it, and could start reading over again. I would have fallen over hearing that message on the phone. Awesome!

  • jumps up and down*

  • hugs*

you get the idea YAYYAYAYAYAY!
museumchick - 05/07/07 10:55
You should be so proud of yourself. You're a smart, hard-working woman- and you deserve that diploma. Congratulations!
zobar - 05/07/07 10:41

The following information pertains to the test you took on [MARCH 21, 2007]. The documents we have sent you are [A DIPLOMA].

Wow [(E:LEETEE)]. That's so [AWESOME] that you [PASSED] the test. [CONGRATULATIONS!]

- Z
mrmike - 05/07/07 10:40
How insanely great is that. Excellent news, congrats on the impending diploma delivery.

Nice work :)

05/06/2007 23:09 #39188

New Car!!!!
Talk about being a valued employee!!

Thanks so very much for my wonderful new car, (e:heidismadhouse) and (e:britian) !


Now, as well as shouting it when i see them on the street, every time i look at my desk i can shout it: MINI!!!

05/05/2007 21:48 #39170

John from Salon Now can kiss my ass.

When i called a week or so ago and told him i not only needed a colour, but probably a colour correction , he booked me in at 2.30 today, knowing they close at 4. I didn't think it would be enough time. But, hey, it's been a while since i worked in a salon, so i guess i must be rusty. I doubted my knowledge, and that is a pity.

I arrived on time, even a bit early and waited 40 minutes. Liz was running late. And i could see she was working hard trying not to be late.

When i sat down and told her what i wanted, she had a bit of a meltdown. I told her that i told the person who answered the phone what i wanted and needed and was told there would be enough time. But there wasn't.

And now, i can put the voice to the face and the name to both, thanks to Liz telling me his name. John answered the phone and booked me.

Of course, i left disappointed in what i have. It's OK. Not great, but OK.

Liz did her best and stayed over an hour and half late to finish it. I have no issue with what she did and tried to do for me. She calmed down, calmed me down and got my hair to a point when it looks... well, less fucked up. And not bad, not bad at all. Considering the time contraints and the messed up head of hair she had to work with, she worked her ass off.

But it isn't what i wanted. Not the pretty reds i wanted to be out in the warm Tennessee air with at our friend's wedding.

And i don't want to be upset about it because it is just hair. Hair grows. And now, when it grows, i won't have too much of a regrowth line.

But i am upset about it. I wanted to enjoy the walk from the salon at Allen and Elmwood home here to Bird and Grant. Nice day, pretty red hair... opps... well, it was a nice walk. Shame that every step i took i was less and less happy with my damn hair.
theecarey - 05/07/07 01:52
I hear ya. When walking out of a salon, I expect that extra bounce in my step.
leetee - 05/06/07 11:52
Not your fault, (e:James). Totally not your fault.

(e:Mike) once recommended a dentist to me, and i wouldn't blame him at all if i got a filling that was done wrong there.

Same deal with hair.
james - 05/06/07 10:30
Oh, John has never steared me wrong in terms of hair cuts. But then, I am a boy, and boy hair issues are super easy. Sorry I recomended the place to this unfortunate end.

05/04/2007 23:57 #39158

For Our e:Lord and e:Creator
Since you have moved from food to trash, (e:Paul), i thought i would take and post a couple of pictures of the very full dumpster at the estate sale building for you.



As i mentioned, i really really really loved throwing things out the window into that dumpster. Now, it is full. Boo hoo...
paul - 05/06/07 13:17
Those are awesome. I think I am going to make June - garbage month and document all the garbage I make.