I woke up sweaty and full of anxiety. I had tears in my eyes. I had a bad dream. Not like the nightmares I had recently, but it was bad. It was chock full of betrayal by people I love. Holy chipmunks on crack Batman, it was that awful! It opened a well of emotions I hoped would remain closed. Why?
I had coffee with (e:Joshua) recently and somehow our topic of conversation turned to relationships. Issues of trust, betrayal, abandonment, cheating, lying, fighting, living together...you name it, it was discussed. I brought up stories of people I hadn't thought about in yeeeeeeears.
The things I wish I had the confidence to say back then. I was only 22, what did I know? He cheated on me, only I caught him with the latest flavor. There were 4 more previous to her. What was the point of being in a relationship for 3 years if you really just wanted to NOT be in one?
What I expressed to Josh was the reasoning that if you live in constant fear that your significant other is unfaithful, you have nothing. I never thought about those things because I had to base our relationship on trust and friendship; I was in it 110%.
Paul! I really do hope your marriage is working out and that she is the 'something better' that came along.
Paul and I were also together for 3 years. We were a great team. We never argued but were able to disagree peacefully. One day, out of nowhere, I get "I'm just a guy in my 20's - what if something better comes along?" But, there was already someone new, not 'what if'. Ouch.
I really struggled with this one. On one hand I was completely and utterly humiliated because he basically told me I was just a pleasantry on his journey to true happiness. On the other, although really shitty, he was honest. As it turned out he pursued his new fancy to no avail. 6 months later he came back with, "I made a mistake".
This was incredibly difficult to hear. However, I had come to accept our separation without tears. It was just too little too late. Almost every girl I know would have taken him back. They would take him back because they would feel triumphant. It's easy to go back to what you know, where you felt safe, where you once felt loved. I couldn't take him back because I realized however lame the reason sounded to me, it was reason enough. It ended because it was time for it to end. I was 26.
Now that you've read about my two longest relationships, let us get back to the well of emotions unearthed in my sleep last night. I dreamed that everyone I knew, all of my friends, the distant ones as well as the close ones, betrayed me in some form or another. I felt so isolated, so alone. I had no one to talk to.
Ladycroft's Journal
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05/02/2007 12:41 #39128
fuck you charlieCategory: dreams
05/01/2007 12:46 #39118
answers to your questions imk2Category: potpourri
Imk2 asked a lot of good questions in response to my last post. So, here are your answers:
when are you leaving? - I don't know yet. They are in the process of getting me an electronic visa, then they will solidify my plane tickets.
how are they flying you there? - on a big plane i hope :)
which airline? - most likely the cheapest deal
coach or first class? - I am pretty confident it's coach
how long will they keep you there for the interview? - 3 days
will they be putting you up in a hotel? - yes
if so, which hotel? - don't know yet
will they be providing any food? - yes, they will be taking me out to lunches and dinners every day
will they pay moving expenses, like for the flight, if you get offered the job? - i think so, but not 100% sure
what is the cost of living there like? - real estate is very expensive, but other costs of living are lower than the states
will you be living in an apartment that you have to find on your own, or will you be living on campus? - on campus
how long is the contract for? - 1 year but they hope to have me for 2 or 3
will you get vacation time, and if so how much? - yes. muslim holidays plus vacation plus christian holidays
do they pay for flights back home at all? - yes, one round trip ticket home per year
how much are the flights anyway? - around $1,700 right now
make sure you take tons of pictures - will do!
when are you leaving? - I don't know yet. They are in the process of getting me an electronic visa, then they will solidify my plane tickets.
how are they flying you there? - on a big plane i hope :)
which airline? - most likely the cheapest deal
coach or first class? - I am pretty confident it's coach
how long will they keep you there for the interview? - 3 days
will they be putting you up in a hotel? - yes
if so, which hotel? - don't know yet
will they be providing any food? - yes, they will be taking me out to lunches and dinners every day
will they pay moving expenses, like for the flight, if you get offered the job? - i think so, but not 100% sure
what is the cost of living there like? - real estate is very expensive, but other costs of living are lower than the states
will you be living in an apartment that you have to find on your own, or will you be living on campus? - on campus
how long is the contract for? - 1 year but they hope to have me for 2 or 3
will you get vacation time, and if so how much? - yes. muslim holidays plus vacation plus christian holidays
do they pay for flights back home at all? - yes, one round trip ticket home per year
how much are the flights anyway? - around $1,700 right now
make sure you take tons of pictures - will do!
museumchick - 05/02/07 10:45
What a great opportunity! I hope you'll have a wonderful interview and trip!
What a great opportunity! I hope you'll have a wonderful interview and trip!
mrmike - 05/01/07 13:50
Sounds awesome!
Sounds awesome!
mastermindkg - 05/01/07 13:03
Yep, I have hookah! Up for it? It's from Egypt. I'm sure you'll be doing plenty of that in Qatar. I heard they are wicked cheap in the middle east. And I paid a pretty penny for mine.
Yep, I have hookah! Up for it? It's from Egypt. I'm sure you'll be doing plenty of that in Qatar. I heard they are wicked cheap in the middle east. And I paid a pretty penny for mine.
04/26/2007 10:41 #39050
OMG YAY!Category: potpourri
I got a call from the Qatar Foundation this morning. They want to bring me out for an on campus intehrview!!! Holy shnikes this is amazing! I can't even imagine flying 20 hours for an interview in the middle east. Wooooooooooohooooooooooooo!
imk2 - 04/28/07 13:01
omg...that is soooo fucking awsome! when are you leaving? how are they flying you there? which airline? coach or first class? how long will they keep you there for the interview? will they be putting you up in a hotel? if so, which hotel? will they be providing any food? will they pay moving expenses, like for the flight, if you get offered the job? what is the cost of living there like? will you be living in an apartment that you have to find on your own, or will you be living on campus? how long is the contract for? will you get vacation time, and if so how much? do they pay for flights back home at all? how much are the flights anyway? make sure you take tons of pictures.....this is so fucking cool!
omg...that is soooo fucking awsome! when are you leaving? how are they flying you there? which airline? coach or first class? how long will they keep you there for the interview? will they be putting you up in a hotel? if so, which hotel? will they be providing any food? will they pay moving expenses, like for the flight, if you get offered the job? what is the cost of living there like? will you be living in an apartment that you have to find on your own, or will you be living on campus? how long is the contract for? will you get vacation time, and if so how much? do they pay for flights back home at all? how much are the flights anyway? make sure you take tons of pictures.....this is so fucking cool!
deeglam - 04/26/07 23:39
DAMN! good for you! send some of that luck my way! I hope things works out for you...
DAMN! good for you! send some of that luck my way! I hope things works out for you...
chico - 04/26/07 22:51
Kick ass!!
Kick ass!!
mike - 04/26/07 22:12
Good luck!!! That is really crazy! Who goes for an interview in Qatar. by the by I wonder if the little bread and breakfast I stayed in in Qatar is the same one I fell in lov with. Did it feature the pork free bacon breakfast buffett?
Good luck!!! That is really crazy! Who goes for an interview in Qatar. by the by I wonder if the little bread and breakfast I stayed in in Qatar is the same one I fell in lov with. Did it feature the pork free bacon breakfast buffett?
metalpeter - 04/26/07 17:33
james - 04/26/07 14:45
I know this charming bed and breakfast in qatar you simply need to check out.
congrats ^_^
I know this charming bed and breakfast in qatar you simply need to check out.
congrats ^_^
jenks - 04/26/07 12:35
Wow! Congrats!
Wow! Congrats!
mrmike - 04/26/07 11:29
Awesome doesn't even describe it. Very cool!!! May it all go terrifically.
Getting flown in means a lot
Awesome doesn't even describe it. Very cool!!! May it all go terrifically.
Getting flown in means a lot
theecarey - 04/26/07 11:26
OH! hehe :) You are SO in.
OH! hehe :) You are SO in.
leetee - 04/26/07 10:46
IS there a "break a leg" for job interviews? No? Ok, i reckon GOOD LUCK will have to do!! :O)
IS there a "break a leg" for job interviews? No? Ok, i reckon GOOD LUCK will have to do!! :O)
04/25/2007 12:40 #39037
happy to be in one pieceCategory: potpourri
I thought I was prepared for the rain today. I wrapped my pack in a plastic bag, put on my rain pants and shell, and was ready to brave the elements. Let us put an emphasis on brave. I learned something about my bicycle at the most inopportune moment.
As I approached the intersection of Delaware and Utica the light turned red. I applied the breaks only to learn they do not work in the rain, at all. I slid through the red light and almost got rolled over by an SUV. My stomach tried to barf my heart out.
UPDATE: Delayed reaction. I started crying out of the blue, then realized why. Life is so precious. I'm not ready to extinguish my flame just yet.
As I approached the intersection of Delaware and Utica the light turned red. I applied the breaks only to learn they do not work in the rain, at all. I slid through the red light and almost got rolled over by an SUV. My stomach tried to barf my heart out.
UPDATE: Delayed reaction. I started crying out of the blue, then realized why. Life is so precious. I'm not ready to extinguish my flame just yet.
chico - 04/25/07 23:15
Am deeply relieved to know you are OK.
Am deeply relieved to know you are OK.
metalpeter - 04/25/07 17:52
First of all glad you are ok. Secondly that sounds pretty scary.
First of all glad you are ok. Secondly that sounds pretty scary.
mrmike - 04/25/07 15:47
Glad the SUV missed
Glad the SUV missed
04/21/2007 16:38 #38990
4 thingsCategory: potpourri
Feeling much better!
I got a new side mirror for my bicycle and that makes me very happy. My old one is really crap and keeps moving out of position. I can't tell you how useful they are if you have to ride in the streets of Buffalo!
I caught up on all my sport pscyh assignments AND completed my final research paper, 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Sweeeeeeeet!
Just 25 more days til graduation. Then I can tell all these bitches, "Peace out Mother Fuckers!". Joy, joy, joy.

P.S. Since I don't have a computer at home at can't say it tomorrow:
I got a new side mirror for my bicycle and that makes me very happy. My old one is really crap and keeps moving out of position. I can't tell you how useful they are if you have to ride in the streets of Buffalo!
I caught up on all my sport pscyh assignments AND completed my final research paper, 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Sweeeeeeeet!
Just 25 more days til graduation. Then I can tell all these bitches, "Peace out Mother Fuckers!". Joy, joy, joy.

P.S. Since I don't have a computer at home at can't say it tomorrow:
That sounds like one odd dream and a bit distrubing. Being betrayed is an awefull feeling and tough to deal with I can't imagine it in a dream. It is imporant to remember the past and to try an learn from things that have happendend. But at the same time it isn't good to dwell in it. It is very esay to dwell in self pitty and not do anything but sprial downward in self hate. I don't know why it happendend. I could guess that with thinking about the interview coming up and that you may get the job that the huge change that would be stired something up. It could even be that if you mind makes you think of your friends in a negative way then it makes moving onto something else less of a conflict or easier. Some people believe that there are things that the mind deals with as you sleep as a way to sort things out. When you wake up your concious mind picks up on that.
Thats spiteful - I respect that. =P
Haha! I love shy guys. They are the most observant and when they actually choose to speak it's typically something very interesting. But we erh- had a very (very) good sex life. He is a prude cause no one else would and hopefully no one else will. :D
Wow, haha. I don't think I've ever seen or heard of a girl referring to a guy, ex or otherwise, as a prude.
Maybe I'm different, but I want it all day every day. You'd never know though because I am shy. I'm not defending your ex by ANY stretch, but if you wouldn't mind could you cut some slack for the shy guys? Hehe.
I was with someone long term and we broke up in Feb, pretty much the same reasons. (Because he's a prude who got lucky with me, thought he could find someone else) W.E, I wish him the best of luck- what else can you do?
You are confident enough to say "no" to something you feel is right, I'm probably too codependent and emotionally needed to reject something like that.
Be glad that you don't feel that way when you're not dreaming. As I do all the time.
You're about to take on a journey that very few people get the opportunity to experience. If you were with someone it would have altered that in someway. So there is so much to come for you, who knows who you'll meet or in what country you'll end up next.
No company would invest money to fly you out to turn you down. ;)
no worries, i'm not stewing. i forgot all about it until this dream. i'm not jaded and i don't hate men :)
Wow... sorry to bring it up! It was an innocent and casual conversation but I didn't realize that you'd be stewing on that stuff.
Ultimately the only thing that matters is what you learn from the experience, but the pitfall shows when somebody ends up being jaded because of something they went through. I always thought that you'd be better off forgetting about that stuff rather than persecuting an entire sex because of a bad experience.