Dusseldorf. (yes, there are still more to come)

in the brussels train station on my way back to germany i spotted this. i am convinced it is the world's largest vending machine. you could buy anything from beer and cheese to toilet paper and pepto-bismol.

we enjoyed such a beautiful sunny day, i'm not sure why Christoph was still wearing his jacket

i wonder what the inside of this place looks like

we went up this tower, all the while in the elevator i was being solicited to be a slave wife by a beer breathed indian man

you get great views because of the window angles


but i was surprised to see sheep in the middle of the city

i really want this knife stand

to go with this awesome sink

wonderful old town square

golf clubs in the recyle bin?


really, i wasn't looking for it, it found me

remember that candy lipstick?
!. Cute kid.
2. If someone were to show me the pic and ask me where it was, i wouldn't say Germany. Even though i know it isn't and cannot be true, when i think of Germany, i think cites... not dirt and trees, or even parks. I wonder why that is.
3. SPF!!
Your nephew is a cutie. He has such beautiful blue eyes.
Wait, is that Ryan, the younger of your nephews?? Tanya's baby? he's huge!! Or am I confused?