took the train from weisbaden to koln

beautiful scenery all the way

i stayed with my friend elisa

the most famous cathedral in germany, dom zu koln

this train station vending machine was full of printer cartridges, just in case you REALLY HAVE TO HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW!

i also met up with my friend christoph and the first thing i did when we stopped to have a beer was knock over this cafe table and all the chairs and everything on it....charming and classy

lots of narrow winding streets in the netherlands, it was almost a bit creepy, especially once i can show you a video i took while there

even the mannequins are creepy

everybody, and i mean everybody, rides bikes there

probably to work off all these fries- they are everywhere
i took another train to brussles but was never able to contact my friends

i had to look up a youth hostel but they were full...this is me waiting and wondering if i'll have to sleep in the train station or get lucky and snag someone's cancellation

even if i had to sleep in the train station it would have been kosher cuz i'm cool like 'danger girl'

but i got lucky and then ended up with this lovely view

i checked out the atom thingy

which i think looks cooler at night with a little play on the camera

and just for fun
Very Nice Pictures I really like the cathedral one. That last one with your eyes is pretty cool looking to. But that gives me an idea maybe that style could be sold to the color contracts people if they have ones that look like tiger eyes why not multicolored like your touched up picture.
Cool photos!
Awesome. I am so jealous!!!
these are great. i like the touched-up-eyes-pic. good to see you didn't have to stay in that train station.