Just got back last night from a week in Orlando. I spent 4 days interviewing for jobs around the world and 4 days playing in the sunshine and universal studios.
Al Gore was the keynote speaker at my conference. I gotta tell you he's quite the comedian. I especially enjoyed his immitation of Bill. Esentially I got to see a live presentation of "An Inconvenient Truth". He's a very captivating public speaker and I took a lot of notes on his powerpoint slides. Err, I mean whatever the Apple version is. It's not like any of that information is new. We know we kill our planet. You can't go a single day without watching someone abuse it. Flicking their cigarette butts on the ground, trash on the streets, not recycling etc etc.
Then came the point when I literally jumped out of my seat in applause. Really, I can't say how many times I fume about the crap on tv. Not the shows, you can watch whatever you want to. The media however just kills me. We need to spend more time spreading knowledge about what MATTERS rather than the umptillionth time you turn on the news and hear the latest bullshit about custody battles for Anna Nicole's fatherless child. That's the truth.
I interviewed with so many places I can't even remember them all. My intentions were to be highly selective and I only scheduled 4. Next thing I know I'm booked back to back for 4 days! I had a few second round interviews on site, which is good news. I hope to receive some on campus interviews from a few places. Particularly the Qatar Foundation. That place sounds SO amazing and it's all brand new. It's my chance to jump right in with a dream job, working overseas, as well as sculpt and mold the very foundations of the program. My chance to create something from nothing, begin a new chapter in my legacy, begin my journey to my personal legend!
The best part is, Qatar is actually inviting their final choices for a campus interview. Can you imagine...traveling half way around the world for an interview! Simply amazing. Of course my enthusiasm is not shared by, oh I'd say 100% of the people I've talked to about this job. Everyone freaks out when I mention it. Or first has to ask, 'where is Qatar' and then freaks out. Should I mention this is THE wealthiest nation in the WORLD? 70% pristine beach coastline, adventure sports out the wazzoo, dessert, a successfull ex-pat community, and the opportunity to learn much more Arabic and learn from others.
I suppose this is where the anthropologist in me has always come forward. My pursuit of travel is not only for the adventure but for learning about the people, the culture, the customs. I like learning about that and sharing it with other people. The more we know about our differences, the more we learn how much we really are alike. When you can begin to do that, you can begin to break down the barriers of injustice and hate.
Gosh I have so much more to say but I need to pace myself. The rest of my Germany photos and Orlando photos will follow in the days ahead. Ciao.
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/09/2007 16:53 #38821
home againCategory: potpourri
03/29/2007 16:51 #38683
busting out the suitCategory: work
Interviews with:
Qatar Foundation
Niagara University
SUNY Brockport
SUNY Oswego
Let's hope a job comes from one of them!
Qatar Foundation
Niagara University
SUNY Brockport
SUNY Oswego
Let's hope a job comes from one of them!
carolinian - 03/29/07 21:28
Break a leg. Or possibly more of their body parts if they say no.
Break a leg. Or possibly more of their body parts if they say no.
mrmike - 03/29/07 20:51
Nice lookin list -- best wishes for you being able to do the pickin'
Nice lookin list -- best wishes for you being able to do the pickin'
deeglam - 03/29/07 20:07
wow! good luck!
wow! good luck!
jenks - 03/29/07 19:54
dur... I meant shabby
dur... I meant shabby
jenks - 03/29/07 19:54
Not too shappy a list. ;) congrats and good luck!!
Not too shappy a list. ;) congrats and good luck!!
metalpeter - 03/29/07 18:54
Good Luck with the job search and interviews.
Good Luck with the job search and interviews.
mk - 03/29/07 18:23
Wow...good luck!!
Wow...good luck!!
chico - 03/29/07 17:03
go ladycroft!!!!!!! good luck, i know you'll knock em dead. don't forget to smile.
Qatar Foundation?
go ladycroft!!!!!!! good luck, i know you'll knock em dead. don't forget to smile.
Qatar Foundation?
03/28/2007 17:52 #38668
euro trip part IIICategory: photos
Dusseldorf. (yes, there are still more to come)

in the brussels train station on my way back to germany i spotted this. i am convinced it is the world's largest vending machine. you could buy anything from beer and cheese to toilet paper and pepto-bismol.

we enjoyed such a beautiful sunny day, i'm not sure why Christoph was still wearing his jacket

i wonder what the inside of this place looks like

we went up this tower, all the while in the elevator i was being solicited to be a slave wife by a beer breathed indian man

you get great views because of the window angles


but i was surprised to see sheep in the middle of the city

i really want this knife stand

to go with this awesome sink

wonderful old town square

golf clubs in the recyle bin?


really, i wasn't looking for it, it found me

remember that candy lipstick?

in the brussels train station on my way back to germany i spotted this. i am convinced it is the world's largest vending machine. you could buy anything from beer and cheese to toilet paper and pepto-bismol.

we enjoyed such a beautiful sunny day, i'm not sure why Christoph was still wearing his jacket

i wonder what the inside of this place looks like

we went up this tower, all the while in the elevator i was being solicited to be a slave wife by a beer breathed indian man

you get great views because of the window angles


but i was surprised to see sheep in the middle of the city

i really want this knife stand

to go with this awesome sink

wonderful old town square

golf clubs in the recyle bin?


really, i wasn't looking for it, it found me

remember that candy lipstick?
metalpeter - 03/29/07 18:53
I have seen a picture of that odd and cool looking building and I kinda thought the same thing, i wondered what the rooms looked like with those strange outer walls. Nice pictures and thanks for sharing.
I have seen a picture of that odd and cool looking building and I kinda thought the same thing, i wondered what the rooms looked like with those strange outer walls. Nice pictures and thanks for sharing.
deeglam - 03/28/07 23:24
SOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS! i want to go there the mostest! lovely pics! and i love the candy lipstick.
SOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS! i want to go there the mostest! lovely pics! and i love the candy lipstick.
mrmike - 03/28/07 19:21
Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing. Nice golf swing by the way. You look good getting ready to drive
Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing. Nice golf swing by the way. You look good getting ready to drive
03/27/2007 11:37 #38650
green machineCategory: potpourri
I dropped off my bike yesterday morning to get repairs. Breaks were screwed, shifter was broke and my back wheel was bent. I just got the call that she'll be ready for pick up after 5 today! She's a jem and I can't wait to start riding to work again. The guys at the shop were impressed with her, guess it's been a long while since they've seen a classic schwinn. Now the weather just has to stay cooperative :)
p.s. more europe photos tomorrow
p.s. more europe photos tomorrow
03/25/2007 17:04 #38615
euro trip part IICategory: photos
In this cluster...Koln, Brussles and some place in the Netherlands.

took the train from weisbaden to koln

beautiful scenery all the way

i stayed with my friend elisa

the most famous cathedral in germany, dom zu koln

this train station vending machine was full of printer cartridges, just in case you REALLY HAVE TO HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW!

i also met up with my friend christoph and the first thing i did when we stopped to have a beer was knock over this cafe table and all the chairs and everything on it....charming and classy

lots of narrow winding streets in the netherlands, it was almost a bit creepy, especially once i can show you a video i took while there

even the mannequins are creepy

everybody, and i mean everybody, rides bikes there

probably to work off all these fries- they are everywhere
i took another train to brussles but was never able to contact my friends

i had to look up a youth hostel but they were full...this is me waiting and wondering if i'll have to sleep in the train station or get lucky and snag someone's cancellation

even if i had to sleep in the train station it would have been kosher cuz i'm cool like 'danger girl'

but i got lucky and then ended up with this lovely view

i checked out the atom thingy

which i think looks cooler at night with a little play on the camera

and just for fun

took the train from weisbaden to koln

beautiful scenery all the way

i stayed with my friend elisa

the most famous cathedral in germany, dom zu koln

this train station vending machine was full of printer cartridges, just in case you REALLY HAVE TO HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW!

i also met up with my friend christoph and the first thing i did when we stopped to have a beer was knock over this cafe table and all the chairs and everything on it....charming and classy

lots of narrow winding streets in the netherlands, it was almost a bit creepy, especially once i can show you a video i took while there

even the mannequins are creepy

everybody, and i mean everybody, rides bikes there

probably to work off all these fries- they are everywhere
i took another train to brussles but was never able to contact my friends

i had to look up a youth hostel but they were full...this is me waiting and wondering if i'll have to sleep in the train station or get lucky and snag someone's cancellation

even if i had to sleep in the train station it would have been kosher cuz i'm cool like 'danger girl'

but i got lucky and then ended up with this lovely view

i checked out the atom thingy

which i think looks cooler at night with a little play on the camera

and just for fun
metalpeter - 03/26/07 18:11
Very Nice Pictures I really like the cathedral one. That last one with your eyes is pretty cool looking to. But that gives me an idea maybe that style could be sold to the color contracts people if they have ones that look like tiger eyes why not multicolored like your touched up picture.
Very Nice Pictures I really like the cathedral one. That last one with your eyes is pretty cool looking to. But that gives me an idea maybe that style could be sold to the color contracts people if they have ones that look like tiger eyes why not multicolored like your touched up picture.
jason - 03/26/07 08:28
Cool photos!
Cool photos!
jenks - 03/25/07 20:10
Awesome. I am so jealous!!!
Awesome. I am so jealous!!!
vycious - 03/25/07 17:40
these are great. i like the touched-up-eyes-pic. good to see you didn't have to stay in that train station.
these are great. i like the touched-up-eyes-pic. good to see you didn't have to stay in that train station.
u know i'm down to visiting Qatar! :)
wow! that is sooooo exciting! i'm totally jealous now. roswellpark has a satellite in new zealand, i wish i could somehow get myself over there. i cant wait to see what kind of offers you'll get. keep us informed.
Our editor's last job was for the Qatar Foundation, before he got bored and moved back to Buffalo. I could ask him about it if you like.
- Z