hi kids. quick greetings from some small village in the northern countrz of germanz. iäm stazing with a familz that speaks verz little english, so this is a great learning experience. i took a train along the <rhein river vallez, saw where mz favorite wine comes from (reisling), manz castles, visited Köln and had lots of different bier. Todaz we will take a bike tour to Netherlands and visit Düssledorf. The weather is BEAUTIFUL! I slept in a room with a giant madonna statues last night, a little creepz.
Ciao, timika
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/11/2007 07:52 #38417
i slept with madonnaCategory: travel
03/08/2007 17:20 #38398
guten tagCategory: travel
Hallo from Germanz! This place is amaiying, <i love it!
<pretyels, bier, nice people.....todaz I went to Meinz, visited thecathedral and shoppes. Learning lots of German!
Forgive allmz mistakes, these <german kezboardsare different!
Ciao, LC
<pretyels, bier, nice people.....todaz I went to Meinz, visited thecathedral and shoppes. Learning lots of German!
Forgive allmz mistakes, these <german kezboardsare different!
Ciao, LC
03/05/2007 22:21 #38372
hi-ho, hi-ho, to germany i goCategory: travel
I doubt I'll have time tomorrow to write so I'll say it now. Stay well, keep warm, I'll catch you in 2 weeks. I'm sure to be bringing back lots of tasty chocolates - if you're nice I might share.
leetee - 03/06/07 22:34
Fly Safe! :)
Fly Safe! :)
metalpeter - 03/06/07 18:29
Hope you have a great time!!
Hope you have a great time!!
mrmike - 03/05/07 22:38
Have a great trip....our Ladycroft went to Europe and all we got was a lousy t-shirt. Enjoy
Have a great trip....our Ladycroft went to Europe and all we got was a lousy t-shirt. Enjoy
03/03/2007 13:52 #38341
winter funCategory: potpourri
Sledding at Chesnut Ridge!



Only 3 more days til Europe!!!



Only 3 more days til Europe!!!
imk2 - 03/04/07 20:43
i didnt know you were going so soon? i cant wait to see the pictures.
i didnt know you were going so soon? i cant wait to see the pictures.
03/02/2007 21:41 #38326
spentCategory: potpourri
Jerk chicken 45 minutes late.
European sausage 30 minutes late.
$50 short on the empanadas.
However... I managed to coordinate almost 200 volunteers and round up raffle prizes upward of $3,000 and made around $500 on raffles tickets. I'm proud of myself. It was a LOT of work.
Now just as soon as we wrap everything up, I want to go to bed.
good for you!
Beer- really BIG beer, I hope :)