On Wednesday night we went out to eat with (e:jenks) and (e:imk2) at Trattoria Aroma on Bryant near elmwood. My artichocke and mussel appetizer was amazing but the risotta was too crunchy (pronounced: undercooked) for me.

The next morning when I woke up, the Latina's shopping cart that was parked across the street from us at the Lin-nor was parked on our lawn with the garbage bins. Did anyone think that the garbage an was going to take the shopping cart with them. (e:matthew) moved it back across the street. I am all about the new law that would fine stores for their stray shopping carts even though I know it isn't exactly their fault that the shopping carts are such attractive possessions.

Golombek maintains that stray shopping carts have become a public nuisance and an eyesore, blocking sidewalks and impacting quality of life. He wants to ban abandoned shopping carts, and target enforcement of the proposed new statute at what Montague refers to as "the Source"-that is, the supermarkets which provide carts to customers. Golombek suggests the city ought to impound the offending carts and fine the supermarkets from which they came. In Tuesday's session, Golombek said that between 50 and 100 carts are discarded per week in his district alone. (Though Golombek would not name the principal culprit, he indicated that Wegmans on Amherst has been a "good corporate neighbor." That, of course, leaves Tops.)
The other night after the gym (e:lilho) and I saw this sign which she kept talking about. Look at the date on the billboard for the event at level. I can't believe they still bother lighting it up considering it is over a year old. Isn't it a high value spot being right at the corner of Franklin and Chippewa.

The weekend started out with an easter basket from my mother that included toxic waste and chocolate chicken legs.

Toxic waste candy - she knows me well (e:paul,30660)

Chocolate chicken legs made me want real fried ones.

That led to a day of grocery shopping with the ho and finally some fried chicken with sausage gravy which really ups the anti for the new fruit fly position (e:paul,38465)

Here she is before getting ready to go out, the after pictures are going to wait until after.

On the topic of stray shopping carts:
I like the idea of a mandatory pickup service you could call - that is a great idea. All the stores could pay a tax to keep it running or they could implement their own cart pickup system. Either way it should create a couple extra jobs. Someone already took the cart away otherwise I would have called Latina's.
The thing about the cart law that I don't like is it is another attack on the poor. Ok well at least people with out a car. If you don't have a car and you have multiple people in your house how are you supposed to carry all of that food home. So what do you do, you put 10 bags in the cart and then take them home. Hopefully you secure the cart and take it back the next time you go and keep reusing the same one. I'm guessing the people who leave them only use them the one way, leaving the store. They are also great for moving stuff or maybe even collecting stuff people are throwing away. The point is that they are a great thing for someone who doesn't have a vechile. What I would like to see is phone number on all carts so that if you see one you just call the number and the store comes and picks it up. Maybe you could have a city or county or state wide system where when you leave your message it is also automaticly sent to a government office that way if tops or Latinas or whomever is picking up there carts then they will know and can step in with fines. It isn't all the stores fault and they shouldn't be fined cause someone is taking there carts. But if they are unwilling to pick them up then that is a different story.
It might not lead to Fraggle Rock, but I wouldn't be surprised if it lead inside John Malkovich's head for a brief period followed by being dumped somewhere in New Jersey. Or Lackawanna.